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[Disarmo] News from Afrika - Boko Haram ed altro
- Subject: [Disarmo] News from Afrika - Boko Haram ed altro
- From: Jure Ellero LT <glry at ngi.it>
- Date: Sat, 14 Jun 2014 22:37:10 +0200
Pambazuka News 681: Boko Haram, bananalisation of racism & elusive unity J- E- Data: Thu, 5 Jun 2014 18:35:46 +0300 Mittente: Pambazuka Editor <editor at pambazuka.org> PAMBAZUKA NEWS 681: BOKO HARAM, BANANALISATION OF RACISM & ELUSIVE UNITY The authoritative electronic weekly newsletter and platform for social justice in Africa Pambazuka News is delivered free to you with the support of donations from Friends of Pambazuka. KEEP PAMBAZUKA FREE AND INDEPENDENT! BECOME A FRIEND OF PAMBAZUKA NOW! http://www.pambazuka.org/en/friends.php Follow Pambazuka #PambazukaNews Pambazuka News (English edition): ISSN 1753-6839 CONTENTS: 1. Features, 2. Announcements, 3. Comment & analysis, 4. Advocacy & campaigns /\/\//\/\/\//\/\/\//\/\/\//\/\/\//\/\/\//\/\/\//\/\/\//\/\/\//\ 1 Features BOKO HARAM A BLESSING FOR IMPERIALISM IN AFRICA: US TRAINING DEATH SQUADS Glen Ford The danger of America's military assistance to Africa - whether it is in fighting Boko Haram or Al-Shabaab - lies in the fact that the US has a lethal history of training death squads around the world. These death squads are now coming to Africa via the blessing of Boko Haram http://www.pambazuka.org/en/category/features/92005 ****** THE MENACE OF BOKO HARAM AND FUNDAMENTALISM IN NIGERIA Horace G. Campbell The hardline military approach to Boko Haram by the Nigerian government is inadequate. Boko Haram's challenge has economic, political and social dimensions that government ignores to the detriment of Nigerians. All progressive forces will now have to wade in to oppose both Boko Haram and the states that provide the enabling conditions for the growth of terror elements http://www.pambazuka.org/en/category/features/91999 ****** BOKO HARAM: THE NECESSARY STATE OF EMERGENCY FOR TRANSFORMING THE INTRACTABLE CONFLICT IN NIGERIA Toyin Ajao As Boko Haram adopts new strategies for shaking up Nigeria, the government must understand that they cannot respond effectively with force. The government must provide effective social services, thereby instilling trust in the state and discouraging discontent and radical action. ****** THE BANANALISATION OF RACISM Ana Maria Goncalves The 'banana campaign' against racism is cheap as it fails to address the fact that racism is a serious crime that should be punished. Such depoliticised reactions from athletes, artists, opinion-shapers and policy-makers help to cover up the real meaning of racism (http://pointblanknews.com/pbn/exclusive/president-jonathan-queries-cbn-governor-over-apex-banks-audited-report-n1b-donation-to-political-party/
) http://www.pambazuka.org/en/category/features/92004 ****** THE AFRICAN UNION AND THE ELUSIVE PROMISE OF UNITY All across the continent and the Diaspora imperialism tightens its grip on the people Abayomi Azikiwe ( http://www.au.int/en/ ) 51 years after the founding of the OAU, now AU, Africa has largely failed to build effective unity, with countries ravaged by internal conflict and the AU failing to have any impact in global power. Internal failures are exploited by imperialist powers to continue their meddling in African affairs. A political alternative based upon revolutionary Pan-Africanism, anti-imperialism and socialism provides the only hope for Africa http://www.pambazuka.org/en/category/features/92000 ****** FGM: KENYAN WOMAN USES FILM TO FIGHT SCOURGE Valentina Acava Mmaka Circumcision of women and girls continues around the world even in countries where it has been expressly banned by law. More and diverse efforts are need to win this struggle, as this Kenyan film-maker explains ( http://www.pambazuka.org ) http://www.pambazuka.org/en/category/features/92002 ****** THE INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL COURT'S RELATIONSHIP WITH AFRICA: AN UNFAIR BIAS? Arlette Afagbegee All current cases before the ICC are from Africa and case referrals are restricted by international politics. However, this should not be an excuse for African leaders to circumvent justice. As no African Court with efficient jurisdiction and capacity exists, the ICC remains vital to African victims and ending impunity. http://www.pambazuka.org/en/category/features/91998 ****** THE MANDELA LEGACY: FAREWELL TO BLACK NATIONALISM Shaun Whittaker The neoliberal policy stance of the African National Congress and the socioeconomic consequences of these policies mark the death of the conservative Black Nationalist movement. The working class and the revolutionary Left must now move away from 'black consciousness' to 'mass consciousness' to challenge social