NPT Review Conference


John Hallam
Friends of the Earth Sydney,
17 Lord Street, Newtown, NSW, Australia, 2042
Fax (61)(2)9517-3902  ph (61)(2)9517-3903
nonukes at

Dear All,
I'm hoping you can use your networks to spread this appeal to governments
to support the New Agenda Coalition in the NPT Review Conference now
happening at the UN.

Although I have sent this email to many people it is important. I urge you
to  read it carefully and to act on it, and ask others to do so also.

The Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty Review Conference will go until the
19th of this month. It is now the 10th.  There's nine days to go.

The New Agenda Coalition, a group of nations led by New Zealand, Ireland,
Sweden, South Africa, Mexico, Brazil and Egypt, has put forward a 'working
paper' which provides a moderate, reasonable, and practical step- by - step
way forward to the elimination of nuclear weapons as reqired by Article VI
of the nuclear nonproliferation treaty.

Opinion polls have shown that this is a step that the overwhelming majority
of Australian, UK, US, and Russian citizens support. Successive resolutions
in the United Nations show that the governments of the world support the
reccomendations of the New Agenda Coalition by massive majorities.
Finally, the aim and objective of the New Agenda Coalition is to fulfil the
legal requirements of the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty itself under
Article VI, as unanimously reaffirmed by the International Court of Justice.

Especially critical is support for 'Operative paragraph 1' of the New
Agenda working paper, which asks the Nuclear Weapons states to committ to
an unequivocal and total elimination of nuclear weapons and to commence
that process over the 2000-2005 review period.  This is in contrast to the
committment they have made to the 'ultimate' elimination of nuclear weapons
- maybe a hundred years from now!

The next few days of the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty Review Conference
are utterly crucial as delicate negotiations take place between the nuclear
weapons states and the New Agenda Coalition who have the support of the
overwhelming majority.

A clear message from the public direct to your country's foreign minister,
secretary of state, president, or UN mission will make a big difference at
this point.

If you live in a nuclear weapons state or a NATO country:
Please write to your foreign minister or UN mission immediately to ask them
to support the position of the New Agenda Coalition, and to committ to the
unequivocal and total elimination of nuclear weapons starting in the
2000-2005 review period.

If you are living in a country that is part of or supports the New Agenda
Coalition, let them know they are doing the right thing and that (no matter
what other bad habits they may have) on this issue at least they have your

If you are not sure of the position of your country, ask them to support
the New Agenda Coalition anyway.

A sample letter is below.  After the letter is a list of fax numbers and an
appeal  to support the NAC from Felicity Hill of WILPF which you are
encouraged to read before you write and fax.

There is also an appeal to parliamentarians which you can use.

You are encouraged to use as much of the sample letter and these appeals as
you find useful and to make whatever changes or improvements you feel

It is better not to use it word for word, and its best to handwrite.

It does not need to be very long.

Do please do it and get as many others as you can to do it, this is an
action that really has the potential to help rid the world of nuclear



(Address and fax number of foreign minister)
(Address and fax number of UN mission/NPT Review Conference Representative)

Dear Foreign Minister, UN Mission, or NPT Review Conference Representative,

I am writing to you to persuade your government to support the working
paper of the New Agenda Coalition at the Review Conference of the Nuclear
Nonproliferation Treaty (NPT) in New York at the United Nations

On 24April, the New Agenda Coalition group of nations, led by New Zealand,
Ireland, Sweden, Brazil, Mexico, South Africa and Egypt, presented a
working paper to the NPT review Conference. This working paper provides a
realistic, moderate, practical, and reasonable program of action for
nuclear nonproliferation and disarmament that should serve as the basis for
the final decision of the Conference.

That program includes the following elements:
--An unequivocal undertaking by the five nuclear weapons states to
eliminate their nuclear arsenals, not as an 'ultimate' aim to be
accomplished at some remote date, but as an immediate obligation. For the
five nuclear weapons states to engage in an accelerated process of
negotiation, taking steps leading to nuclear disarmament in the coming
2000-2005 period.

