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Il Papa contro l'aborto per le donne violentate in guerra!

"Outrage of the week", l'hanno definito le organizzazioni femminili
internazionali: potrei tradurlo approssimativamente come "scandalo", ma
significa anche "offesa". Da noi, frastornati dalle fanfare della guerra
santa, questa notiziola non e' passata: il Vaticano critica pesantemente
l'Alto Commissariato ONU per i rifugiati per la sua politica di assistenza
alle donne nei campi profughi che hanno subito violenze sessuali.

Secondo il Vaticano, offrire a queste disgraziate la cosiddetta "pillola
del giorno dopo", specialmente per quel che riguarda le adolescenti,
significa far loro conoscere "il mondo del piacere sessuale
individualistico e irresponsabile, con il rischio di estendere l'epidemia
di AIDS".

Preferisco non commentare, per riguardo a tanti cristiani e cattolici,
uomini e donne di buona volonta'....


-----Original Message-----
From: todaysnews@womensenews.org [mailto:todaysnews@womensenews.org]
Sent: Saturday, November 10, 2001 2:03 AM

Pope Urges Ban on Birth Control for Raped Refugees

(WOMENSENEWS)-The Vatican has condemned the field manual of the U.N. refugee
agency because it supports full reproductive rights for refugees, including
birth control and emergency contraception for women who have been raped, the
Reuters news agency reported.

Rape is common in conflicts worldwide and in the last few years has been
recognized as an intentional weapon of war, used to demoralize populations
and undermine the unity of communities, as in Bosnia where Serbs raped
thousands of Bosnian women. Many of those women were rejected by their
husbands and communities. Some rapists and their commanders have been
convicted of war crimes at the U.N. International War Crimes Tribunal in The

In a report Thursday, Reuters said the Vatican has distributed a document to
its bishops conferences worldwide, strongly criticizing the 241-page manual
of the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees for promoting "proposals
regarding the limitations of births, an idea of irresponsible sexual
relations and even abortion."

The Vatican said the latest U.N. refugee agency guide, first published in
1999, recommends emergency contraception-a large dose of birth control
pills-for women who have been raped, something the Catholic Church deems
"chemical abortion."

The church said the refugee agency guide contained "anti-values that offend
the dignity of the poorest and most vulnerable populations." It warned
Catholics working with refugees to be particularly wary of the manual's
proposals for reproductive health programs for adolescents, saying they
would introduce teen-agers to "the world of individualistic and
irresponsible sexual pleasure, which increases the risk of extending the
HIV/AIDS epidemic."--Victoria Graham

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