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Appello urgente dal Vietnam - comunicato organizzazioni giovanili
- Subject: Appello urgente dal Vietnam - comunicato organizzazioni giovanili
- From: "glr" <glr.y at iol.it>
- Date: Sun, 23 Sep 2001 00:21:47 +0200
- Priority: normal
Appello urgente e comunicato delle organizzazioni giovanili del Viet-nam. Qui sotto la traduzione in italiano della lettera inviataci, segue l'originale della lettera e il comunicato ufficiale, in inglese. giorgio ellero ------ Appello urgente dal Vietnam 21 settembre 2001 Cari amici e compagni, mi scuso di aver usato questo indirizzo ma è l'unico che ho trovato nela mia agenda. Sappiamo che siete molto impegnati. I recenti fatti degli Usa e i loro sviluppi sono oggetto di grande attenzione e riguardano (coinvolgono) tutti. Tutti noi dobbiamo fare del nostro meglio per la pace e la giustizia. Nello stesso tempo, non possiamo fare a meno di inviarvi un'ulteriore istanza, che è anch'essa importantissima per il Vietnam e della quale voi potreste non essere a conoscenza. Vi chiediamo di prestarvi attenzione e dedicarvi alcuni minuti per studiare la questione e il da farsi. La Camera dei Rapppresentanti Usa ha approvato il 6 settembre 2001 il cosiddetto decreto legge "Legge per i Diritti Umani in Vietnam". Questo decreto ha potere legale per gli Usa e obbliga tutte le istituzioni finanziarie internazionali (FMI, BM, WTO, ecc, n.d.r.) ad agire contro il Vietnam. Nei fatti, questo decreto impone sanzioni al Vietnam, impedendo a noi l'accesso a tutti gli aiuti finanziari multilaterali allo sviluppo, legalizzando e inasprendo l'attività di propaganda e provocazione contro il Vietnam. La sola reale ragione è che loro non gradiscono e non possono tollerare il nostro sistema politico, null'altro. Questa è una palese interferenza nei nostri affari interni, una sporca manovra politica che utilizza mezzi economici e finanziari contro il Vietnam. Se il Senato Usa e il Presidente approvano tale decreto, e il dubbio è minimo, esso influirà pesantemente sulla vita del nostro popolo. Vi alleghiamo la dichiarazone al riguardo delle organizzazioni giovanili del Vietnam. Vi chiediamo di esprimervi al riguardo, di mandare le vostre proteste al Senato Usa, al Presidente Usa, di esprimere la vostra solidarietà alla gioventù e al popolo vietnamita. Vi preghiamo di mandarci copia dei vostri messaggi di protesta e solidarietà ai seguenti indirizzi: vietnamyouth at yahoo.com; cydeco at hn.vnn.vn or trandacloi at yahoo.com Vi ringraziamo, e speriamo di sentirvi presto il vostro compagno Tran Dac Loi ----- Original Message ----- From: "tran loi" To: "Anti-capitalist National Assembly - Italy" <antimperialista at libero.it> Sent: Friday, September 21, 2001 6:06 AM Subject: Urgent Appeal from Vietnam Dear comrades, friends I am sorrry for using this e-mail to contact you. The only reason is availibily of the address book. We know that you are very busy. The recent event in the US and development from it is issue of great attention and concern of everyone. We all need to do our best for peace and justice. At the same time, we can not but to address to you additional issue which is also very important for Vietnam and you may do not know. We request you to take few minutes to study the case and react on it. The US House of Representatives has passed on 6th Sep. the so-called "Vietnam Human Right Act". This act has legal power for the US and also obliges all international financial institutions to act against Vietnam. In fact, this Act impossed sactions on Vietnam, denying our access to all multilateral financial aids for development, legalise and strengthens provocative and propoganda activities against Vietnam. The only actual reason is because they dont like and can not tolerate our political system, nothing else. This is a clear interference into our internal affairs, a dirty political manouver using economic and financial means against Vietnam. If the US Senate and President approve the Act, there is litle doubt about that, it will affect the life of our people a lot. We enclose here attached the statement of all youth organisations from Vietnam on this issue. We request you to react on this matter, to send your protect to the US Senate, US President, to express your solidarity with vietnamese youth and people. Please