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FW: Pls sign Amnesty Petition to protect new InternationalCriminal Court

This comes from our former Hague Appeal for Peace staffer in the Hague. I
agree with her it is an important initiative - pass it on.
Colin Archer

-----Original Message-----
From: Cecilia Nilsson [mailto:cicclegal2@iccnow.org]
Sent: 19 September 2002 12:35
To: Cecilia Nilsson
Subject: FW: Please sign Amnesty International's Petition to protect the
new International Criminal Court

I am normally very careful with forwarding impersonal mails, but I am making
an exception for this very important one. If you haven't done so already,
please sign the petition mentioned below. It can still make a difference.

Cecilia Nilsson Kleffner
Coalition for the International Criminal Court
The Hague

-----Original Message-----
From: by way of Coalition for the InternationalCriminal Court
Sent: 18 September, 2002 01:11
Subject: Please sign Amnesty International's Petition to protect the new
International Criminal Court

                  International Justice System Under Attack

      Please sign a petition on Amnesty International's website for all

                  not to enter into US impunity agreements

Dear Coalition members,

Today, Tuesday 17 September 2002, Amnesty International launched a
worldwide petition for individuals around the world to call on all
governments to refuse to enter into impunity agreements currently being
proposed by the United States not to surrender US nationals accused of
genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes to the new International
Criminal Court.

The petition is located on our website - www.amnesty.org - and national
Amnesty International websites. After approximately 1 month we will submit
the final petition to all governments. We also intend to submit those
signatures received by 27 September to EU Ministers of Foreign Affairs who
will meet to consider the issue on 30 September.

We would be very grateful if you and your members could support this
initiative by signing the petition on the website and asking your members
and other contacts to do so. Please feel free to link to the petition from
your websites - the exact links are:









We are aiming to add some more languages in the next days.

We will of course keep you up to date with the progress of this initiative.

Thank you!

Jonathan O'Donohue

Assistant Legal Adviser

International Justice Project

Amnesty International