--Implementation of START-II and commencement of negotiations on START-III

--The integration of all five nuclear weapon states into a process leading
to the total elimination of nuclear weapons.

--Adaptation of policies and postures to preclude the use of nuclear weapons
--Taking strategic nuclear weapons off hairtrigger alert.

It is requested that your government  support Operative Paragraph 1 of the
New Agenda working paper, which reads:
"The five nuclear weapon states make an unequivocal undertaking to
accomplish the total elimination of their nuclear arsenals and, in the
course of the forthcoming review period 2000-2005, to engage in an
accelerated process of negotiations and to take steps leading  to nuclear
disarmament to which states parties are committed under Article VI."

This is pariticularly important  because the nuclear weapons states have
themselves issued a joint statement on 1 May, which included the following
 "We reiterate our unequivocal commitment to the ultimate goals of a
complete elimination of nuclear weapons and a treaty on general and
complete disarmament under strict and effective international control".

However, the use of the world 'ultimate' in this context,   as well as the
linkage to general and complete disarmament, means that the objective of
the elimination of nuclear weapons is in fact being postponed to a distant
future. The original language of the NPT itself (in force since 1970)
refers to the need to achieve results by an early date. The  1996 advisory
opinion of the International Court of Justice unanimously emphasizes the
obligation to actually achieve the goal of elimination of nuclear weapons.

I//(My organization) therefore urges you, Foreign Minister, to support
especially Operative Paragraph 1 of the New Agenda Working Paper, as
offering a series of practical steps to move towards the fulfillment of
what are in any case the clear legal obligations of the nuclear weapons
states, to eliminate their nuclear weapons arsenals at an early date.

We urge you to give your full support to the measures outlined by the New
Agenda Coalition in their working paper, especially if your government has
not seen fit to do so before now. These measures offer a realistic way out
of the nuclear quagmire which the P5 statement does not.





A URL where the fax numbers of every head of state and foreign minister in
the world is listed plus lots of information is this:

(Another URL that has the fax numbers of heads of state, foreign ministers
and UN missions and also has lots of information on the NPT Review is:
Http:// )

Some of the relevant fax numbers are listed below. If your country is not
on this list, you can find your foreign minister or head of state on one of
the two URLs above.
(The + in front stands for whatever your countrys ISD access code may be.
You only really need it if you are faxing some other country. I hope
however, that  people may like not only to fax their own foreign minister
but also those of Russia and the US.)

Some of these numbers may have changed. If any of them don't work, let me
know at <nonukes at>  and check the number on the URL or with
your own telephone system.

If you are in the US,
Secy of State Madeleine Allbrights fax number is: +1 202 647 6047
President Clintons fax number is +1-202-456-2461
The US United Nations mission is on  Fax. +1 212 415 4443

If you are in Russia, Foreign Minister Igor Ivanov's fax number is
+7-095-244-3276 or +7-095-244-2203. (You need to be persistent with these
The general Kremlin fax number is +7-095-205-4330. (This is the slowest fax
in the universe)
Russia's UN mission is on +1-212-628-0252

If you are in France, your foreign ministers fax number is +33-1-45-51-60-12,
Jacques Chirac's fax number is +33-1-47-42-24-65.
France's UN mission is at: Fax. + 1 212 421 6889

If you are in the UK, Tony Blairs fax number is +44-171-925-0918.
The Foreign Minister, Robin Cook's fax number is:  +44-171-270-2144
The United Nations mission is on Fax. +1 212 745 9316

If you are in Germany, the Chancellors fax number is: +49-228-56-2357,  or
Foreign Minister Joschka Fischers number is any of these: +49-228-168-6662,
+49-228-1734-02, +49-30-201-8619-24
The German UN mission is on: Fax +1 212 940 0402