c.c. your message also to us though the following email: vietnamyouth at yahoo.com; cydeco at hn.vnn.vn or trandacloi at yahoo.com Thank you and hope to hear from you soon Comrades yours, Tran Dac Loi ------------------------------- STATEMENT BY THE STANDING BUREAU OF THE HO CHI MINH COMMUNIST YOUTH UNION, THE PRESIDIUM OF THE CENTRAL COMMITTEE OF THE VIETNAM YOUTH FEDERATION, THE SECRETARIAT OF THE VIETNAM ASSOCIATION OF STUDENTS AND THE CENTRAL COMMITTEE OF THE HO CHI MINH YOUNG PIONEERS ORGANIZATION The Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union, the Vietnam Youth Federation, the Vietnam Association of Students and the Ho Chi Minh Young Pioneers Organization - organizations of youth and children of Vietnam with more than 20 million members and representing all young people throughout Vietnam - strongly denounce the hearing and approval by the United States House of Representatives’ of the so-called “Vietnam Human Rights Act” on 6th September 2001. The content of the Act arrogantly slanders and distorts the situation in Vietnam, deeply insults the feeling and dignity of the Vietnamese people. In today’s trend of economic globalization and integration, the imposition of political conditions on economic and trade relations despites all international norms is an interference into internal affairs of other states for the black political objectives, creating dangerous precedents in the international relationship. Those who imposed this Act are still not able to realize that the self-authorization of some people to decide upon the destiny of other nations has been one among the main causes of many tragedies in the history of humankind, from slavery, colonialism to fascism and numerous other crimes against humanities and people of different countries. During past decades, many American politicians failed to understand or intentionally ignored the real will and aspirations of Vietnamese people, assumed themselves the right to bring “freedom” to Vietnam, waged a criminal war against Vietnamese people, caused great pain and losses for both Vietnamese and American people, leaved behind the unwashable blot in the history of the United States. And today, they once again claim the right to unilaterally judge and decide upon the rights of the Vietnamese people. In fact, these people who are advertising for democracy and human rights are still incapable of respecting the most fundamental right of other nations - the right to choose their own path for development. The Vietnamese people know their rights and interests better than anyone else. The young generation of Vietnam believes in and fully supports the leadership of the Communist Party of Vietnam for its great contributions to the nation and for its clear- sighted objectives and policies serving the interest of the people. The society, which is being built in Vietnam today, is the society of the people, by the people and for the people. The achievements of renewal policies ensured and improved political, economic and social rights of all people regardless of their ethnic and religious background. The Vietnamese youth and children are strongly determined to overcome all challenges and, together with all Vietnamese people to build Vietnam into an independent, united and strong country of prosperous people, with equitable, democratic and civilized society, and will not allow anyone to violate our inalienable rights. The youth and people of Vietnam wish to promote friendship and cooperation with people of all countries, including American youth and people, based on respect for independence, sovereignty, non-interference into internal affairs, equity and mutual benefits. We call upon the youth and people of all countries, especially youth and people of the United States, to raise your voice of conscience to strongly condemn and prevent the approval of this criminal Act. Hanoi, 13th September 2001 THE STANDING COMMITTEE OF THE HO CHI MINH COMMUNIST YOUTH UNION THE PRESIDIUM OF CENTRAL COMMITTEE OF THE VIETNAM YOUTH FEDERATION THE SECRETARIAT OF THE VIETNAM ASSOCIATION OF STUDENTS THE CENTRAL COMMITTEE OF THE HO CHI MINH YOUNG PIONEERS ORGANIZATION -------------------------- end ----- Giorgio Ellero <glr.y at iol.it> - <glry at libero.it> http://digilander.iol.it/glry -----
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