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KENYA: 9200 lavoratori licenziati - Clean Clothes Campaign

Informo che da alcuni giorni i casi che vi inoltro sono scaricabili dal
sito: www.lilliputmilano.org/lab/consumocritico.html al link Campagna Abiti
Ersilia Monti

(fonte: Kenyan Human Rights Commission, Tailors and Textile Union)

L'Africa e' l'ultima frontiera - specie per i committenti statunitensi
favoriti dai meccanismi di libero commercio introdotti con l'African Growth
and Opportunity Act (AGOA) - nella ricerca di manodopera a basso costo e di
governi molto accomodanti nell'applicare le leggi del lavoro. Lo conferma l'
ultima indagine condotta da ricercatori della Clean Clothes Campaign: "Made
in Southern Africa" che trovate sul sito della campagna:
www.cleanclothes.org o che potete richiedere al segretariato europeo

Il sindacato del Kenya Tailors and Textile Union e l'organizzazione non
governativa Kenyan Human Rights Commission (nome noto per tutti quelli che
hanno partecipato alla campagna 'Diciamo no all'uomo Del Monte') chiedono
aiuto per riportare al lavoro 9200 persone che avevano incrociato le braccia
il 16 gennaio scorso contro le cattive condizioni di lavoro in sette
fabbriche che producono abbigliamento nelle zone franche del paese per conto
delle grandi catene di distribuzione nordamericane Wal-Mart e Sears. Il
provvedimento e' stato giudicato illegale dal ministero del lavoro che l'11
febbraio ha disposto il reintegro entro il 3 marzo e il riconoscimento del
sindacato dei lavoratori, ma l'ordine e' stato finora disatteso. La
riammissione al lavoro era stata sancita da un comitato negoziale, formato
da rappresentanti degli imprenditori, dei lavoratori e dell'autorita' per le
zone franche, che era giunto a un accordo sui temi aperti: il riconoscimento
del sindacato, il rispetto degli obblighi di legge (maternita', indennita'
di licenziamento, previdenza sociale e sanitaria), verifica di vari altri
abusi contestati. Malgrado questo, le aziende coinvolte hanno reagito con il

Vi propongo l'invio di tre lettere, la maggior parte delle quali andranno
spedite questa volta per fax o per posta.

abbiamo avuto notizia del licenziamento di 9200 lavoratori in sciopero. Vi
chiediamo di rispettare l'ordine del ministero del lavoro che ne dispone il
reintegro, riconoscere il sindacato, accettare un negoziato in particolare
sulla questione salariale, cessare le molestie sessuali, tutelare le
lavoratrici madri, ridurre le quote di produzione assegnate ai lavoratori)

Altex Company
P.O. Box 30500
Fax: 00254-2-212501
Attention Mr.Gamini Dias

Indigo Garments
P.O. Box 64969
Fax: 00254-2-822675
E-mail indigo@swiftkenya.com

Kentex Apparels
Export Processing Zones LTD
P.O. 64020
Nairobi, Kenya
Fax: 00254-2- 861971
E-mail: kentex@swiftkenya.com

Baraka Export Processing Zones
P.O. 9959
Nairobi, Kenya

Sahara Stitch EPZ
P.O 43832
Nairobi, Kenya

P.O. Box 46538
Nairobi, Kenya
Fax: 00254-0150-22143

Upan Wasan EPZ LTD
P.O Box 43832
Nairobi, Kenya
Fax: 00254-2-575077

Re: Garment workers being fired at your factory

Dear Sirs,

We have heard that 9,200 Kenyan garment workers producing for a number of
major international brands were fired after going on strike in January to
demand better working conditions. The Ministry of Labour issued an order on
February 11th instructing the factories to reinstate the workers and
recognize the union by Mrach 3rd. This deadline has now passed and the
workers have not been reinstated.
We call on you to comply with the Ministry of Labour's order to reinstate
all the workers who were dismissed. We believe that freedom of association
and the right to collective bargaining are fundamental rights that should
not be denied to Kenyan garment workers. We ask you to commit to immediately
recognize the workers' trade union, engage in collective bargaining with the
workers , specifically to address the issue of wage rates, to stop sexual
harassment and to ensure maternity protection for female employees, and to
make production targets more reasonable.
We are contacting the overseas companies with whom you do business to voice
our disapproval with working conditions at your facility and the firing of
the striking workers.
With best regards,

