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Lettera di James Circello, ex Caserma Ederle
- Subject: Lettera di James Circello, ex Caserma Ederle
- From: "andrea licata" <andrea.licata at gmail.com>
- Date: Sat, 16 Feb 2008 11:51:30 +0100
Alla c.a. dei mezzi di informazione Vi invio in allegato la lettera di James Circello, ex soldato della Caserma Ederle di Vicenza oggi molto attivo nel movimento contro la guerra negli USA. Il Comitato Vicenza Est sta in questi giorni per aderire ad una campagna internazionale in solidarietà ai soldati che sono in carcere per aver detto no alla guerra http://www.connection-ev.de/briefaktion/index.html. Alcuni giovani soldati della Caserma Ederle sono infatti stati trasferiti in carcere in Germania. Andrea Licata - addetto stampa "Comitato degli abitanti e dei lavoratori di Vicenza-Est- Contro la costruzione di una nuova base a Vicenza- Per la conversione della Caserma Ederle ad usi civili" To the Men, Women and Children of Italy, committed to ending the role of the United States military in your country: I applaud you, as I read statements and descriptions of the protests and demonstrations in your great cities. I wish your enthusiasm could make its way to North America, where it could be used to directly confront one of the most famous War Criminals that the world has ever known: George W. Bush. The campaign you have all begun in Vicenza, with the No Dal Molin Movement, is just the beginning. The United States wishes to place permanent bases around the world. According to reports from 2003, the United States currently owns or rents 702 overseas bases in about 130 countries and has another 6,000 bases in the United States and its territories. Today, in 2007, these numbers have changed. They have grown. The United States now has active duty troops is close to 150 countries. With 832 bases spread through those countries, it is easy to see that the United States has done nothing to slow down its march to Empire. Now with construction for permanent bases in Iraq and Afghanistan, the United States will have staging points to invade the other parts of the world that it still has yet to exploit. I am not against America, but I am against the foreign policy of my country that alienates us from the world and brings so much suffering across this globe. I realize that while I write this letter and e-mail it from my warm home, many people around the world are dying from lack of the basic essentials to sustain life. We must form long lasting friendships and alliances, across borders, across oceans, and begin to pull one another up. Government will never do this for us. The People must take charge of their futures if they wish to have a future. The biggest lie in America, is that our military spreads Democracy and brings hope to some many people. But the truth is that our military is in 150 countries and hasn't scratched the surface and has no idea what it means to bring hope. The U.S. military is trained to kill from Day 1, they are not trained to be diplomats. They are not trained to bring hope and I reject this false idea. So you see, my Italian friends, this battle you are engaged in will certainly have an end. The United States may grow tired of the increase in the destruction of the Dal Molin construction area and try to steer away from this particular site to place their war machines. But you must follow them wherever they go! Do not allow them to park their Fighter Jets and Tanks in your country. After you stop the new constructions, move your attention to the old bases. Educate neighbors and friends from the surrounding European countries on you were able to stop the Dal Molin base. Teach them the truth behind these bases. Teach them that the only thing the economy will benefit from is an increase in alcohol and strip clubs. If you must, go to these countries and aid them too in their fight. But the fact is the United States must takes its hand out of Europe, out of Asia, out of the Middle East, and out of the world. Your struggle is the beacon that is spreading hope to so many people. It can be achieved and will be. And on the day your country is completely yours again, you will breathe a bit easier without the sounds of United States combat boots marching through your streets. On a completely separate note, I want to thank you for the help The People of your cities have given to the U.S. Soldiers who choose Peace over War, and have abandoned their uniforms to stand up against the illegal wars the United States has brought to the People of the Middle East. The friendships that have begun are everlasting and more powerful than the Heads of State can ever imagine. With your help, and help from the people around the world, U.S. soldiers will realize there are other options than participating in Genocide to pay for college tuition. I ask that you continue your support for the Vicenza soldiers who resist fighting illegal war, and that you aid them in any way possible. There are several soldiers currently locked away in Germany, from the base in Vicenza - do not forget about them. And let Caserma Ederle know you haven't forgotten them. And make sure the men and women on Caserma Ederle aren't able to forget them. The People will Respond, James Circello; Iraq Veterans Against the War February 1, 2008
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