[Disarmo] In BMJOpen-military attacks in 2014 in Gaza and the load of heavy metal contaminants

A cross sectional study of the relationship between the exposure of pregnant women to military attacks in 2014 in Gaza and the load of heavy metal contaminants in the hair of mothers and newborns 

has been published in BMJ Open. Access your article here: http://bmjopen.bmj.com/cgi/content/full/bmjopen-2016-014035?ijkey=9C9Pi68B5kQQi3w&keytype=ref

Documenting the extent and diffusion of exposure to attacks and of war-remnant heavy metals contamination in the population of healthy women at  delivery and passage in their progeny in the aftermath of the 2014 attacks.

This is the widest screening oif the contamination by weapon-remnants in surely not combstant individuals, describing the long term legacy od risk for reproductive and public health.

It also deocuments in a random sample of women the exent of the non combatant population exposed to attacks within close range or on their own housing.

I hope is of interest to you, and we are grateful for comments

Paola Manduca, Prof. Genetics
Genoa, Italy