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Sudanese leader orders outlaw groups disarmed

Sudanese leader orders outlaw groups disarmed 

Sudanese President Omar Hassan al-Bashir has ordered security forces 
mobilised to disarm all illegal armed groups in the western region 
of Darfur. A statement released on Saturday said they were to pursue 
all outlaw groups. International aid organisations have accused Arab 
militias and government troops of a wave of killings of African 
minority groups in Darfur, since February of last year. That's when 
fighting broke out between the Sudanese army and two rebel groups. 
The move came a day after the US State Department said it was 
considering imposing sanctions on Sudan. The United Nations says at 
least 10,000 people have been killed and more than a million 
residents of Darfur have been forced to flee the fighting. 
Fabio Quattrocchi
eco_fabiocchi at tin.it