[Disarmo] Google goes to kill 13 leading socialist, progressive and anti-war web sites
- Subject: [Disarmo] Google goes to kill 13 leading socialist, progressive and anti-war web sites
- From: jure LT <glry at ngi.it>
- Date: Sat, 5 Aug 2017 00:44:56 +0200
Google’s new search protocol is restricting access to 13 leading socialist, progressive and anti-war web sites http://socialequality.us10.list-manage.com/track/click?u=380cabff931cd452085b8d4a5&id=971f8e3ec5&e=e3829dc4af By Andre Damon and David North New data compiled by the World Socialist Web Site, with the assistance of other Internet-based news outlets and search technology experts, proves that a massive loss of readership observed by socialist, anti-war and progressive web sites over the past three months has been caused by a cumulative 45 percent decrease in traffic from Google searches. The drop followed the implementation of changes in Google’s search evaluation protocols. In a statement issued on April 25, Ben Gomes, the company’s vice president for engineering, stated that Google’s update of its search engine would block access to “offensive” sites, while working to surface more “authoritative content.” The World Socialist Web Site has obtained statistical data from SEMrush estimating the decline of traffic generated by Google searches for 13 sites with substantial readerships. The results are as follows:
Of the 13 web sites on the list, the World Socialist Web Site has been the most heavily affected. Its traffic from Google searches has fallen by two thirds. ----------
altra e-mail da http://www.wsws.org (World Socialist Web Site) con
altri dai e video sulla campagna universale di censura GOOGLE. Jure
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