[Disarmo] Sull'Ucraina e la guerra mondiale alle porte Fwd: [aa-info]

-------- Messaggio originale --------
Oggetto: 	[aa-info] Sull'Ucraina e la guerra mondiale alle porte
Data: 	Sat, 24 May 2014 22:11:07 +0100
Mittente: 	'Coord. Naz. per la Jugoslavia' jugocoord at tiscali.it
[aa-info] <aa-info at yahoogroups.com>
Rispondi-a: 	Coord. Naz. per la Jugoslavia <jugocoord at tiscali.it>

(english / italiano)

*Sull'Ucraina e la guerra mondiale alle porte*
*1) John Pilger: Rompere il silenzio sulla guerra mondiale alle porte*
*2) Remarks by Vice President Joe Biden to Joint United States and
Romanian Participants in Carpathian Spring Military Exercise (May 20, 2014)*
*3) Rick Rozoff: Biden in Romania Talks Reveals Extramundane Nature of
US Push for War*
*4) Vladimir Putin: West’s Refusal of Dialogue May Lead to Ukraine’s
Membership in NATO / Moscow to Respond if US Speeds Up European Missile


Read also:

West promotes election held at gunpoint in Ukraine
By Bill Van Auken / WSWS - 22 May 2014

Ukrainian regime detains journalists working for Russian media
By Alex Lantier / WSWS - 22 May 2014

En Ukraine, le fils de Joe Biden joint l’utile à l’agréable (Réseau
Voltaire, 16 mai 2014)

Welcome to Nulandistan: A Multimedia Look at What the US and EU
Have Unleashed on Ukraine
By Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya - Global Research, May 12, 2014

=== 1 ===

www.resistenze.org <http://www.resistenze.org/> - osservatorio - lotta
per la pace - 20-05-14 - n. 499

*Rompere il silenzio sulla guerra mondiale alle porte*

John Pilger | johnpilger.com
Traduzione per Resistenze.org <http://www.resistenze.org/> a cura del
Centro di Cultura e Documentazione Popolare


Perché tolleriamo la minaccia di un'altra guerra mondiale nel nostro
nome? Perché acconsentiamo le menzogne che giustificano questo rischio?
La dimensione del nostro indottrinamento, ha scritto Harold Pinter, è un
"brillante, persino arguto, atto di ipnosi di grande successo", come se
la verità "non accadesse nemmeno mentre accade".

Ogni anno lo storico statunitense William Blum pubblica il suo "sommario
aggiornato dei dati di politica estera USA", che mostra come dal 1945
gli Stati Uniti abbiano tentato di rovesciare oltre 50 governi, molti
dei quali democraticamente eletti, abbiano grossolanamente interferito
nelle elezioni di 30 paesi, bombardato le popolazioni civili di 30
nazioni, fatto uso di armi chimiche e batteriologiche e attentato alla
vita di leader stranieri.

In molti casi il Regno Unito ne è stato complice. Il grado di sofferenza
umana provocato, per non parlare dei crimini, è poco noto in occidente,
malgrado la presenza del più sofisticato sistema di comunicazioni del
mondo e del giornalismo nominalmente più libero. Che il maggior numero
di vittime del terrorismo - del "nostro" terrorismo - sia di musulmani è
taciuto, come è taciuto che lo jihadismo estremo, quello dell'11
settembre, sia stato nutrito come arma dalla politica anglo-statunitense
(operazione ciclone in Afghanistan). Nel mese di aprile, il Dipartimento
di Stato USA ha reso noto che, in seguito alla campagna della NATO del
2011, "la Libia è diventata un rifugio sicuro dei terroristi".

Nel corso degli anni è mutato il nome del "nostro" nemico, dal comunismo
all'islamismo, ma generalmente si tratta di società indipendenti
dall'egemonia occidentale o che occupano territori nevralgici dal punto
di vista strategico o ricchi di risorse naturali. I leader di queste
nazioni recalcitranti deposti di norma con la violenza, come i
democratici Muhammad Mossedeq in Iran e Salvador Allende in Cile, o
uccisi come Patrice Lumumba in Congo. Tutti sono oggetto di campagne
caricaturali e vilipesi dai media occidentali, come Fidel Castro, Hugo
Chavez e ora Vladimir Putin.

