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Re:Una richiesta a Prodi
- Subject: Re:Una richiesta a Prodi
- From: "lucymf" <lucymf at inwind.it>
- Date: Wed, 19 Apr 2006 11:44:52 +0200
mi permetto di considerare che i soldi pubblici che vengono utilizzati in questo progetto di distruzione (un aereo da guerra non può portare altro...) vengono tolti da altre voci di bilancio, per esempio sanità e scuola. Ciò significa che in tutte le scuole d'Italia non ci sono più i soldi per pagare le supplenti in caso di malattia, i bambini vengono sparpagliati nelle altre classi e quindi la scuola funziona unicamente da "parcheggio"...allora, posto che le risorse sono limitate e non infinite, è meglio spendere per distruggere vite umane o per costruire cittadini capaci di pensiero critico? Saluti! Lucia Monari > Mi permetto di osservare la demagogia e la componente raeazionaria di alcune vostre posizioni; è indispensabile considerare tutti gli aspetti, pcome ad esempio lo sviluppo dell'industria e delle imprese italiane che, alla fin fine, distribuiscono gli stipendi. > Riflessione... > > dp > > ---------- Initial Header ----------- > > From : disarmo-request at peacelink.it > To : disarmo at peacelink.it > Cc : > Date : Mon, 17 Apr 2006 21:52:55 +0200 > Subject : Una richiesta a Prodi > > > > > > > > > Uscire subito dal programma F-35! > > > > Posted on Sat, Apr. 08, 2006 > > > > F-35 program total now at $276.5 billion > > > > By BOB COX > > STAR-TELEGRAM STAFF WRITER > > > > The Pentagon reported Friday that the total estimated cost of Lockheed > > Martin's F-35 joint strike fighter program has risen by $20 billion, a > > 7.7 percent increase in the last year. > > > > In a quarterly "selected acquisition report," Pentagon analysts now > > estimate that it will cost $276.5 billion to develop three versions of > > the F-35 and build about 2,400 of the planes for the Air Force, Navy and > > Marines. > > > > That's up from the $256 billion figure last given for the program. The > > total cost figures are for the lifetime of the program, which could > > exceed 20 years. It is the largest U.S. weapons program ever. > > > > The Pentagon said cost increases are largely because of higher materials > > costs and a change in inflation expectations. > > > > Earlier Friday, the Pentagon said that its top weapons buyer had signed > > off on a plan to allow Lockheed and other contractors to begin spending > > money for early-stage work on the first five F-35 production models. > > > > Ken Krieg, undersecretary of defense for acquisition, approved the plan > > Thursday. Krieg and other senior civilian and military officials > > reviewed the program's progress and plans last week. > > > > Congress included $120 million in the fiscal 2006 budget that was > > approved in December for F-35 contractors to buy "long lead items," such > > as manufacturing equipment, materials and some initial parts and assemblies. > > > > "It's a down payment on the first five airplanes," said Kathy Crawford, > > spokeswoman for the F-35's program manager, Rear Adm. Steven Enewold. > > > > The Pentagon has requested more money to build the first "low rate > > initial production" planes, all conventional-takeoff-and-landing > > versions for the U.S. Air Force, in the fiscal 2007 budget that > > President Bush submitted to Congress. > > > > Enewold and other program managers had briefed Krieg on program > > progress. Crawford said that a critical design review team, which in > > February examined the work done by Lockheed and other contractors, gave > > the design for the Air Force version a green light. > > > > Crawford confirmed that the first test flight of the prototype F-35, > > which had been expected to take place in August, is now likely to slip > > to early fall. > > > > Ground testing of the F-35 prototype "is right on schedule," Lockheed > > spokesman John Kent said. > > > > The first production versions of the aircraft won't be completed until > > 2009, by which time much flight testing using test aircraft is scheduled > > to have been completed. > > > > -- > > Mailing list Disarmo dell'associazione PeaceLink. > > Per ISCRIZIONI/CANCELLAZIONI: http://www.peacelink.it/mailing_admin.html > > Archivio messaggi: http://www.peacelink.it/webgate/disarmo/maillist.html > > Area tematica collegata: http://italy.peacelink.org/disarmo/index.html > > Si sottintende l'accettazione della Policy Generale: > > http://www.peacelink.it/associazione/html/policy_generale.html > > > > > " Noi non abbiamo più un imperatore anticristiano che ci perseguita, ma dobbiamo lottare contro un persecutore ancora più insidioso, un nemico che lusinga..., non ci flagella la schiena ma ci accarezza il ventre; non ci confisca i beni (dandoci così la vita), ma ci arricchisce per darci la morte; non ci spinge verso la libertà mettendoci in carcere, ma verso la schiavitù invitandoci e onorandoci nel palazzo; non ci colpisce il corpo, ma prende possesso del cuore; non ci taglia la testa con la spada, ma ci uccide l'anima con il denaro" (Ilario di Poitiers, V sec. d. C.)
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