[Disarmo] Palestina - Mazin Qumsiyeh [HumanRights] “antisemitism”

Oggetto: [HumanRights] “antisemitism”
Data: Thu, 1 Jun 2017 20:21:56 +0300
Mittente: Mazin Qumsiyeh <mazin at qumsiyeh.org>
A: Jure Ellero LT <glry at ngi.it>
CC: Human Rights Newsletter <humanrights at lists.qumsiyeh.org>

All our British colleagues and supporters of Human Rights: There is a
strong campaign targeting Jeremy Corbyn using corporate and special
interest dominated “mainstream media”. Theresa May refused to debate him
because she is a pawn of such interests including putting personal and
Zionist interests ahead of British interests. We from Palestine after 100
years of the British Balfour and French Cambon declarations, 69 years of
ethnic cleansing (since the Nakba of 1948) and 50 years of racist colonial
occupation (since the Naksa 1967) urge all of you (in Europe and elsewhere)
to get involved, speak out and support freedom and an end to this nightmare.

A bit of news: Apparently Trump shouted at President Mahmoud Abbas in their
meeting in Bethlehem. Very revealing. But at least Abbas did not give Trump
gifts like the Saudi king did.

Take Action (US citizens) on Jerusalem:

The EU parliament with strong lobby from Zionists throughout Europe and
lack of a human rights based lobby violated its own charters and adopted a
bizarre definition of “antisemitism” crafted by Zionists. Below are some of
the items that they claim constitute "antisemitism" with my notes below them

 “Calling for, aiding, or justifying the killing or harming of Jews in the
name of a radical ideology or an extremist view of religion.”
Too vague. What is “radical ideology” and what is "harming" (can resisting
occupation be considered harming Jews!). For example what to do as many
colonial settlers live by power of gun on stolen land of a native person.
Inter national law says natives have a right to resist such colonial
thieves. Would the native “ideology” of their right to defend themselves be
considered “anti-Semitism.”

“Making mendacious, dehumanizing, demonizing, or stereotypical allegations
about Jews as such or the power of Jews as collective — such as, especially
but not exclusively, the myth about a world Jewish conspiracy or of Jews
controlling the media, economy, government or other societal institutions.”
Bizarre. What if certain Jews (not “the Jews”) do indeed control some
aspects of economy, media etc? Many Zionists Jews themselves claim such
power. Does that make them “anti-Semitic”? What about in Israel where
obviously Jews control every aspect of life BY ISRAELI LAWS passed by the
Knesset? Does that make Israel and the Knesset “anti-Semitic”?

“Accusing Jews as a people of being responsible for real or imagined
wrongdoing committed by a single Jewish person or group, or even for acts
committed by non-Jews.”

Too vague. And also “Jews as a people” is as false as saying “Muslims as a
People”. Jews are those who believe in tenets of Judaism, nothing more
nothing less. It is not a “people”. Only people are humans.

“Accusing the Jews as a people, or Israel as a state, of inventing or
exaggerating the Holocaust.”
See above on people. Yes, no generalizations should be accepted about “the
Jews” but Israel is a government and it does exaggerate and use the Jewish
holocaust for its own benefit.

“Accusing Jewish citizens of being more loyal to Israel, or to the alleged
priorities of Jews worldwide, than to the interests of their own nations.”
This is the most bizarre part. This is a well documented fact. If this was
not the case ten the US government is “anti-Semitic” for having tried
Jonathan Pollard of espionage and found him guilty (Israeli government gave
him citizenship after he betrayed his country).

“Denying the Jewish people their right to self-determination, e.g., by
claiming that the existence of a State of Israel is a racist endeavor. “
No body is denying anybody right of self-determination. Polish or
Palestinian or US Jews, Christians, and Muslims have a right of
self-determination in their own countries per international law.
Self-determination does not include deciding to go to someone else’s
country, claim it by “divine power” and kick the natives out (as European
Jews did to us making now 7.2 million refugees). The state of Israel and
Zionism are factually racist endeavors.

“Applying double standards by requiring of it a behavior not expected or
demanded of any other democratic nation.”
Israel is not a “democratic nation”. See my chapter:

“Using the symbols and images associated with classic antisemitism (e.g.,
claims of Jews killing Jesus or blood libel) to characterize Israel or
Far too vague and unclear. What would be permissible “characterization”?
Would an un-touched photo of the dropping of a one-ton bomb on a refugee
camp from an F-16 carrying a symbol of a star of David be considered an
“Anti-Semitic” photo. Would stating the fact that an orthodox Jew massacred
29 worshippers including children (125 injured) in the Ibrahimi mosque be

“Drawing comparisons of contemporary Israeli policy to that of the Nazis.”
Was Vladimir Jabotinsky anti-Semitic for doing so? Current Israeli policies
include collective punishment, mass incarceration, creating “concentration
areas” (as the Israeli government called them for Bedouins of the Negev),
torture, administrative detentions (without trials or lawyers), home
demolitions, extrajudicial executions and more. “that of the Nazis” include
many policies shared and many laws copied almost verbatim from Nazi racial
laws (again see: http://qumsiyeh.org/chapter7/).

“Holding Jews collectively responsible for actions of the state of Israel.”
Again vague. Which Jews? Many Jews oppose the whole idea of the existence
of a “Jewish state” and not merely its actions. Many Jews support ethnic
cleansing and genocide (including heads of major Jewish organizations like
the “Conference of Presidents of Major Jewish Organizations”). Calling a
spade a spade or the sky blue should not be called “anti-Semitism”.

Finally will Israeli journalists like Gideon Levy and Amira Hass and
Israeli human rights organizations like B'Tselem be all lumped under
“antisemites”? After all, their words and fact filled reports violate most
of these Zionist definitions. Will the UN, Amnesty International,
Physicians for Human Rights, the International Committee of the Red Cross?
Will 12.5 million Palestinians also be labeled “anti-Semites” like blacks
in South Africa were labeled “anti-white”? What a sick Orwellian world we
have created by apathy and silence. Time to speak out. I urge all Europeans
especially to speak out (shout out). Enough is enough.

Resist, organize and Stay Human

Mazin Qumsiyeh
A bedouin in cyberspace, a villager at home
Professor and (volunteer) Director
Palestine Museum of Natural History
Palestine Institute of Biodiversity and Sustainability
Bethlehem University
Occupied Palestine
Join me on facebook https://www.facebook.com/mazin.qumsiyeh.9
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