Il ruolo di Washington in Ucraina è diverso solo per le implicazioni nei
nostri riguardi. Per la prima volta dagli anni di Reagan, gli USA
minacciano di trascinare il mondo in una guerra. Con l'est Europa e i
Balcani oramai avamposti NATO, l'ultimo stato cuscinetto al confine con
la Russia viene dilaniato. Noi occidentiali stiamo sostenendo i
neonazisti in una nazione dove i nazisti ucraini sostennero Hitler. Dopo
aver ideato il colpo di stato nel mese di febbraio contro il governo
democraticamente eletto a Kiev, è fallito il piano di Washington di
sequestrare alla Russia la sua storica e legittima base navale in
Crimea. I russi si sono difesi, come hanno fatto per oltre un secolo
contro ogni minaccia e invasione occidentale.

Ma l'accerchiamento militare della NATO ha subito un'accelerazione,
insieme con gli attacchi orchestrati dagli Stati Uniti ai danni degli
ucraini di etnia russa e se Putin viene provocato a intervenire in loro
aiuto, il suo ruolo di paria predestinato giustificherebbe una
guerriglia della NATO che potrebbe rovesciarsi nella Russia stessa.

Invece Putin ha frustrato il partito della guerra cercando un'intesa con
Washington e l'UE, ritirando le truppe russe dal confine e scoraggiando
i russofoni nell'Ucraina orientale a partecipare ai provocatori
referendum. Questa popolazione russofona e bilingue, un terzo del
totale, aspira da tempo a una federazione democratica che rifletta le
differenze etniche del paese, nel contempo autonoma e indipendente da
Mosca. La maggioranza di queste persone non sono né "separatiste" e né
"ribelli", ma cittadini che vogliono vivere sicuri nella loro patria.

Come le rovine dell'Iraq e dell'Afghanistan, l'Ucraina è diventata un
parco divertimenti della CIA, governata da un funzionario della CIA,
John Brennan, a Kiev, assieme a "unità speciali" che monitorano attacchi
selvaggi contro coloro che si oppongono al colpo di stato di febbraio.
Guardate i video, leggete le denunce dei testimoni oculari del massacro
di Odessa di questo mese. Bande di criminali fascisti hanno dato fuoco
alla sede dei sindacati, uccidendo 41 persone intrappolate al suo
interno. Guardate la polizia impassibile. Ascoltate la testimonianza di
un dottore che ha tentato di salvare alcune persone "ma sono stato
fermato dai sostenitori dei nazisti ucraini. Uno di loro mi ha cacciato
brutalmente, promettendomi che presto io e gli altri ebrei di Odessa
avremmo avuto la medesima sorte... mi chiedo perché il mondo intero se
ne stia in silenzio".

Gli ucraini russofoni stanno lottando per la sopravvivenza. Quando Putin
ha annunciato il ritiro delle truppe russe dal confine, il segretario
della difesa della giunta di Kiev, un membro fondatore del partito
fascista Svoboda, si è vantato che gli attacchi contro "i ribelli"
sarebbero continuati. In stile orwelliano, la propaganda occidente ha
ribaltato i fatti, asserendo che "Mosca cerca di fomentare il conflitto
e la provocazione", secondo William Hague. Il suo cinismo fa il paio con
i grotteschi complimenti di Obama alla giunta golpista per la sua
"notevole moderazione" dopo il massacro di Odessa. Illegittima e
fascista, la giunta è descritta da Obama come "eletta". Ciò che conta
non è la verità, ha detto una volta Henry Kissinger, ma ciò che è
percepito come vero.

Nei media statunitensi le atrocità di Odessa sono state presentate come
"oscure" e "tragiche", con i "nazionalisti" (neonazisti) che hanno
attaccato i "separatisti" (persone che raccoglievano firme per un
referendum a sostegno della Federazione Ucraina). Il /Wall Street
Journal /di Rupert Murdoch ha dannato le vittime: "Il rogo è stato
probabilmente appiccato dai ribelli ucraini, dice il governo". La
propaganda in Germania è stata pura guerra fredda, con il /Frankfurter
Allgemeine/ /Zeitung/ che avvertiva i suoi lettori della "guerra non
dichiarata" della Russia. Per i tedeschi è una spiacevole ironia che
Putin sia l'unico leader a condannare il riemergere del fascismo
nell'Europa del 21° secolo.

Una popolare banalità è che "il mondo è cambiato dopo l'11 settembre".
Ma cosa è cambiato? Secondo il grande informatore Daniel Ellsberg, un
colpo di stato silenzioso è avvenuto a Washington e ora governa il
militarismo rampante. Il Pentagono ultimamente svolge "operazioni
speciali", guerre segrete, in 124 paesi. In patria, l'aumento della
povertà e la riduzione delle libertà sono il tradizionale corollario di
uno stato di guerra permanente. Aggiungiamo il rischio di una guerra
nucleare e la domanda da porsi é: perché tolleriamo tutto questo?

