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Re: [Disarmo] STOP NATO - Digest Number 5210
- Subject: Re: [Disarmo] STOP NATO - Digest Number 5210
- From: maurizio marchi <maurizio.marchi1948 at gmail.com>
- Date: Thu, 25 Dec 2014 01:10:29 +0100
visto che abbiamo da fare poco (!) ho pensato ad un nuovo piccolo progetto editoriale, un libro dal basso dal titolo "Da Gramsci a Renzi, com'è maturata la catastrofe ?" sottotitolo "100 voci per ricostruire dal basso una cultura e una pratica di sinistra". Si tratterebbe di raccogliere pezzi della più svariata provenienza da compagni che si riconoscono nel titolo-sottotitolo,di 3/4 cartelle ognuno (più un rigo di presentazione personale, non anonimo), che noi (io) assembleremo e pubblicheremo con il sito ilmiolibro.it , e disponibile all'acquisto per pochi euro ("a prezzo rigidamente di costo per volontà degli autori" ) su internet. Sarebbe bello poter scrivere "CON LA PREFAZIONE DI GIULIETTO CHIESA". Che ne dite ? fatemi sapere, e ovviamente girate a chi credete. E SOPRATTUTTO COMINCIATE A SCRIVERE. BUONE FESTE E BUON ANNO DI LOTTA. Qualcuno può far avere la presente anche a Fulvio Grimaldi ? Grazie.
visto che abbiamo da fare poco (!) ho pensato ad un nuovo piccolo progetto editoriale, un libro dal basso dal titolo "Da Gramsci a Renzi, com'è maturata la catastrofe ?" sottotitolo "100 voci per ricostruire dal basso una cultura e una pratica di sinistra". Si tratterebbe di raccogliere pezzi della più svariata provenienza da compagni che si riconoscono nel titolo-sottotitolo,di 3/4 cartelle ognuno (più un rigo di presentazione personale, non anonimo), che noi (io) assembleremo e pubblicheremo con il sito ilmiolibro.it , e disponibile all'acquisto per pochi euro ("a prezzo rigidamente di costo per volontà degli autori" ) su internet. Sarebbe bello poter scrivere "CON LA PREFAZIONE DI GIULIETTO CHIESA". Che ne dite ? fatemi sapere, e ovviamente girate a chi credete. E SOPRATTUTTO COMINCIATE A SCRIVERE. BUONE FESTE E BUON ANNO DI LOTTA. Qualcuno può far avere la presente anche a Fulvio Grimaldi ? Grazie.
2014-12-20 19:44 GMT+01:00 Jure Ellero LT <glry at ngi.it>:
--- Espansione Nato in Africa: Mauritania
FONTE: North Atlantic Treaty Organization
December 19, 2014
--- M*A*S*H : Robert Altman dalla Korea all'Ukraina
FONTE: U.S. European Command
December 19, 2014
--- Chi invade l'Ukraina: Altri gerarchi NATO in ispezione truppa
FONTE: North Atlantic Treaty Organization
Allied Command Transformation
December 18, 2014
Jure Ellero
Oggetto: [stopnato] Digest Number 5210
Data: 20 Dec 2014 09:31:24 -0000
Mittente: stopnato at yahoogroups.com
Topics in this digest:
1. NATO Military Partner In Africa: Mauritania
From: Rick Rozoff
2. Combat Casualties: U.S. Trains Ukrainian Military For "Russian Aggre
From: Rick Rozoff
3. NATO Continues To Assist Ukrainian Junta In Eight-Month War
From: Rick Rozoff
1. NATO Military Partner In Africa: Mauritania
Posted by: "Rick Rozoff" rwrozoff at yahoo.com rwrozoff
Date: Fri Dec 19, 2014 5:56 am ((PST))
North Atlantic Treaty Organization
December 19, 2014
NATO Assistant Secretary General Stamatopoulos meets with the Prime Minister of Mauritania
The NATO Assistant Secretary General for Political Affairs and Security Policy Ambassador Thrasyvoulos Terry Stamatopoulos met with the Prime Minister of Mauritania Yahya Ould Hademine in Nouakchott and discussed the partnership between NATO and Mauritania (15 December 2014). In Nouakchott Ambassador Stamatopoulos delivered a keynote speech at the NATO-Mauritania Conference to celebrate the 20th Anniversary of the Mediterranean Dialogue on 15 December 2014. Participants at the conference included Mauritanian parliamentarians, high level government officials, academics and media representatives.
