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Convegno su rischio biologico e bioterrorismo
- Subject: Convegno su rischio biologico e bioterrorismo
- From: rossana at comodinoposta.org
- Date: Wed, 27 Feb 2008 23:29:35 +0100
A Roma si è tenuto un Convegno su rischio biologico e bioterrorismo, sarà interessante sapere cosa si son detti.
http://www.uniroma1.it/eventi/ricerca/bioterrorissmo.phpMa di cosa si sta occupando ultimamente l'America per quanto riguarda il bioterrorismo?
Vi metto un pò di link per chi volesse saperne di più. Si può dire subito che si sta occupando della febbre emorragica (che include anche il virus di Ebola). Ma chi e come? Il chi lo vedrete nei link mentre per quanto riguarda il come si possono indicare due diversi approcci: quello di AVI BioPharma studiato in collaborazione con U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases, che riguarda il composto antisenso NeuGene, e quello che ha ripreso lo studio dei Nobel 2006 per la medici Andrew Z. Fire e Craig C. Mello per la scoperta del meccanismo dell’RNA “interferenza”, della Functional Genetics e Alnylam Pharmaceuticals
Ovviamente si parla di milioni e milioni di dollari. http://www.dtra.mil/PORTLAND- AVI BioPharma, Inc. today announced publication of significant research carried out in collaboration with the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID USAMRIID - United States Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (US DoD) The report, published today in Public Library of Science (PLoS) Pathogens, a peer-reviewed monthly journal published by the Public Library of Science, demonstrates success using AVI's proprietary NEUGENE(R) antisense technology as a countermeasure to Ebola virus Ebola virus (ēbō`lə), a member of a family (Filovirus) of viruses that cause hemorrhagic fevers. The virus, named for the region in Congo (Kinshasa) where it was first identified in 1976, emerged from the rain forest, where it survives in as yet unconfirmed hosts, possibly several species of fruit bats.
http://www.avibio.com/neugene_antisense.php http://www.usamriid.army.mil/ Functional Genetics grabs $6.5M, considers selling http://washington.bizjournals.com/washington/stories/2007/05/21/story15.html http://www.functional-genetics.com/FGI_Main/Welcome.htmlAlnylam Biodefense was established to build a robust platform for developing RNAi therapeutics targeting threats of bioterrorism. Funding for the company's Ebola virus, pandemic flu, and viral hemorrhagic fever programs represents an example of broad public health and federal interest in the potential of RNAi technology to treat and prevent disease from these, and other serious and life-threatening viruses.
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