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Release Hameed Khan!

To General Pervez Musharraf  -
President of Pakistan

To Federal Interior Minister 

To The Governor of Baluchistan

I am protesting against the increasing repression you are
responsable of in Quetta.

I'm asking Pakistan Ministry of Interior and Baluchistan Governor to
order the immediate release of all the comrades arrested on April 22, since
they were demonstrating for their labour rights.

I consider this attack of yours to PTUDC and the local trade unions as a 
provocation against the basic rights of the pakistan and international 
workers movement.  

I like to remember you that you already had to release comrade Hameed 
Khan last November and the same you had to do in the past with other 
comrades related with PTUDC and other trade unions.  

I demand the immediate release of comrade Hameed Khan and all 
the imprisoned workers, the release of President of Baluchistan 
Secretariat Staff Association Mr Abdul Khaliq Kakar, the 
immediate release of Nazar Baluch, one of the main leaders of 

I support the fight for 40% salary increase of the civil servants of 

I condemn the heinous act of retrenchment of the 1125 Baluchistan
Secretariat workers and demand the immediate withdrawal of the brutal order.

Reinstate all the workers and respect their right to a good salary!

All the world citizens, we need justice and peace, rights and work!

Yours sincerely, 

Giovanni Zampieri - cdm
via Figliodoni, 2
23891 - Barzanò - Italy 

e-mail:  zampieri.gg@libero.it
"Non temo le parole dei violenti,
mi preoccupa molto il silenzio degli onesti" (M.L.King)