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Sul caso dell'incendio in Uttar Pradesh - Clean Clothes Campaign

In merito al caso dei 42 lavoratori morti nell'incendio della fabbrica che
produceva calzature per il mercato europeo in Uttar Pradesh che ho girato
alla lista il 5 luglio, sono state segnalate difficolta' tecniche nell'invio
dei fax alle istituzioni indiane. Le linee non sono affidabili e occorre
molta pazienza. Anch'io sono riuscita a raggiungere solo un paio di

E' possibile comunque inviare per posta il testo della petizione che chiede
il giusto risarcimento per le famiglie delle vittime e il rispetto delle
misure di sicurezza. Vi giro di nuovo il testo del messaggio.
Grazie a tutti.
Ersilia Monti

Questi sono gli indirizzi completi:

Agra Footwear Manufacturers' & Exporters' Chamber
c/o Tej Shoe Factory
John Mills, Jeoni Mandi
Agra - 282 004, India
Fax: 91 562 362161

Ms. Mayawati
Chief Minister
Government of Uttar Pradesh
Residence of the Chief Minister
Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India
Fax: 91 522 230002

Ms. Johara Chatterjee
Labour Commissioner
Government of Uttar Pradesh
Sarvodaya Nagar
G T Road, Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh, India
Fax: 91 512 297142

Shri Sharad Yadav
Minister for Labour
Government of India
7, Tughlak Road
New Delhi - 110 003
Fax: 91 11 3017118

Dr. P d Shenoy
Ministry of Labour
Government of India
Shram Shakti Bhavan, Rafi Marg,
New Delhi - 110 001
Fax: 91 11 3855679

Testo da inoltrare:

Dear sirs,

I was informed of the gruesome fire accident that in the morning of  May 24
destroyed  Shree Jee International, a footwear manufacturing factory located
in Jeoni Mandi area of Agra city, in Uttar Pradesh, producing for the
European market.  According to official figures, 42 workers died in the
accident and 11 were injured. A fact finding team inclusive of the central
trade unions AITUC, CITU, HMS, AICCTU and the Centre for Education and
Communication was formed under the auspices of the National Campaign on
Labour Rights to probe into the accident and look at the safety procedures
followed by the footwear units dealing with inflammable material and role of
the labour department and the factory inspectorate in implementing the
provisions of the law and protecting the lives of workers.

As a consumer concerned for the respect of labour rights, I call on you to
implement as soon as possible the recommendations that the fact finding team
sent to both the employers and authorities after visiting Agra on May 29-30,
2002 when it became clear that numerous labour laws were violated, resulting
not only in a disastrous fire but also in the high death toll.

I hope to be soon hearing positive news in this regard.

Yours sincerely,

(nome e cognome, eventuale associazione di appartenenza, indirizzo)