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Resolution on Sexual Orientation postponed to 2005

UN - Brazilian resolution
Resolution on Sexual Orientation postponed to 2005
World http://www.ilga.org/news_results.asp?LanguageID=1&FileID=37&FileCategory=1&ZoneID=7

This 15th of April, the United Nations Commission on Human Rights (UNCHR) decided by consensus to defer the Brazilian resolution on "sexual orientation and human rights" to the next session in 2005. The text, presented by Brazil at last year's session had already been postponed last year. If voted, it would have been the first UN resolution to mention sexual orientation and condemn discrimination on these grounds as human rights violations.

Ambassador Mike Smith, the Chair of this 60th session noted that there was no objection nor opposition to the Brazilian request dated March 31 to defer consultation of the draft resolution. No votes, nor debates arose on the floor of the UNCHR. Concerns were high at one point that the resolution could have been defeated or completely withdrawn from the UN agenda.

Biggest coalition of Gays, Lesbians, Bisexuals and Transgender activists ever to be present at the United Nations

For the first time in history, a large coalition of LGBT activists sponsored by ILGA and other international organizations is present at the United Nations to dialog with national delegations and make sure voices of the LGBT communities are heard. 

This postponement gives LGBT activists another year to thoroughly prepare and fight the formidable forces massed against the resolution. ILGA's petition which has gathered 45 000 signatures to this day in support of the resolution, will therefore stay open until next UNCHR session. 

GRULAC, the UN Latin American and Caribbean group invites a delegation of LGBT activists to expose their concerns

At a GRULAC meeting held this morning 16th of April, Brazil expressed its continued commitment to the resolution on Sexual orientation and Human Rights. Thanks to an invitation by Minister Sergio Cerda, head of the Argentinean delegation at the UN, a panel of activists had the opportunity to expose their concerns on human rights violations on the grounds of sexual orientation and gender identity. Pedro Anibal Paradiso Sottile, member of CHA (Comunidad Homosexual Argentina) and Rosanna Flamer Caldera, co-Secretary general of ILGA officially asked the members of GRULAC to consider co-sponsoring the resolution next year.