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su galloway

George Galloway


Elected to Parliament in 1987 since when he has consistently opposed
abortion on demand and late abortions. He has also shown himself to be a
courageous fighter against the use of the human embryo for experiments and
against euthanasia.

In 1990 he voted opposed clauses aimed at legalising abortion on demand
with one doctor needed only to certify that the pregnancy has not exceeded
12 weeks. He also voted against abortion up to birth on various grounds
including handicap.

He is also against the use of the human embryo for experiments and human
cloning. In 1990 he voted against the use of the human embryo as a guinea
pig up to 14 days after fertilisation. In October 2000, voted against the
Dr Evan Harris Bill to extend the purposes for research and experimentation
work for which human embryos could be used up to 14 days after
fertilisation and allowed the production of human clones for the same
purposes. In December 2000 he voted against the Government Motion which
legalised these aims

In addition, he signed an EDM (37) calling on the Government to allow time
for a full debate on human cloning and to cite those sections of the HFE
Act in which cloning was debated.

He is completely opposed to euthanasia by omission and euthanasia by
commission. He voted against the Joe Ashton euthanasia bill in 1997 which
aimed to allow a doctor to end the life of a patient who is terminally ill
or who is suffering distress as a result of an incurable physical condition.

He was a leading supporter of the Medical Treatment (Prevention of
Euthanasia) Bill - which was introduced by Mrs Ann Winterton MP in
1999/2000 and aimed to prevent doctors from purposefully ending the lives
of patients by withdrawing treatment (including assisted food and fluid
whereby death is caused by dehydration and starvation).

In March 2000 signed an EDM (504) drawing attention to the manner in which
euthanasia by omission is being carried out in Britain through the
withdrawal of assisted food and fluid (thus ending patient's lives by
dehydration and starvation).The motion called on the Government to honour
its pledge to opposed euthanasia and support the Ann Winterton Medical
Treatment (Prevention of Euthanasia ) Bill which aimed to stop such

In May 2000 signed an EDM (693) regretting the failure of the Government to
make it clear to hospitals and health authorities that BMA Guidelines on
the Withdrawal & Withholding of Life Prolonging Treatment were not legal
guidelines. These approved euthanasia by omission for some patients
(through the withdrawal of assisted food and fluid causing death through
dehydration & starvation).

He played a leading part in a major national campaign drawing public
attention to the British Medical Association Guidelines.

care compagne e compagni,

siccome ancora si dice in giro che io avrei detto,
(nella lettera in cui criticavo il pieno sostegno della sezione di
Rifondazione Comunista di Londra alla lista di Respect inviata al manifesto
e a liberazione e da questi non pubblicata )
cose  non vere riguardanti George Galloway, capolista di questa
"cooalizione" sostenuta dal Socialist Worker Party -SWP- per elezioni

vi mando (vedi sopra) la presentazione di George Galloway sul sito
<http://www.righttolife>www.righttolife  (diritto alla vita) che potete
tranquillamente visitare e che racconta la posizione di ogni singolo
parlamentare su questioni come aborto, eutanasia, uso degli embrioni

Come sapete lo stesso Galloway ha ribadito prima delle elezioni europee le
sue posizioni rispetto al'aborto in interviste su importanti giornali

Recently, when asked what he thought about women’s right to choose, he
replied, ‘And what shall we say about the child’s right to choose?’

His statement was immediately supported by the MAB (Muslim Association of
Britain) which forms part of the Respect coalition and it has never been
debated or openly criticised by the Socialist Workers’ Party (SWP) which is
the party that founded this coalition.

e non si è risparmiato neppure sulla pena di morte

Saddam recently got word to Galloway from his incarceration to ask for his
assistance in organising a British defence lawyer. Galloway called Michael
Mansfield QC, who apparently pleaded overwork. The case now seems to lie on
the desk of Jacques Verges, who defended Carlos the Jackal.

Typically, for a man of his contradictions, Galloway is a staunch believer
in capital punishment. Given his knowledge of Saddam's crimes he would
presumably, after due process, advocate the death penalty in his case?

'If he was convicted by a kangaroo court of invaders, certainly not.'

But he writes in his book how Saddam took it upon himself personally to
murder friends he thought might become political enemies. If he believes in
capital punishment and that is not a capital offence what is?

'The people who would hang Saddam are guilty of bigger crimes than he is.'

But murder is still murder?

'To hand Saddam over to an illegal puppet administration, who will not give
any of the Iraqi leaders a fair trial - how could they, because the
Baathists would then tell all the secrets of American and British
involvement back to the Seventies? - would be no justice.'

But you say clearly that he murdered one particular man, and cite it as an
example of the fact that he 'was a generous friend as well as a deadly
enemy, often at one and the same time'.

'No,' says Galloway. 'I tell that story. I was not present.'


mariangela casalucci

da manchester