(nome, cognome, indirizzo, eventuale organizzazione di appartenenza)

chiediamo di imporre ai vostri fornitori il rispetto delle disposizioni del
ministero del lavoro e di adoperarvi affinche' siano risolti i problemi
indicati dai lavoratori. Vi chiediamo di illustrarci le misure che state
mettendo in atto per monitorare il rispetto dei diritti sindacali nelle zone
franche del Kenya. Le imprese possono molto per far si' che siano garantiti
la liberta' sindacale e il diritto alla contrattazione collettiva)

Robert J. Ulrich
Chairman and CEO
Target Corporation
1000 Nicollet Mall
Minneapolis, MN 55403
United States
Fax: 001-612-696-3731

H. Lee Scott Jr.
President and CEO
702 SW Eighth St.
Bentonville, AR 72716
United States
Fax: 001-479-273-1917

Alan J. Lacy
Chairman and CEO
Sears, Roebuck, and Co.
3333 Beverly Rd.
Hoffman Estates, IL 60179
United States
Fax: 001-847-286-7829

Re: Garment workers being fired at your suppliers' factories in Kenya

Dear Sirs,

We have heard that 9,200 Kenyan garment workers producing for a number of
major international brands, including yours, were fired after going on
strike in January to demand better working conditions. Factories names
include Altex Company, Indigo Garments, Kentex Apparels, Baraka Export
Processing Zones, Sahara Stitch EPZ, Eltex EPZ Ltd, Upan Wasan EPZ Ltd. All
of them have their headoffices in Nairobi. The Ministry of Labour issued an
order on February 11th instructing the factories to reinstate the workers
and recognize the union by Mrach 3rd. This deadline has now passed and the
workers have not been reinstated. The workers asked for the factories'
management to recognize the trade union, engage in collective bargaining
(specifically to address the issue of wage rates), to stop sexual
harassment, to ensure maternity protection for female employees, and to make
production targets more reasonable.
We call upon you to put pressure on your suppliers to ensure that the
Ministry of Labour's order is enforced. We think that companies should not
cut their contracts with the factories in question; instead they should use
their influence as clients to push for improvements.
We ask you to inform us of the steps you are taking to monitor the
workplaces in the Kenyan EPZs that you contract with to ensure that workers'
rights are respected. Companies have a role to play in ensuring that basic
workers rights such as freedom of association and collective bargaining are
respected in the workplaces where their goods are made.
We hope to be soon hearing from you.
With best regards,

(nome, cognome, indirizzo, eventuale organizzazione di appartenenza)

KENYA (sintesi: vi chiediamo di imporre alle fabbriche coinvolte nei
licenziamenti illegali la riammissione dei lavoratori espulsi e di garantire
nelle zone franche  il rispetto della liberta' di associazione e del diritto
alla contrattazione collettiva)

Albert Gumo
Export Processing Zones Authority
British American Centre 2nd Floor
Upper Hill, Mara Road
P.O Box 50563
Nairobi, Kenya.
Fax: 00254-2- 2713704

Re: Garment workers being fired in Kenyan Export processing zones

Dear sirs,

We have heard that 9,200 Kenyan garment workers producing for a number of
major international brands in Kenya's export processing zones were fired
after going on strike in January to demand better working conditions.
Factories involved include Altex Company, Indigo Garments, Kentex Apparels,
Baraka Export Processing Zones, Sahara Stitch EPZ, Eltex EPZ Ltd, Upan Wasan
EPZ Ltd. The Ministry of Labour issued an order on February 11th instructing
the factories to reinstate the workers and recognize the union by Mrach 3rd.
This deadline has now passed and the workers have not been reinstated.
We call upon you to pressure the companies in the zones to reinstate the
dismissed workers and to take steps to ensure that freedom of association
and the right to collective bargaining are respected within Kenya's export
processing zones.
We hope to hear from you in this respect,
With best regards,

(nome, cognome, indirizzo, eventuale organizzazione di appartenenza)


William Akech Muga
General Secretary
Tailors and Textile Union
Head Office
Consulate House Chambers
First Floor
Rescourse Road
P.O. Box 72076
Nairobi, Kenya

Kenya Human Rights Commission
Gitanga Road
Valley Arcade
P.O Box 41079
Fax: 00254-2-574997
E-mail: souma@khrc.or.ke

Per essere esclusi dalla lista o ricevere informazioni sulla Clean Clothes
Campaign, inviate un messaggio a :

Ersilia Monti
(Coordinamento lombardo nord/sud del mondo - Rete di Lilliput Nodo di
P.le Governo Provvvisorio 6
20127 Milano
email: ersilia.monti@mclink.it

