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I: Where there is racism, there can be no justice
- Subject: I: Where there is racism, there can be no justice
- From: "Stefania Gallaro" <gallarous at tiscalinet.it>
- Date: Wed, 25 Jul 2001 16:38:05 +0200
----- Original Message ----- From: ainews <ainews at amnesty.org> To: <amnesty-l at oil.ca> Sent: Wednesday, July 25, 2001 12:00 PM Subject: Where there is racism, there can be no justice > * News Release Issued by the International Secretariat of Amnesty > International * > > 25 July 2001 > ACT 40/025/2001 > 116/01 > > > "Racism is a blatant attack on the very notion of basic human > rights -- that human rights belong to all people, equally. > Justice systems should be central to combatting racism, yet all > too often they end up perpetuating it by mirroring the prejudices > of their societies, " Amnesty International said today in a new > report; Racism and the Administration of Justice. > > The report is a contribution to the UN World Conference > against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related > Intolerance due to be held in Durban, South Africa, between 30 > August and 7 September 2001. > > "Racism is a blot on humanity that infects virtually > every country in the world. Governments must pro-actively tackle > racism and ensure that justice is administered on the basis of > human rights for all," said Amnesty International. > > Racism unchecked can lead to large scale tragedies. The > world looked on in horror when in just 13 weeks up to a million > people were massacred in Rwanda in 1994. Most of those killed > were Tutsi. > > But what rarely catches the headlines are the abuses that > take place everyday in the administration of justice partly or > solely because of racism. In most countries racism can only be > identified by looking at patterns of arrest, conviction and > sentencing in relation to the racial background of the defendant, > victim or administrators of justice. > > In the USA, studies have consistently indicated that race > -- particularly of the murder victim -- is a key factor in > determining who is sentenced to death. Blacks and whites are the > victims of murder in almost equal numbers, yet more than 80 per > cent of prisoners executed since 1977 were convicted for the > murder of a white person. > > Police and the judiciary are involved in what has been > called India's "hidden apartheid". Over 160 million Dalits, > formerly known as "untouchables", are vulnerable to a whole range > of human rights abuses because of their caste almost all of which > go uninvestigated and unpunished. > > At a conference last year an elderly Dalit man recalled > how his wife, daughter and two sons were burned alive, along with > three others, when members of the of a dominant Hindu upper caste > set fire to three huts belonging to Dalit families. His eldest > son, the first graduate from the village, had been murdered two > years earlier also by caste Hindus. All the Dalits in the > village had fled and none wanted to return home as they believed > the police would not protect them. > > "All over the world the connection between racism and > brutality by state officials is clear. In many countries ethnic > minorities often suffer harassment, ill-treatment and torture at > the hands of police. They then go on to face unfair trials, > discriminatory sentencing and harsh punishments, including the > death penalty," Amnesty International said. > > Ethnic minorities are likely to face discrimination > wherever they live. In the UK the police were found to have been > negligent in their response to racist attacks. The Kurdish > community in Turkey are not recognised in law and publicly > referring to "the Kurdish people" can lead to a prison sentence. > Across Europe, Roma people are commonly viewed as criminals and > subjected to beatings. > > An estimated 300 million indigenous peoples still face > discrimination in almost every aspect of their lives and many are > targeted for other grave human rights abuses. Their > vulnerability is enhanced by a lack of state protection. > > In Honduras in recent years, police have harassed > indigenous people determined to protect their rights. The > government has signed several agreements with indigenous leaders > but still the protection is inadequate. Over the last decade, > some 25 indigenous community leaders have been killed as a result > of their campaigning. > > In Australia, Aborigines continue to suffer economic > disadvantage, social disruption and systemic discrimination. In > 1997 an Aboriginal woman complained to Northern Territory police > that she had been raped by two men. The police detained her for > failure to appear in court on a minor charge. Although a doctor > confirmed she was a rape victim, she was taken to court in the > rain, and locked in an uncovered cage on the back of a police > van. Police officers reportedly justified her treatment on the > grounds that it was better care than in her "primitive" > Aboriginal community home. > > Around the world, foreigners, including migrant workers > and asylum seekers, live in xenophobic environments, sometimes > stirred up by the authorities and almost always reflected in the > administration of justice. Increasingly asylum seekers are being > detained for months or years while their claims for protection > are examined. > > In December 2000, a 31-year-old Iraqi national committed > suicide in al-Rafha refugee camp in the northern desert of Saudi > Arabia where he had been living since the early 1990s. He was one > of 5,000 people who have been held in the camp since the end of > the Gulf War. > > From the outset, the Saudi Arabian authorities referred > to them as "guests", refusing to consider them as refugees even > though the constitution stipulates that "The state shall grant > political asylum, if so required by the public interest..." Most > of the original 33,000 men, women and children have been > resettled by the United Nations. > > The Amnesty International report calls on all governments > to adopt national plans of action to combat racism and to include > specific measures relating to the administration of justice. > The report makes several recommendations, including: ensure that > national laws prohibit all forms of discrimination; investigate > allegations of racist abuses by justice officials; and ensure > that policing operations are not discriminatory. > > "Racism, however, is not confined to the institution of > the state. It can be found at any level of civil society. The > responsibility for combatting racism therefore extends to > everyone." > > Amnesty International is issuing this report as concerns > mount that political disputes may derail the World Conference > against Racism. Much of the preparations for the conference have > been marred by a failure to reach agreement over how to deal with > the legacy of slavery and colonialism, with insufficient > attention being given to addressing the various and widespread > forms of contemporary racism. > > "The world must recognize the wrongs of the past as a way > to better understand the present and move forward towards a > future free from the evil of racism," Amnesty International said. > "Governments must not allow the World Conference to fail. It is > too important an opportunity for making a breakthrough against > racism and providing hope to countless people worldwide." > > Read the report Racism and the Administration of Justice: > http://web.amnesty.org/ai.nsf/recent/ACT400202001?OpenDocument > > **************************************************************** > You may repost this message onto other sources provided the main > text is not altered in any way and both the header crediting > Amnesty International and this footer remain intact. Only the > list subscription message may be removed. > **************************************************************** > To subscribe to amnesty-L, send a message to <majordomo at oil.ca> > with "subscribe amnesty-L" in the message body. To unsubscribe, > send a message to <majordomo at oil.ca> with "unsubscribe amnesty-L" > in the message body. If you have problem signing off, contact > <owner-amnesty-L at oil.ca>. <owner-amnesty-L at oil.ca> handles > only messages concerning list administration. Past and current Amnesty > news services can be found at <http://www.amnesty.org/news/>. > Visit <http://www.amnesty.org> for information about Amnesty International > and for other AI publications. Contact amnestyis at amnesty.org if you > need to get in touch with the International Secretariat of Amnesty > International.
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