During his visit to Mauritania Ambassador Stamatopoulos also held bilateral talks with the Minister of Defence of Mauritania Diallo Mamadou Bathia and the Acting Minister of Foreign Affairs and Minister of Economic Affairs Sidi Ould Tah. He also met with the Acting Chief of Defense General Hanana Ould Sidi Hanana.
2. Combat Casualties: U.S. Trains Ukrainian Military For "Russian Aggre
Posted by: "Rick Rozoff" rwrozoff at yahoo.com rwrozoff
Date: Fri Dec 19, 2014 12:23 pm ((PST))
U.S. European Command
December 19, 2014
Basic battlefield medical classes for Ukrainian MoD personnel concludes; more than 300 coached
By U.S. Embassy Kyiv
KYIV, Ukraine: A Special Operations Command Europe (SOCEUR) medical team that coached and mentored Ukrainian Ministry of Defense (MoD) personnel on basic battlefield medical procedures concluded a month-long deployment to Ukraine this week.
Arriving Nov.16, these medical professionals focused on tactical medicine, primarily point of injury care, teaching more than 300 Ukrainian soldiers from the 3rd and 8th Special Forces Regiments, in both Khmelnytskyi and Kirovohrad.
SOCEUR Commander Maj. Gen. Gregory J. Lengyel visited the Kirovohrad coaching site Dec. 4, along with members of the Ukrainian MoD and U.S. Embassy representatives. His visit included remarks to a group of graduating soldiers.
"You, soldiers of the 3rd SF Regiment, are now part of the overall effort to have all MoD personnel coached and mentored in combat lifesaver skills (CLS). These past three weeks, my medical team has taught 270 soldiers. Other non-governmental organizations have trained many more,” Lengyel said. “CLS is the basis of battlefield medical procedures. Where there is no doctor, where there is no surgeon, where there is no hospital, you have only each other to rely on in those first few decisive minutes.”
The coaching and mentoring team deployed at the request of the Ukrainian Government for assistance. It is part of a more comprehensive assistance package being developed after the review of feedback from joint military assessments conducted over the last several months. These identified a need for enhancing the individual medical capabilities of Ukrainian soldiers.
Additional deployments to continue this teaching program are planned, based on the success of the first iteration and at the Ukrainian MoD’s request. United States Ambassador to Ukraine Geoffrey Pyatt noted that “As Ukraine continues to defend itself against Russian aggression, the United States will continue to send advisory teams to help improve Ukrainian combat medical care and save the lives of Ukrainian soldiers, in addition to the over $118 million in security assistance we have committed.”
3. NATO Continues To Assist Ukrainian Junta In Eight-Month War
Posted by: "Rick Rozoff" rwrozoff at yahoo.com rwrozoff
Date: Fri Dec 19, 2014 12:33 pm ((PST))
North Atlantic Treaty Organization
Allied Command Transformation
December 18, 2014
Allied Command Transformation Assistance to Ukraine
A de-mining training planning team from Allied Command Transformation (ACT) recently came back from Ukraine.
The team was assembled in response to a request from the Ukraine government, and conducted an assessment of current Ukrainian operational capabilities and equipment for de-mining (known to NATO as C-IED and EOD). To conduct the week-long assessment the team travelled more than 1.000 kilometres to visit 5 sites where they observed on-going training and exercises.
The team was led by Commander AJ Gagnon from ACT's Joint Force Trainer (JFT) Division, and he was accompanied by a team of Subject Matters Experts from the Capability Development Joint Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance Counter Improvised Explosive Device Integrated Project Team (JISR C-IED IPT) and the C-IED Centre of Excellence (COE). They met with the Ukrainian Armed Forces, Representatives of Emergency Services and Ministry of Internal Affairs.
The team was only sent after having gotten the necessary support from the North Atlantic Council, NATO's highest decision-making body. The NATO headquarters in Brussels will be briefed about the results of the trip in January.
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- [Disarmo] STOP NATO - Digest Number 5210
- From: Jure Ellero LT <glry at ngi.it>
- [Disarmo] STOP NATO - Digest Number 5210
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