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Swiss banks destroying the planet
- Subject: Swiss banks destroying the planet
- From: "EQUAL EARTH" <equalearth at yahoo.com>
- Date: Mon, 29 Oct 2001 16:03:46 +0100
EQUAL EARTH It's Your Responsibility - C'est Votre Responsabilite - Es ist Deine Verantwortung - Es Su Responsabilidad BBC WORLDSERVICE, NEWSWEEK & EL PAIS CORRUPT AMERICAN AND BRITISH WAR AGAINST TERRORISM EFFORT - financed with advertising revenues from the Swiss Moneylaundry - facilitates Taliban propaganda update: pretending to operate under the protection racket of the FSA and British Government while Britain's dilapitated infrastructure, pensions & unemployment benefit is below Third World level! BECAUSE THE SWISS WILL TAKE BUT THEY WILL NEVER GIVE BACK! BBC WORLDSERVICE, NEWSWEEK & EL PAIS promote the moneylaundry activities that facilitate and finance the global crime and terrorist rackets by prominently advertising the Swiss Banks that launder the world's crime money via millions of untraceable, anonymous number accounts (set up by the usual dishonest Swiss Bankers) whose owners are hidden within millions of secret letterbox companies operated, protected and approved by the Swiss Government AND ITS CORRUPT CRIME ENFORCEMENT AGENCIES: making bank and company auditing a public fraud. "Reputable" Swiss act as fronts for these secret letterbox companies that need not declare any transactions and whose owners are simply another string of letterbox companies set up by crooked lawyers, accountants, etc. YES UBS AG; UBS WARBURG; UBS WARBURG DILLON READ; UBS PAINE WEBBER ARE SWISS MONEY LAUNDERERS HARBOURING MILLIONS OF ANONYMOUS NUMBER ACCOUNTS THAT SYPHON OFF THE WORLD'S ASSETS INTO TINY SWITZERLAND- money they use to bring ever more foreign companies under Swiss control until they drop them like they dropped Swissair & Sabena in the wake of Swissair's aircrash liability claims. BECAUSE THE SWISS WILL TAKE BUT THEY WILL NEVER GIVE BACK! Their latest fraudulent advertising in EL PAIS and other corrupt media incites foreigners to buy "warrants"; i.e. worthless paper that the Swiss manipulate to profit themselves whilst the rest of the world drowns in ever more poverty. ThusBBC WORLDSERVICE, NEWSWEEK AND ITS WASHINGTON POST PUBLISHERS, EL PAIS ETC. - as do all advertising carriers for Swiss banks - aide, abet, collude and connive and profit from crime,terrorism and the exploitation of the poor as the rich of the planet hide all their money in Swiss banks. 90% of global drugs-money, arms-dealing, tax evasion and crime money is laundered directly or indirectly via an impenetrable net of secret letterbox companies - domiciled in ZUG in Switzerland, from where the dirty money is recycled into the global economy by the gnomes of Zuerich and their paid front and henchmen creating global dependency and deference to the Swiss crime syndicates that dominate, manipulate and control the global economy. Operating under the protection racket of the Swiss controlled and manipulated FSA the socalled Securities and Futures Authority, the British Government and its law enforcement agencies and other unscrupulous organisations which finance their pretentious reputations from the false and misleading advertising they "regulate" - hundreds of trillions of dollars and pound sterling of surplus money from crime, the mafia, drugdealing, tax-evasion, transfer-pricing, armsdealing and every kind of illicit and covert activity ends up in Swiss banks where the money is laundered and then recycled to corrupt, pervert and destroy the planet. While Britain's dilapitated infrastructure, roads, trains, hospitals, bridges, railstations, pensions, unemployment benefit etc. etc. are below Third world level, the Swiss are paving their bank vaults with gold and platinum with the money stolen from abroad including development aid, charities, pension funds and savers. It has made Switzerland the richest nation in the world. The average Swiss has an income 10,000% greater than the average African and assets 100,000% greater than the average world citizen. 70% of Swiss operate in finance and banking; manipulating, controlling and corrupting the global stockmarkets, commodity and forex markets, making billions at the expense of others through massive short or long trading; thereby defrauding the global economy and millions of savers and pensioners. The Swiss know that in a corrupt world - which they have created - anybody can be hired for a wage packet, a brown envelope or an advertising campaign. To make it convenient to collaborate - the Swiss Government continues to uphold the federal law that makes it an imprisonable crime to report crimes committed by a Swiss employer. This crime protection law has made the Swiss Banks and the Swiss owned, or controlled Multi-Nationals a mutually back-scratching, impenetrable global cartel and Switzerland the world's most successful parasite state; corrupting, perverting and polluting the whole planet. Switzerland is the only country in the world that has never admitted any wrongdoing yet has covertly and overtly profiteered from crime, terrorism and other people's misfortunes including the Holocaust. Switzerland has no resources other than those stolen from abroad! Equal Earth is a world-wide, non-profitmaking, religious Philosophy and association of friends with a common are purpose of truth, justice, free speech, freedom of expression and opposition to ignorance, self-indulgence, political feudalism, bureaucratic oppression, over-proliferation and over-population. Equal Earth stands for equal democratic responsibilities, rising standards and quality of life for all species; renovation, restoration, reforestation and restitution of the natural wildlife habitat within a stable, responsible co-existential balance/equilibrium to sustain our mutual life support system: the planet Earth. EQUAL EARTH stands for less quantum and more values, quality of life for all within a balanced, stable and self-regenerating eco-system that provides sufficient natural habitat for all species to guarantee a peaceful, co-existential, syncretic symbiosis of mutual tolerance. THERE WILL BE NO PEACE ON EARTH UNTIL THE HUMANS HAVE MADE PEACE WITH THE GLOBAL ECO-SYSTEM AND ITS BIO-DIVERSITY email: equalearth at yahoo.com
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