Here are the fax numbers of some foreign ministers and UN missions:
If you are in Canada, your foreign ministers fax number is: +1-613-996-3546.
Canada, UN Mission -Fax. +1 212 848 1195
If you are in Japan, you need to fax +81-3-3581-9675 UN Mission -  Fax. +1
212 751 1966
If you are in Italy please fax +39-6-628-6210, or +39-6-3222-850 or
Italy UN Mission - Fax. +1 212 486 1036
If you are in Hungary, please fax your foreign minister on +36-1-356-3801
If you are in Korea, try  your minister of foreign affairs on
+82-2-724-8291, +82-2-739-5370
If you are in Brazil, your foreign ministers fax should be +55-61-226-1762
Brazil UN Mission - Fax. +1 212 371 5716 or +1 212 758 9242
If you are in Mexico, try +52-6-782-4109
If you are in Greece try +30-1-645-0094 (or 0095)
If you are in Thailand, try +66-2-225-6155, or +66-2-226-1374



Dear Colleagues,

One month is a long time in politics.

The nuclear disarmament movement has been given one month to support the
activities of the New Agenda Coalition at the Non Proliferation Treaty
Review Conference April 24 - May 19, 2000.

As you know, the New Agenda Coalition is a post Cold War grouping of states
that have proposed a practical, reasonable, achievable programme for
nuclear disarmament since 1998.  Building on the language contained in
treaties, legal opinions and consensus language developed over the 55 year
dialogue on nuclear weapons through the UN system, the New Agenda Coalition
have presented a brief four page programme of action to the NPT Review

Although this forward looking action plan does not go as far as many in the
NGO community may, when advocating abolition, the ideas contained in the
New Agenda Coalitions Working Document are something that we can all agree
are the obvious first steps to the goal of eliminating nuclear weapons.
Think of it as a platform of consensus rather than a compromise.

Pressure placed on governments NOW to support this realistic and doable
programme, WILL MAKE AN IMPACT on this four-week meeting of 187
governments.  You are urged to make a concerted effort at this critical
time of international political tension wherein treaty regimes are
weakening and a new arms race is brewing.

o  Please send letters and visit your elected representatives
o  Please send letters and visit your departments of Foreign Affairs and
o  Please send letters to the editor
o  Please create press releases and direct actions around this opportunity

Following you will find:
* Some points to use in your letters, lobbying and press work

Lobbying Points

o  The Working Document on Nuclear Disarmament was presented on Monday 24
by Mexican Foreign Minister Rosario Green at the United Nations.  Mexico is
speaking on behalf of the New Agenda Coalition at the nuclear
Non-Proliferation Treaty Review conference.

o  Taking place every five years, these Review Conferences bring together
187 governments to discuss the most widely supported disarmament treaty
ever, the Non-Proliferation Treaty, or NPT, which became international law
in 1970.

o  The five Nuclear Weapon States have signed the NPT and in doing so, they
committed to getting rid of their nuclear weapon under Article 6.  "Each of
the Parties to the Treaty undertakes to pursue negotiations in good faith
on effective measures relating to cessation of the nuclear arms race at an
early date and to nuclear disarmament, and on a treaty on general and
complete disarmament under strict and effective international control."

o  The New Agenda Coalition is made up of Brazil, Egypt, Ireland, Mexico,
New Zealand, South Africa and Sweden.  Their resolution at last years
General Assembly adopted on December 1, 1999 was co-sponsored by 60 states
and enjoyed the support of 111 countries.

o A precise understanding of the fact that nuclear disarmament is a
complicated process that will not happen overnight informs the forward
looking plan of action crated by New Agenda Coalition which is doable,
practical and reasonable and realistic.

o  If your government has any resistance to the following measures
identified by the NAC for the implementation of the NPT, ask them
specifically what points could possibly object to in the following:

1.   the five nuclear-weapon States make an unequivocal undertaking to
accomplish the total elimination of their nuclear arsenals, and engage in
an accelerated process of negotiation, taking steps leading to nuclear
disarmament in the coming five year period;

2.  the USA and the Russian Federation undertake to fully implement START
II and begin negotiations on START III;

3. all five nuclear weapon-states are integrated into the process leading
to the total elimination of their nuclear weapons.