> -----Messaggio originale-----
> Da: owner-cleanclothes@xs4all.nl
> [mailto:owner-cleanclothes@xs4all.nl]Per conto di clean clothes campaign
> Inviato: martedi 4 marzo 2003 17.12
> A: cck@oneworld.at; info@cleanclothes.ch; campaign@evb.ch;
> reseau-solidarite@globenet.org; ersilia.monti@unimib.it;
> frieda.dekoninck@wsm.be; LBL@gn.apc.org; angela@women-ww.org;
> ropalimpia@pangea.org; carole.crabbe@mdmoxfam.be; Catella@mdmoxfam.be;
> erstling-u@vemission.org; CCC-D@dgb-bildungswerk.de;
> catarata-j@vemission.org; info@renaklader.org; cidac@esoterica.pt;
> ethique@wanadoo.fr; wecf@wecf.org; elisabeth.schinzel@oneworld.at;
> eestrada@setem.org; cleanclothes@xs4all.nl
> Oggetto: [cleanclothes] Support Kenyan Garment Workers
> Dear Friends,
> The Tailors and Textile Union and the Kenyan Human Rights Commission
> is requesting action in a case involving approximately 9,200 Kenyan
> workers, producing for a number of major international brands, who were
> fired after going on strike in January to demand better working
> The workers, employed at seven factories in Kenya's export processing
> zones, were producing for brands including Wal-Mart, Sears, and Target.
> Ministry of Labor issued an order on February 11th instructing the
> factories to reinstate the workers and recognize the union by Monday,
> 3rd. This deadline has now passed and the workers have not been
> The union and the KHRC are requesting that people write letters of protest
> to factory management at each of the factories and to the brands that are
> known to be sourcing at these facilities.
> (source: KHRC/Tailors and Textile Union, February 2003)
> Garment workers at factories at several Kenyan export processing zones
> (EPZs) went on strike on January 16, 2003. A return-to-work plan was
> negotiated by a committee (made up of representatives of the employers,
> government, export processing zone authority and the workers) on January
> 31st. At that time a ministerial order was issued by the assistant
> for labor and human resource development stating that the need to
> the relevant trade union; enforce statutory obligations (such as
> leave social security and health insurance); and conduct further
> investigations of any other unfair labor practices had all been
> successfully addressed. However, the factories listed below have acted in
> defiance of this directive and dismissed the striking workers. The
> government released another statement on February 11th instructing all the
> employers to reinstate their employees. A deadline of March 3rd was given.
> Again, the companies have ignored the government's orders and have not
> reinstated the workers.
> The Kenyan garment workers urgently need support in their struggle to have
> their rights respected.  Take action today -- please contact the factories
> and brand name companies listed below. The government deadline to
> the workers was yesterday -- please tell the companies involved know
> missing this deadline is unacceptable.
> 1. Altex Company
> P.O. Box 30500
> Nairobi
> Tel: +254-2- 228026/7/8
> Fax: +254-2-212501
> Contact person Gamini Dias
> 800 workers sacked
> 2. Indigo Garments
> P.O. Box 64969
> Nairobi
> Tel: +254-862142-3
> Fax: +254-2-822675
> E-mail indigo@swiftkenya.com
> 1800 workers sacked
> produces for Dayton Hudson (No excuses, Target, no boundaries)
> 3. Kentex Apparels
> Export Processing Zones LTD
> P.O. 64020
> Nairobi, Kenya
> Tel: +254-2- 802961
> Fax: +254-2- 861971
> E-mail: kentex@swiftkenya.com
> 800 workers sacked
> 4. Baraka Export Processing Zones
> P.O. 9959
> 00100
> Nairobi, Kenya
> Tel: + 254-2-652081-89
> 1800 workers sacked
> produces for Wal-Mart, Sears, Target
> 5. Sahara Stitch EPZ
> P.O 43832
> Nairobi, Kenya
> 800 workers sacked
> produces for Matchpoint, Ashton
> 6. Eltex EPZ LTD
> P.O. Box 46538
> Nairobi, Kenya
> Tel: + 245-0150-22901/2
> Fax: + 254-0150-22143
> 1600 workers sacked
> 7. Upan Wasan EPZ LTD
> 1600 Workers sacked
> P.O Box 43832
> Nairobi, Kenya
> Tel: +254-2 566052/575077/802216
> Fax: +254-2-575077
> Sample content for messages:
> Contact factory management and tell them they must come in compliance with
> the Ministry of Labor's order to reinstate all the workers who were
> dismissed. Let them know that you believe respecting freedom of
> and the right to collective bargaining are fundamental rights that should