injustice. http://www.pambazuka.org/en/category/features/92003 ****** /\/\//\/\/\//\/\/\//\/\/\//\/\/\//\/\/\//\/\/\//\/\/\//\/\/\//\ 2 Announcements PAMBAZUKA SPECIAL: WHEN WILL PEACE BE CREATED FOR THE PEOPLE OF THE DRC? The special issue on the DRC seeks to expose not only the realities of war that continue to have a traumatic and tragic impact on the lives of those directly affected, but also to address the complex realities and issues that the Congolese have faced in the past since the assassination of its valiant leader, Patrice Lumumba http://www.pambazuka.org/en/category/announce/92009 ****** PAMBAZUKA NEWS: CALL FOR VOLUNTEER TRANSLATORS Pambazuka News needs volunteers to translate articles. Published weekly in English and French, and every 15 days in Portuguese, our electronic newsletter sometimes translates articles from one language to another. Through this, we aim to break down language barriers, give more audience to relevant analysis for our contributors and encourage exchanges between linguistic communities in Africa and around the world. In this Pambazuka is unique. To deal with our increasing translation needs, we are looking for volunteers to strengthen our team of volunteer translators who assist us in this task and contribute to what Pambazuka is. We engage to sign all translated articles with the name of their authors. If you are a student or professional translator, we are counting on you. Write to the editors at the following address: editor at pambazuka.org <mailto:editor at pambazuka.org> ****** SPECIAL ISSUE ON GMOS, FOOD SOVEREIGNTY AND AFRICA: CALL FOR ARTICLES Pambazuka News invites articles on the vexed question of GMOs and food sovereignty in Africa to help readers make sense of the debate in order to effectively play their roles as citizens http://www.pambazuka.org/en/category/announce/91748 ****** /\/\//\/\/\//\/\/\//\/\/\//\/\/\//\/\/\//\/\/\//\/\/\//\/\/\//\ 3 Comment & analysis MALAWI'S CHAOTIC ELECTION Dewa Mavhinga Previously touted as transparent, Malawi's recent election proved chaotic amid polling day havoc and vote counting anomalies. Incumbent Joyce Banda cried foul over preliminary results, but an electoral commission recount upheld opposition leader Peter Mutharika's win. Malawi's leaders, the AU and SADC must now continue to promote stability to protect democracy and the will of the Malawian people. http://www.pambazuka.org/en/category/comment/92006 ****** /\/\//\/\/\//\/\/\//\/\/\//\/\/\//\/\/\//\/\/\//\/\/\//\/\/\//\ 4 Advocacy & campaigns CIVIL RIGHTS LEADER WRITES TO WORLD BANK CALLING FOR ACTION AGAINST RACISM The Chair of The National Congress of Black Women wants the World Bank to expeditiously establish an independent high-level commission to review the current situation of racism against blacks at the institution and provide recommendations for fundamental reforms. http://www.pambazuka.org/en/category/advocacy/92008 ****** REV JACKSON'S LETTER TO THE WORLD BANK BOARD OF GOVERNORS Rev. Jesse Jackson urges the Bank to address the issue of rampant racism against Black people. http://www.pambazuka.org/en/category/advocacy/92007 ****** THE POLITICAL PERILS OF CRIMINALISING ACADEMIC FREEDOM IN MOZAMBIQUE Bridget O'Laughlin A well-respected Mozambican academic is facing trial for a comment he made on Facebook critical of President Guebuza. This is flagrant violation of the professor's freedom of opinion and of expression. Such repression may close down public debate and lead to self-censorship. http://www.pambazuka.org/en/category/advocacy/91997 ****** /\/\//\/\/\//\/\/\//\/\/\//\/\/\//\/\/\//\/\/\//\/\/\//\/\/\//\ Fahamu - Networks For Social Justice http://www.fahamu.org Pambazuka News is published by Fahamu Ltd. (c) Unless otherwise indicated, all materials published are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Unported License. For further details see: http://www.pambazuka.org/en/about.php Pambazuka news can be viewed online: English language edition ( http://www.pambazuka.org/en ) Edicao em lingua Portuguesa ( http://www.pambazuka.org/pt ) Edition francaise ( http://www.pambazuka.org/fr ) RSS Feeds available at http://www.pambazuka.org/en/newsfeed.php Pambazuka News is published with the support of a number of funders, details of which can be obtained here ( http://www.pambazuka.org/en/about.php ) . To SUBSCRIBE or UNSUBSCRIBE go to: http://pambazuka.gn.apc.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/pambazuka-news or send a message to editor at pambazuka.org <mailto:editor at pambazuka.org> with the word SUBSCRIBE or UNSUBSCRIBE in the subject line as appropriate. The views expressed here are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent those of Pambazuka News or Fahamu. 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