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Notiziario delle Donne Message

-	Mrs. Maryam Rajavi offers condolences over tragic death of Ms.
Zahra Kazemi, murdered under torture by the mullahs’ henchmen
Call for urgent international action over the brutal murder of
Canadian-Iranian journalist

The Iranian Resistance’s President-elect Mrs. Maryam Rajavi offered her
condolences to the family and friends of Ms. Zahra Kazemi, after the
heinous murder of the Canadian-Iranian journalist by the clerical regime’s

She urged the United Nations Secretary General, the Security Council, the
UN Human Rights Commission and international human rights organizations to
take urgent action over this odious killing, one of the most blatant
examples of human rights violations and of rudimentary international

All advocates of human and civil rights expect the Canadian government to
suspend, as a minimum, all its political ties with the mullahs’ anti-human

Ms. Kazemi was arrested for taking photographs of the families of political
prisoners outside Evin Prison. She went into a coma while under torture and
was taken to the Revolutionary Guards Corps’ Baghiyatollah-e A’zam
Hospital. The entire medical staff of this hospital belong to the
Revolutionary Guards.

After this crime, the clerical regime claimed that Ms. Kazemi had died
because of brain hemorrhage. Eyewitnesses, however, said that signs of
severe injury were apparent on her face and head.

Obviously, when interrogators and torturers treat a Canadian journalist so
savagely, one can imagine what they do to dissidents and freedom-seekers in
these torture chambers.

Mr. Louis Joinnet, the head of the United Nations Working Group on
Arbitrary Detention, told journalists after visiting several Iranian
prisons last February: “Ward 209 is an autonomous prison inside Evin
Prison, where prisoners are held for long periods without any reason…
There, we met several People’s Mojahedin members. Probably, more Mojahedin
members were being held in Ward 209 whom we could not see. It is our belief
that the treatment of these prisoners is inhumane and contrary to human

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
July 13, 2003