> not be denied to Kenyan garment workers. Urge them to immediately
> the trade union, engage in collective bargaining with the workers
> (specifically to address the issue of wage rates), to stop sexual
> harassment of the workforce and to ensure maternity protection for female
> employees, and to make production targets more reasonable. Let them know
> that you are contacting the overseas companies they do business with to
> voice your disapproval with working conditions at this facility and the
> firing of the striking workers.
> Robert J. Ulrich
> Cahirman and CEO
> Target Corporation
> 1000 Nicollet Mall
> Minneapolis, MN 55403
> United States
> Tel. +1-612-304-6073
> Fax: +1-612-696-3731
> H. Lee Scott Jr.
> Preisent and CEO
> Wal-Mart
> 702 SW Eighth St.
> Bentonville, AR 72716
> United States
> Tel. +1-479-273-4000
> Fax: +1-479-273-1917
> 3. SEARS
> Alan J. Lacy
> Chairman and CEO
> Sears, Roebuck, and Co.
> 3333 Beverly Rd.
> Hoffman Estates, IL 60179
> United States
> Tel. +1-847-286-2500
> Fax: +1-847-286-7829
> 4. Matchpoint, Inc.
> 1013 S. San Julian St. #B
> Los Angeles, CA 90015
> Tel. +1-213-745-5875
> Fax: +1-213-745-5095
> Sample content for messages:
> Inform these companies that working conditions at the factories producing
> for them are currently unacceptable -- management does not respect trade
> union rights and has fired workers when they went on strike. Urge these
> companies to pressure management at the factory that produces their goods
> (see list above) to enforce the Ministry of Labor's order to reinstate the
> workers that they dismissed. Companies should not cut their contracts with
> the factories in question; instead they should use their influence as
> clients to push for improvements. Ask them to inform you of the steps they
> are taking to monitor the workplaces in the Kenyan EPZs that they contract
> with to ensure that workers' rights are respected. Remind these companies
> that they have a role to play in ensuring that basic workers rights such
> freedom of association and collective bargaining are respected in the
> workplaces where their goods are made.
> One additional factory, JAR Kenya, Ltd. is also reportedly blocking
> unionization efforts,. However they did not fired any workers. KHRC and
> Tailors and Textile Union request that letters of protest be sent, urging
> management at JAR to take steps to recognize the union and engage in
> collective bargaining negotiations with workers.
> Contact information:
> JAR Kenya Ltd.
> P.O. Box 78788
> Nairobi, Kenya
> Tel. 254-2-532040-50-90
> Fax: 254-2-540057
> E-mail: info@jarkenya.com
> The union and the KHRC are also requesting that letters be sent to the
> Export Processing Zones Authority, calling upon them to pressure the
> companies in the zones to reinstate the dismissed workers and to take
> to ensure that freedom of association and the right to collective
> bargaining are respected within Kenya's EPZs.
> Contact information:
> Albert Gumo
> Export Processing Zones Authority
> British American Centre 2nd Floor
> Upper Hill, Mara Road
> P.O Box 50563
> Nairobi, Kenya.
> Tel: +254-2- 2712800
> Fax: +254-2- 2713704
> Please send copies of your protest letters and any responses that you
> receive to:
> William Akech Muga
> General Secretary
> Tailors and Textile Union
> Head Office
> Consulate House Chambers
> First Floor
> Rescourse Rpad
> P.S. Box 72076
> Nairobi, Kenya
> And
> Kenya Human Rights Commission
> Gitanga Road
> Valley Arcade
> Nairobi
> Kenya
> P.O Box 41079
> Tel: (254-722) 264-497; 254-2-576063/4/5/6
> Fax: 254-2-574997
> E-mail: souma@khrc.or.ke
> Clean Clothes Campaign
> PO Box 11584
> 1001 GN Amsterdam
> The Netherlands
> tel: + 31 20 4122785
> fax: + 31 20 4122786
> e-mail:ccc@xs4all.nl
> http://www.cleanclothes.org
> ++++++++ This is the cleanclothes mailinglist. Messages posted to this
> will be received by all the subscribers of the list. Messages can also be
> posted by all subscribers to the list. Therefore the messages posted on
> list are not necessarily reflecting the opinion of the Clean Clothes
> Campaign. To respond to one subscriber of the list you have to mail the
> message to the mailing adress of the subscriber, not to the mailinglist.
> Messages only directed to the clean clothes campaign in the Netherlands,
> example, should be mailed to ccc@xs4all.nl ++++++