Six interim steps were identified:

1.  an adaptation of policy and posture to preclude the use of nuclear
2. de-alerting;
3. the reduction of tactical nuclear weapons towards their elimination;
4. a demonstration of greater transparency regarding arsenals and fissile
5. further development of the Trilateral Initiative; and
6. the application of the principle of irreversibility in all nuclear
disarmament, arms reduction and arms control measures.
*******       *******       *******       *******
Felicity Hill, Director
Women's International League for Peace and Freedom
United Nations Office
777 UN Plaza, New York, NY 10017, USA

Ph:  1 212 682 1265
Fax: 1 212 286 8211
email: flick at

*******       *******       *******       *******


   3 May 2000

States Parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons
(NPT) are meeting in New York until May 19 to review the Treaty and its
implementation including the obligations of the nuclear weapon states to
negotiate for complete nuclear disarmament.

On 24 April, the seven nations of the New Agenda Coalition submitted a
working paper to the NPT Review Conference outlining a realistic program of
action for nuclear non-proliferation and disarmament that can serve as the
basis for the Conference's final decision. For the vitality of the treaty
and to strengthen the international security regime, the NPT must produce a
credible plan of action for the next five years, leading up to the next
Review Conference in 2005.

Paragraph One of the working paper states that, in order to fulfill the
disarmament requirements of the NPT:

"The five nuclear-weapon states make an unequivocal undertaking to
accomplish the total elimination of their nuclear arsenals and, in the
course of the
forthcoming review period 2000-2005, to engage in an accelerated process of
negotiations and to take steps leading to the nuclear disarmament to which
all states parties are committed under Article VI of the Treaty on the
Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons."

Such an undertaking from the nuclear weapon states is necessary to
demonstrate good faith intentions from the nuclear weapon states to
implementing their disarmament obligations. A wide range of States at the
NPT Review Conference have expressed a lack of confidence in such
citing the continued policies and programs of the nuclear weapon states and
their unwillingness to make an unequivocal commitment to achieving nuclear

There is considerable support from delegations for the inclusion of the
above paragraph, and other elements from the New Agenda working paper, in
Review Conference final document, which will most likely require consensus
to be adopted.

On May 1 China, France, Russia, the UK and the US released a statement which
included the following:

"We reiterate our unequivocal commitment to the ultimate goals of a complete
elimination of nuclear weapons and a treaty on general and complete
disarmament under strict and effective international control."

The release of this statement, including the use of the New Agenda Coalition
language  "unequivocal commitment", indicates that the nuclear weapon states
are aware of the need to respond to the strong and urgent call for them to
commit themselves to nuclear disarmament.

However, the rest of the language indicates that they are choosing to
obfuscate rather than make any real commitment. They continue to use the
word ultimate  with respect to the goal of nuclear disarmament, meaning that
are not committing themselves to pursue complete nuclear disarmament at an
early date. The statement makes no mention of the obligation to achieve the
goal, as opposed to merely pursuing it, an obvious rejection to the 1996
International Court of Justice opinion on nuclear weapons which emphasised
the obligation to achieve the goal.
In addition, they link the goal of general and complete disarmament with
that of nuclear disarmament, a linkage which would prevent any earlier
achievement of nuclear disarmament.

Finally, the statement of the nuclear weapons states ignores important
aspects of the New Agenda Coalition statement including:
The call for an accelerated process of negotiations, which changes the
impetus of nuclear disarmament negotiations from some undetermined time in
the future to today.
The importance of making some progress before the next NPT Review
Conference in 2005. There is no expectation that negotiations for complete
nuclear disarmament will be completed by 2005, but that such negotiations
would be underway and some interim steps would be achieved.

Therefore we, as NGOs specializing in disarmament and arms control,
respectfully request your assistance in promoting the NAC proposal - in
particular Paragraph One - in your parliaments,  to your governments and to
your delegations to the NPT Review Conference.

Middle Powers Initiative
727 Massachusetts Avenue
Cambridge, MA 02139, USA
Tel: (617) 492 9189
UN Coordinator, Jim Wurst telephone: (212) 818 1861

Lisa von Trapp
Parliamentarians Network for Nuclear Disarmament
Parliamentarians for Global Action
211 ast 43rd Street, 16th floor
New York, NY 10017, USA
Tel: 212 687 7755 x104