A2000 at silcom.com


(The complete statement is enclosed below)

Dear Friends and Activists,

Let's keep the momentum going!  Please commit to enrolling a new
organization this week.  These organizations endorsed the Abolition 2000
Statement during the week of 6-12 March:

Northeast District of the Unitarian Universalist Association, Portland/Maine
Allen Avenue Unitarian Universalist Church, Portland/Maine
Peace and Justice Center of Southern Maine, Portland/Maine
Maine Coalition for Food Security, Portland/Maine
Physicians for Social Responsibility Maine, Portland/Maine
African Students Union, Romania
SOS Hotline and Center for Girls, Serbia/Yugoslavia
Orpington Women's Peace Group UK
Fairfield County Coalition for Peace and Justice, Norwalk/CT
Veterans for Peace Chapter 18, Ridgefield/CT
Earth Matters, Ridgefield/CT
Uniting Church, Sydney/Australia
Morningside Monthly Meeting, New York/NY
Center for Peace, Orissa/India
Civil Solidarity for Open Society, Seoul/Republic of Korea
PSPD (People's Solidarity for Participatory Democracy), Seoul/Republic of Korea
 I and We, Seoul/Republic of Korea
Tabitha Community, Kyonggi-Do/Republic of Korea
Korea Atomic Bomb Casualty Association, Seoul/Republic of Korea
Good Friends: Centre for Peace, Human Rights and Refugees, Seoul/Republic
of Korea
Women Making Peace, Seoul/Republic of Korea
Womenlink, Seoul/Republic of Korea
Solidarity for World Peace & Human Rights (SPR), Seoul/Republic of Korea
Korean House for International Solidarity, Seoul/Republic of Korea
KNCR (Korea National Congress for Reunification), Seoul/Republic of Korea
Korean Federation for Environmental Movement (KFEM), Seoul/Republic of Korea

This bring the number of endorsers to 1512 organizations and 242
municipalities for a total of 1754 endorsers.  This means will only need
246 more by the time of the NPT conference.  WE CAN DO IT!

In Peace and Solidarity,

Carah Lynn Ong
Coordinator, Abolition 2000
1187 Coast Village Road PMB 121, Suite 1
Santa Barbara CA 93108

Phone (805) 965 3443  FAX(805) 568 0466
Email: A2000 at silcom.com
Website http://www.abolition2000.org

Please Reply to Abolition 2000 at:
a2000 at silcom.com,

Dear Friends and Activists,

     Please allow me to introduce you to Abolition 2000, a global network
of more than 1420 organizations in 90 countries calling for a treaty to
eliminate nuclear
weapons.  At the 1995 Non-Proliferation Treaty Review and Extension
Conference where, frustrated by the resolve of the nuclear weapons states
to maintain their arsenals, a few activists and concerned individuals had a
vision.  That vision of a more secure and livable world, free from the
threat of nuclear weapons, was the foundation for the international
movement that became known as the Abolition 2000 Network.  Now, more than
ever before, the work of Abolition 2000 is vital to ensure a more secure
and livable world for our children, grandchildren and all future
generations.  We cannot succeed without your help.

At our Annual General Meeting held at the Hague Appeal for Peace in May
1999, we agreed that the year 2000 poses a critical challenge for the
Network.  To preserve the integrity of the Abolition 2000 name and to
continue the vital work of the Global network, members have committed to
increasing Network membership to at least 2000 organizations by the start
of the Non-Proliferation Treaty Conference in April.  We will also make
Abolition 2000 attendance and presence known at the NPT conference.  Help
make the number of supporting groups climb to over 2,000 by joining us in
our endeavors!

     I would like to personally invite you to sign and endorse the
Abolition 2000 statement.  If you would like to receive more information,
please feel free to contact me or visit our website at
Http://www.abolition2000.org.  I look forward to hearing from you.

My best wishes to you in our common endeavor to create a more peaceful and
just world.

Yours In Peace,
Carah Lynn Ong

              ABOLITION 2000 STATEMENT

    A secure and livable world for our children and grandchildren and
all future generations requires that we achieve a world free of nuclear
weapons and redress the environmental degradation and human suffering
that is the legacy of fifty years of nuclear weapons testing and

   Further, the inextricable link between the "peaceful" and warlike
uses of nuclear technologies and the threat to future generations
inherent in creation and use of long-lived radioactive materials must be
recognized. We must move toward reliance on clean, safe, renewable forms
of energy production that do not provide the materials for weapons of
mass destruction and do not poison the environment for thousands of
centuries. The true "inalienable" right is not to nuclear energy, but to
life, liberty and security of person in a world free of nuclear weapons.

   We recognize that a nuclear weapons free world must be achieved
carefully and in a step by step manner. We are convinced of its
technological feasibility. Lack of political will, especially on the
part of the nuclear weapons states, is the only true barrier. As
chemical and biological weapons are prohibited, so must nuclear weapons
be prohibited.

   We call upon all states particularly the nuclear weapons states,
declared and de facto to take the following steps to achieve nuclear
weapons abolition. We further urge the states parties to the NPT to
demand binding commitments by the declared nuclear weapons states to
implement these measures:

1.Initiate immediately and conclude by the year 2000 negotiations on a
nuclear weapons abolition convention that requires the phased
elimination of all nuclear weapons within a timebound framework, with
provisions for effective verification and enforcement.*
2.Immediately make an unconditional pledge not to use or threaten to use
nuclear weapons.
3.Rapidly complete a truly comprehensive test ban treaty with a zero
threshold and with the stated purpose of precluding nuclear weapons
development by all states.
4.Cease to produce and deploy new and additional nuclear weapons
systems, and commence to withdraw and disable deployed nuclear weapons
5.Prohibit the military and commercial production and reprocessing of
all weapons-usable radioactive materials.
6.Subject all weapons-usable radioactive materials and nuclear
facilities in all states to international accounting, monitoring, and
safeguards, and establish a public international registry of all
weapons-usable radioactive materials.
7.Prohibit nuclear weapons research, design, development, and testing
through laboratory experiments including but not limited to non-nuclear
hydrodynamic explosions and computer simulations, subject all nuclear
weapons laboratories to international monitoring, and close all nuclear
test sites.
8.Create additional nuclear weapons free zones such as those established
by the treaties of Tlatelolco and Raratonga.
9.Recognize and declare the illegality of threat or use of nuclear
weapons, publicly and before the World Court.
10.Establish an international energy agency to promote and support the
development of sustainable and environmentally safe energy sources.
11.Create mechanisms to ensure the participation of citizens and NGOs in
planning and monitoring the process of nuclear weapons abolition.

   A world free of nuclear weapons is a shared aspiration of humanity.
This goal cannot be achieved in a non-proliferation regime that
authorizes the possession of nuclear weapons by a small group of states.
Our common security requires the complete elimination of nuclear
weapons. Our objective is definite and unconditional abolition of
nuclear weapons.
* The convention should mandate irreversible disarmament measures,
including but not limited to the following: withdraw and disable all
deployed nuclear weapons systems; disable and dismantle warheads; place
warheads and weapon-usable radioactive materials under international
safeguards; destroy ballistic missiles and other delivery systems. The
convention could also incorporate the measures listed above which should
be implemented independently without delay. When fully implemented, the
convention would replace the NPT.

If your group or organization wishes to sign on to this statement,
please send an email with the following information to Carah Ong at
A2000 at silcom.com:
Name of Organization:
Contact Name:
Street Address:

You may also sign this statement electronically by visiting

For info on how your town can adopt municipal resolutions, send an email to
Carah Ong at
a2000 at silcom.com