=== 2 ===

Source: Stop NATO e-mail list
Home page with archives and search engine:
Website and articles: http://rickrozoff.wordpress.com



The White House
Office of the Vice President

For Immediate Release May 20, 2014

*Remarks by Vice President Joe Biden to Joint United States and Romanian
Participants in Carpathian Spring Military Exercise*

Otopeni Military Airbase
Bucharest, Romania

THE VICE PRESIDENT:  Let me begin by saying, Mr. Minister, thank you,
and it’s very hot in here.  I was supposed to -- I was told it was going
to be cooler here, but thank you for the great weather.

Ladies and gentlemen, it’s an honor to have a chance to see our
militaries work together in this Carpathian Spring Joint Military
Exercise.  The last time I saw you working together was in Afghanistan.
  And it is -- it’s a great benefit to both of us that we are side by
side.  It’s my pleasure to take a moment to recognize all that you do to
keep the people safe and strong in our alliance.

...I even advocated for Romania’s early entry into NATO when I was a
United States senator.


And I especially want to pay tribute to the 26 Romanians who gave their
lives in Iraq and Afghanistan, and the 143 who were wounded...

In Romania, American forces have found a devoted NATO ally.  I never
doubted that for a moment as the effort to admit Romania into NATO was
underway, serious and steadfast partner that you’ve been from day one.
  About a thousand Romanians remain in Afghanistan -- four serving
without caveats, fully in the fight, alongside our women and men.  And
I’m pleased that you will continue to support the post-2014 mission in

Romania today is hosting U.S. Marines at the M-K Airbase, which also
supports logistical operations for Afghanistan.  You’re building a
fleet of F-16s.  Romania is working to bring its defense budget up to 2
percent of GDP, as all NATO allies should and must.

To the Americans here today, let me say that I believe you are the
greatest generation of warriors the world has ever produced.  And that
is not hyperbole.  You represent a generation of Americans equal to any
that has ever gone before you.  I’ve seen you in Bosnia and
Kosovo, Baghdad and Basra, Fallujah and Ramadi, Kabul and Kandahar.
  I’ve even seen you in those FOBs up in the Kunar Valley.  You’re
an incredible group of warriors.

You and your family are part of an unbroken chain of patriots who’ve
stood guard since World War II over freedom’s frontier, right here
in Europe.  I could not be more proud of all of you.

We too care deeply about the alliance, Mr. Minister.  America’s
commitment to collective defense under Article 5 of NATO is a
sacred obligation in our view -- a sacred obligation not just for now,
but for all time.  So I’m here to say on behalf of the President what I
hope you already know:  You can count on us.  Period.  We do what we
say, and we mean what we say.

Today aggression in Crimea, less than 250 miles from Romanian territory,
from NATO’s borders reminds us why we need NATO and why Romania belongs
to NATO...

So long as Russia’s efforts to destabilize Ukraine continues we must
remain resolute in imposing greater costs on Russia, imposing
those costs together.  But our strategy is about more than just imposing
cost.  It’s fundamentally about investing in a revitalized NATO that
emerges from this crisis and works toward a successful summit in Wales,
stronger and more united. America and our NATO allies have
urgently stepped up our military presence in the air, land and on the
sea of NATO’s eastern flank.  In just the past weeks we’ve had ships
visit.  The USS Truxton, Cook, Taylor, as well as the Dacian Viper F-16
exercise.  And in the coming days, new ships -- the Vella Gulf will
enter the Black Sea to conduct port visits and maritime training.  Period.

Since mid March the U.S. has been flying refueling missions over Poland
and Romania in support of NATO’s AWACs.  And we are on track to open up
a missile defense site at Deveselu, next year.  We support the Supreme
Allied Commander of Europe’s intention to finalize contingency plans for
the Black Sea allies by the Wales summit.  And we have -- we have
assigned extra strategic planners to help NATO meet that goal.  As
President Obama said, “NATO nations never stand alone.”  NATO nations
never stand alone.

I want to thank our Romanian colleagues for standing with us, alongside
us, emboldening us, making us stronger.  And I thank each and every one
of the American troops for their continued patriotic service.  Each and
every one of you is doing your countries a great service.

May God bless Romania, may God bless America, and may God protect our
troops.  Thank you for your service.  (Applause.)

