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Fw: Ulteriori vessazioni per i condannati amorte

Salve. Mi sono iscritto da giorni e, quindi, spero che accetterete questo
mio messaggio.
Giorgio Nobili
----- Original Message -----
From: <pck-diritti-request@peacelink.it>
To: <giornob@supereva.it>
Sent: Tuesday, November 06, 2001 11:00 AM
Subject: Re: Ulteriori vessazioni per i condannati amorte

> Spiacente, ma per scrivere in questa lista devi prima iscriverti ad essa
> Ho appena ricevuto, da parte dell'organizzazione italiana COALIT
> Italiana Contro la Pena di morte), un messaggio in cui si avvisa che, nel
> carcere Polusky Unit di Livingston, Texas, sono state introdotte ulteriori
> restrizioni per i condannati a morte. In base a queste ASSURDE regole,
> in poi le cosidette "properties" proprieta' dei detenuti, dai vestiti al
> cibo, alle bibite, ai libri eccetera,  devono poter essere contenute in
> borse della misura di un cuscino. Altrimenti vengono confiscate. Questo
> comporta per i carcerati una vita ancora piu' dura ed impossibile dato
> avere a disposizione TUTTE le proprie cose,
> come i libri, le riviste, gli indumenti per l'estate e quelli per
> le lettere, la cancelleria, le fotografie, i prodotti igienici e sanitari,
> il cibo di riserva, eccetera,
> permette a questi uomini e donne di avere una vita almeno un po' meno
> disumana. La COALIT propone a tutti di inviare delle lettere di protesta
> responsabili di questa ulteriore vessazione. Se sei interessato, copia e
> stampa la lettera che trovi qui di seguito ed inviala, se possibile con
> Posta Prioritaria, oppure per FAX, agli indirizzi che troverai, indicando
> CHIARAMENTE tutti i tuoi dati personali e firmando la lettera.
> Ciao a tutti.
> Giorgio Nobili
> Il testo, in inglese, e' il seguente:
> To: Gary Johnson TDCJ
> PO Box 99
> HUNTSVILLE, TX 77320-0099
> Fax 001 936/437.21.23
> cc: Arthur Adams
> Ombudsman Office Coordinator
> PO Box 99, Huntsville, TX 77342
> Fax 936 435 17 47
> Warden James Zeller
> Terrell Unit, 12002 FM 350 South
> Livingston, TX 77351-9630
> Fax 936 967 84 37
> Dear Mr. Johnson,
> we have been informed about new restrictions imposed to inmates on death
> at the Polunsky Unit in Livingston.
> We have been personally contacted by some inmates denouncing further
> limitations with regards to their own properties. According to our
> they are now cutting the inmates property down again, in order to make it
> fit into basically two standard pillow cases.
> Which means that commissary, envelopes, books, under clothes, winter
> clothes, letters, included large sized items as laundry soap in big boxes,
> and cokes, all that is supposed to be contained in two standard pillow
> cases.
> It is simply absurd, for anyone can't help realizing it's not possible. In
> our opinion, this restriction is nothing but a further harassment
> to the inmates, because it wonąt allow them to have anything to keep
> themselves occupied.
> That is going to affect their mental health by adding up to the isolation
> and the privations they are already forced to. Besides, it's going to make
> their life conditions only more inhumane.
> DR inmates had been previously given the permission of having the extra
> space for books and little art supplies as well as all kinds of items
> allowed by the regulation itself. There is apparently no reason why they
> should be denied it again, now.
> Hopefully you will want to courteously give us some explanations, because
> us it's hard to estimate this restriction other than unfair and totally
> unjustified. In fact, we urge you to please think over the actual need of
> this restriction and focus on the negative effects it will have on DR
> population. We sincerely hope you will prevent it from being applied.
> Awaiting your kind reply
> Respectfully yours,