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JSF: quota Alenia in modifica contratto LRIP V
- Subject: JSF: quota Alenia in modifica contratto LRIP V
- From: "rossana123 at libero.it" <rossana123 at libero.it>
- Date: Thu, 29 Dec 2011 14:36:16 +0100 (CET)
http://www.dedalonews.it/it/index.php/12/2011/jsf-quota-alenia-in-modifica-c ontratto-lrip-v/ Saranno contenti FIOM-FIM e UILM (per conto dei lavoratori), peccato che il costo lievita come da comunicazione del DoD: A straightforward division using the above figures sets the average unit cost of a LRIP 5 aircraft at $133.7 million. However, on July 6, 2010 Lockheed was awarded a $522.2 million contract for LRIP 5 long-lead items, which adds another $12.4 million per aircraft (because it was awarded when LRIP5 was due to comprise 42 aircraft). But these figures exclude the cost of the engine, which is a useful addition to a fighter aircraft. The contract for the LRIP 5 engines has not been awarded yet, but the May 13, 2011 contract awarded for LRIP 4 engines was worth $910.15 million for 67 engines, which works out to an average of $13.6 million each. Consequently, the cost of each LRIP 5 aircraft can be estimated at $133.7m + $12.4m + $13.6m, or about $159.7 million per aircraft.
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