=== 3 ===


RIA Novosti - May 22, 2014

*OPINION: Biden in Romania Talks Reveals Extramundane Nature of US Push
for War*
Rick Rozoff*

MOSCOW: US Vice President Joseph Biden appeared at a military base in
the capital of Romania on May 20 and, against the backdrop of this
year's annual Carpathian Spring joint military exercises, announced that
Washington's willingness to go to war over the mutual military support
clause of the 1949 North Atlantic Treaty, the founding document of the
North Atlantic Treaty Organization, is not only clear and unwavering,
but indeed of a mock-religious - extramundane and sempiternal - nature.

In his precise words: "America's commitment to collective defense under
Article 5 of NATO is a sacred obligation in our view - a
sacred obligation not just for now, but for all time." In aeternum, in
saecula saeculorum and in line with eschatological imperatives.

Biden, the once, (near) future and perennial candidate to succeed the
current commander-in-chief of the world's sole military superpower (the
exact words of his current superior, President Barack Obama in his Nobel
Peace Prize acceptance speech of five years ago), an abrasive and
pugnacious Walter Mitty of a malign bent who has often experienced
difficulties distinguishing between fact and fiction, campaign claims
and occurrences in the real world, and his own modest abilities and
megalomaniacal inflation thereof, began his speech in Romania upbraiding
his hosts for not providing him the clement weather a personage of his
elevated stature deserves and had, moreover, been promised, querulously
and inconsistently grousing, "it's very hot in here. I was supposed to -
I was told it was going to be cooler here, but thank you for the great

A Roman emperor, Trajan for example, the conqueror of Dacia (modern-day
Romania), would have severely chastised and as severely punished the
leaders of a subjugated province for not having secured nicer weather
for a visiting imperial dignitary of Biden's rank.

Though his modern avatar did commend the military prowess of Romanian
troops serving under NATO command in Afghanistan, martial values serving
in lieu of miracle-working ones, evidently. The American satrapy, a NATO
member for a decade, maintains one of the largest troop contingents
remaining in Afghanistan, 1,000 soldiers, and Bucharest will continue to
provide NATO with cannon fodder in South Asia even after the formal
completion of troop withdrawal at the end of this year.

The vice president acknowledged that Romania, with whom then-Secretary
of State Condoleezza Rice signed an agreement in 2005 for
the acquisition of bases and the stationing of military personnel and
equipment, is housing a permanent force of US Marines at the
Mihail Kogalniceanu Air Base near Constanta on the Black Sea. That base
is also home to US Army Europe's Task Force East and the US
Marine Corps' Black Sea Rotational Force, the latter a Special Purpose
Marine Air Ground Task Force (SPMAGTF) used as the model for US
Africa Command's SPMAGTF.

Biden also obliquely pressured Romania in regard to demands of the US
(and at least implicitly NATO, because of interoperability exigencies)
for the country, like neighboring Bulgaria, to replicate the purchase of
American F-16 Fighting Falcons by Poland at the beginning of the century
- 48 in all, the largest military outlay in Polish history - by
reminding the Romanian officials present that "You're building a fleet
of F-16s." Bucharest like Sofia was being pressured to purchase 24-36
apiece of the General Dynamics-manufactured warplanes before the
US-generated economic downturn of six years ago led to a scaling back of
that number.

With characteristic bravado and brusqueness, he also stated:

"America and our NATO allies have urgently stepped up our military
presence in the air, land and on the sea of NATO's eastern flank. In
just the past weeks we've had ships visit. The USS Truxton, Cook,
Taylor, as well as the Dacian Viper F-16 exercise. And in the coming
days, new ships - the Vella Gulf will enter the Black Sea to conduct
port visits and maritime training. Period."

The four US warships mentioned are guided missile vessels and part of
the US Navy's Aegis Combat System, which is being integrated into the
US-NATO European Phased Adaptive Approach interceptor missile system to
cover all of Europe west of Russia, the Mediterranean Sea Basin and the
South Caucasus.

USS Truxton and USS Donald Cook are Arleigh Burke class destroyers, USS
Taylor is a Oliver Hazard Perry class frigate and USS Vella Gulf a
Ticonderoga class cruiser.

With an anachronistic martial ethos more suitable to a - much - earlier
epoch, say, the late Roman Empire, the deputy commander-in-chief of the
world's sole military superpower flattered US military personnel at the
event as "the greatest generation of warriors the world has
ever produced." He immediately added, "And that is not hyperbole,"
though of course it is.

Last month's Dacian Spring joint US-Romanian week-long exercise he
alluded to consisted of drills with US F-16s and host country
MiG-21 Lancers.

