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Le reginette di bellezza boicottano l'elezione di Miss Mondo in Nigeria in protesta contro le lapidazioni!

Vado di fretta, per cortesia, qualcuno trovera' due mintui per tradurre,
non e' lunga ma e' moooolto interessante.


Date: Tue, 24 Sep 2002 13:17:32 -0000
Subject: [womeninflorence] Beauty queens against stoning
Reply-To: womeninflorence@yahoogroups.com

Interesting news via the International Committee Against Stoning...
In protest against stoning of Ameneh Lawal
Miss World Beauty Contest is boycotted!
The Miss World Beauty Contest is due to be held in November 2002 in
Nigeria.  In protest against stoning of men and women in the northern
provinces of Nigeria, a number of the contestants have refused to
take part at this event. So far contestants from Belgium, France,
Norway, Denmark, Kenya and Togo have officially announced the reason
for their refusal. On Monday September 16, the contestant from
Swaziland also cancelled her attendance and in her interview
said: "If I participate, it means that I am supporting stoning."
Stoning sentences of men and women in Nigeria has raised a broad
international protest, and boycotting the Beauty Contest in Nigeria
is in continuation of this international protest.

Vicki Morris