RE: L'Italia taglia la ricerca e la cultura ma non il caccia F-35

Brava Rossana, queste denunce dovrebbero essere gridate da ogni balcone, dovrebbero martellare ogni coscienza, dovrebbero far capire l'attentato che, di giorno in giorno, viene portato alla Costituzione italiana
Paolo Bertagnolli
> Date: Thu, 3 Jun 2010 09:52:26 +0200
> From: rossana at
> To: disarmo at
> Subject: L'Italia taglia la ricerca e la cultura ma non il caccia F-35
> La manovra del ministro Tremonti priva del contributo statale un
> lunghissimo elenco di enti culturali e di ricerca, ma non taglia il
> velivolo d'attacco statunitense F-35 (per un totale di 131).
> Il governo italiano vota con gli Stati Uniti contro una inchiesta
> internazionale sull'assalto israeliano alla "Freedom Flotilla" e non
> dice una parola sulla urgente necessità di liberare Gaza dall'assedio
> israeliano.
> Tagliamo l'F-35 e tagliamo i legami con la corruzione, burocrazia e
> militarismo.
> Il costo previsto del caccia F-35 Joint Strike Fighter, il più costoso
> programma di armamento degli Stati Uniti programma di armamento, è ora
> 382 miliardi dollari, il 65 per . cento superiore ai 232 miliardi
> dollari stimati quando il programma è iniziato nel 2002. L'ha detto un
> funzionario del governo. La produzione di un singolo F-35 è oggi stimato
> in 92,4 milioni dollari .
> Lockheed F-35’s Projected Cost Now $382 Billion, Up 65%
> June 1 (Bloomberg) -- The projected cost of Lockheed Martin Corp.’s F-35
> Joint Strike Fighter, the most expensive U.S. weapons program, is now
> $382 billion, 65 percent higher than the $232 billion estimated when the
> program started in 2002, according to a government official.
> This projection from independent Pentagon analysts is being sent to
> Congress today.
> The Pentagon’s cost-analysis office reports that the price per plane --
> including research, development and construction costs -- is now $112.4
> million, the official said. That’s about 81 percent over the original
> estimate of $62 million.
> The production cost alone of each plane is estimated at $92.4 million,
> almost 85 percent higher than the $50 million projected when the program
> began in 2002, the Pentagon will tell Congress.
> The F-35 is the U.S. military’s next-generation fighter. Designed for
> missions that include bombing and air-to-air combat, it will be used by
> the Air Force, Navy and Marine Corps. It will replace such aircraft as
> the F-16, A-10 and Harrier that are flown by the Marines and the U.K.
> The program is already four years behind schedule on key milestones,
> including completing the development phase and combat testing, beginning
> full-scale production and then declaring the first Air Force and Navy
> units ready for combat.
> The delays and cost growth are the consequence of a major wing redesign,
> inefficient production, testing problems and slow deliveries from
> suppliers, according to findings by Lockheed, congressional auditors and
> Pentagon officials.
> Based on History
> The cost group’s estimate is more pessimistic than that of the program
> office or Lockheed Martin because it’s based heavily on historical data
> from other aircraft programs such as the Boeing F-18 and Lockheed Martin
> F-22.
> The estimate of $382 billion released today comes only two months after
> the Pentagon’s program office pegged the cost at $328 billion.
> This new projection was compiled to comply with a 1982 law that demands
> an assessment of any weapons program that exceeds its original projected
> cost by 50 percent.
> The Pentagon must also certify to Congress the program is vital to
> national security. That certification accompanies the new cost analysis,
> Pentagon spokesman Bryan Whitman told reporters earlier today.
> He said that the F-35 certification was expected because the Pentagon
> signaled its support when it reorganized the program in February. The
> Pentagon extended the current development phase, delayed the purchase of
> 122 aircraft until after 2015 and added money for additional testing.
> --
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