At the end of his ex officio declamations, Biden shifted from
sub-imperator to pontifex maximus in tone, dispensing benedictions
broadcast: "May God bless Romania, may God bless America, and may God
protect our troops." It is uncertain which deity, of the underworld or
other sphere, has conferred on him the office of bestowing blessings, as
it were on the eve of a campaign, a war.

Adjectives like grandiose, magniloquent, millenerial and bombastic come
to mind in reference to the pronouncements of Mr. Biden. But they, even,
are too generous and elevated in tone.

Having recently had occasion to re-read Imperial Purple (1892), a series
of belletristic sketches of the first twenty-five Roman emperors
by American-born writer Edgar Saltus, I am more reminded of one or more
of the later of those the author, a friend and colleague of such
fellow writers as Oscar Wilde and Arthur Symonds during his London
years, limned with a combination of urbane bemusement and
visceral repugnance. Commodus, say, or Heliogabalus.

=== 4 ===

SOURCE: Stop NATO e-mail list
Home page with archives and search engine:
Website and articles: http://rickrozoff.wordpress.com



RIA Novosti - May 23, 2014

*West’s Refusal of Dialogue May Lead to Ukraine’s Membership in NATO –

ST. PETERSBURG: Russia fears that the West’s refusal to engage in
dialogue on Ukraine may lead to Kiev joining NATO and the US deploying
missile defense systems in the country, Russian President Vladimir Putin
said Friday.

"The coup [in Ukraine] has occurred, and they do not want to talk to us.
What should we think of? The next step will be Ukraine's membership in
the NATO. They never ask us about that, and they do not engage in dialog
with us, as we could see for the last two decades. 'No dialog,' they
say, 'it is none of your business, and it does not concern you'," Putin

"Ukraine may become a member of the NATO tomorrow, and the next day
Defense Missile elements of the United States may be deployed there,"
the Russian president said during remarks at the annual St. Petersburg
International Economic Forum, which is hosting official delegations from
62 countries and CEOs of 146 major world companies.

The European Union, US and NATO representatives refused to attend the event.

Russian NATO envoy Alexander Grushko said Monday that Moscow had
insisted on an immediate meeting of the NATO-Russia Council due to a
sharp deterioration of the situation in crisis-hit Ukraine. The alliance
suggested holding a meeting of ambassadors on May 27 but Moscow asked to
postpone the summit.

On April 1, NATO ended all practical cooperation with Russia over
Ukraine, only maintaining contacts at the ambassadors' level and
higher. The foreign ministers of NATO members are to review relations
with Moscow at their next meeting in June.

Putin earlier accused Western countries of supporting the
unconstitutional coup in Ukraine at a time when Moscow was calling for
searching for a way out of the crisis in the country through dialog.

The statement came at a time of strained Russia-EU relations, after the
EU, together with the US, imposed sanctions on Russian officials
for allegedly escalating the Ukrainian crisis.

Ukraine went through a regime change resembling a military coup on
February 22, after months of clashes between the
Russian-oriented authorities and supporters of Ukraine’s affiliation
with Europe. The country’s parliament ousted President Viktor
Yanukovych, changed the constitution and scheduled early presidential
elections for May 25.

Since March, when the former Ukrainian Crimean peninsula rejoined
Russia, anti-government protests have been spreading across the mainly
Russian-speaking southeastern regions of the Ukraine. The Donetsk and
Luhansk regions proclaimed autonomy earlier this month.

Ukraine’s new interim authorities, backed by radical ultranationalist
groups, launched a special operation to crack down on the protesters
in mid-April, which has already led to dozens of deaths and injuries.



RIA Novosti - May 23, 2014

*Moscow to Respond if US Speeds Up European Missile Defense – Foreign

MOSCOW: Moscow hopes Washington understands that Russia will be forced
to react if the US speeds up the placement of missile defense systems in
Europe, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov said Friday.

“If there is really another look at the European Phased Adaptive
Approach to the creation of a missile defense system speeding up to
the phase where it’s time to place metal to the cement, then we will
regret that because we cannot respond indifferently to attempts
that negatively influence the national potential of Russian strategic
nuclear restraint,” Ryabkov said.

Late last month, the U.S. Navy deployed for the first an advanced
version of a missile-interceptor for its Aegis missile defense
system, initiating the second phase of Washington’s plan to boost
missile defenses in Europe.

The US missile defense system in Europe, which NATO and the US say is
aimed at countering threats from North Korea and Iran, has been a
particular source of friction in US-Russian relations for a number of years.

Russia and NATO formally agreed to cooperate on the system at the 2010
NATO summit in Lisbon, but talks foundered, in part over Russian demands
for legal guarantees that the system would not target its strategic
nuclear deterrent.

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