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Nike e Reebok in Messico: buone notizie! - aggiornamenti - Clean Clothes Campaign

Mi scuso del ritardo con cui vi invio questa buona notizia.
Ersilia Monti

NIKE E REEBOK IN MESSICO: I lavoratori della Kukdong (ora Mex Mode) ce
l'hanno fatta: nasce un sindacato indipendente che firma il suo primo
contratto collettivo. Al suo fianco una fitta rete di solidarieta'
(aggiornamenti sul caso distribuito alla lista il 17 e 20gennaio, 26
febbraio, 18 maggio scorsi)

Gennaio 2001: sciopero delle maestranze della Kukdong, azienda coreana
fornitrice di Nike e Reebok. Chiedono migliori condizioni di lavoro e il
diritto di scegliere il proprio sindacato. Il risultato sono 15 persone
ferite dalla polizia e alcune centinaia di scioperanti licenziati. Ma il
caso non passa inosservato: nella fabbrica di Atlixco, nello stato del
Puebla,  si confezionano felpe Nike per almeno 14 universita’ statunitensi
che hanno aderito a organismi di garanzia sociale  come il Worker Rights
Consortium o  la Fair Labor Association di cui anche Nike fa parte. Seguono
tre ispezioni indipendenti che accertano le violazioni dei codici di
condotta e sollecitano rimedi. La campagna di pressione internazionale e’
efficacemente guidata dai gruppi studenteschi universitari nordamericani che
si riconoscono nella rete United Students Against Sweatshops.
Marzo 2001: vengono compiute le formalita’ necessarie per il riconoscimento
di un sindacato di fabbrica indipendente che vuole battersi per la fine dei
privilegi accordati al FROC CROC, sindacato legato allo storico partito
conservatore messicano PRI, che impedisce lo svolgimento di
regolari elezioni pur non avendo propri rappresentanti nella fabbrica. Nei
mesi successivi si intensificano le aggressioni fisiche e verbali, i
tentativi di corruzione e di intimidazione da parte del FROC CROC con
l'intento di creare defezioni all'interno del gruppo promotore del nuovo
sindacato e rendere cosi' nulla la richiesta di registrazione legale. E' una
pratica che il FROC CROC conosce bene avendola gia' sperimentata con
successo in altre realta' produttive. Occorre accelerare i tempi per il
riconoscimento legale. I gruppi internazionali si rivolgono al governo
messicano attraverso le sue sedi diplomatiche nel mondo per chiedergli di
garantire nella fabbrica di
Atlixco il rispetto della liberta' di associazione. Negli Stati Uniti
vengono organizzate una quarantina di delegazioni presso gli uffici
consolari. Sollecitazioni analoghe sono state presentate anche da Nike e

Ottenuto il riconoscimento legale con il nome di Sitemex, il sindacato dei
lavoratori della Kukdong, che ora ha cambiato nome in Mex Mode, firma il 21
di settembre il suo primo contratto collettivo dopo aver raggiunto un
accordo con l’azienda il 31 agosto che pone fine al contratto di lavoro
arbitrario che la legava al sindacato FROC-CROC. E’ una novita’ nel settore
delle maquiladoras del Messico che non ha mai tollerato sindacati
indipendenti. La vittoria e’ il risultato di una battaglia difficile durata
nove mesi e che non sarebbe stata possibile senza il sostegno coordinato di
un gran numero di organizzazioni internazionali: Centro de Apoyo al
Trabajador, Students Against Sweatshops, AFL-CIO, US Labor Education in the
American Project, Campaign for Labor Rights, Korean House for International
Solidarity, Maquila Solidarity Network, Clean Clothes Campaign.

E’ importante che le aziende che si riforniscono dalla Mex Mode, in
particolare Nike e Reebok, mantengano fede agli impegni e non interrompano
le commesse adesso che e’ stato costituito un sindacato indipendente.
Campaign for Labor Rights, a cui hanno fatto capo le comunicazioni, ci
invita a scrivere a Nike e Reebok per ringraziarle del ruolo positivo svolto
e invitarle a mantenere Mex Mode fra i propri fornitori.

Vi scrivo per ringraziarvi del ruolo positivo svolto dalla vostra impresa
nel garantire il rispetto della liberta’ di associazione sindacale per i
lavoratori della Mex Mode, ex Kukdong, in Messico. Apprendo con piacere che
il sindacato liberamente scelto dalle maestranze, Sitemex, e’ stato
riconosciuto legalmente e ha potuto firmare un contratto collettivo di
lavoro. Vi invito caldamente a mantener fede all’impegno di rispettare i
diritti sindacali continuando a garantire le vostre commesse a Mex Mode.
Aspetto una vostra conferma in tal senso.

TESTO DA INVIARE PER EMAIL A NIKE E REEBOK inviando una copia a Campaign for
Labor Rights (CLRmain@afgj.org)

For the attention of:
Vada Manager, Director, Global Issues Management Nike Inc.
Dough Cahn, Vice President, Human Rights Programs Reebok

Dear Mr.Manager, Dear Mr.Cahn,

I am writing to thank Nike and Reebok for the positive role your companies
played in helping to ensure that workers’ right to freedom of association at
the Mex Mode factory, formerly known as Kukdong, in Atlixco, Mexico is
I am very pleased to learn that the company and the local Mexican labor
board have recognized the union of the workers’ choice, and that the new
union, SITEMEX, and Mex Mode have successfully negotiated a collective
I would strongly urge your companies to demonstrate your ongoing commitment
to the right of workers to freedom of association by not walking away from
Mex Mode now that a fair resolution to the dispute has been achieved. Please
make good on your commitment to the workers at Mex Mode by resuming and
continuing to place orders with the factory.
I look forward to receiving word that your companies are placing and will
continue to place orders with Mex Mode as long as the workers’ rights are

(nome e cognome, eventuale organizzazione di appartenenza)

Segue testo originale del messaggio ricevuto dalla Clean Clothes Campagin
Chi vuole essere escluso dalla lista o vuole ricevere informazioni sulla
Clean Clothes Campaign, puo’ inviare un messaggio a : ermont@tin.it
Ersilia Monti (Coordinamento lombardo nord/sud del mondo)
P.le Governo Provvvisorio 6
20127 Milano
email: ermont@tin.it

-----Messaggio originale-----
Da: clean clothes campaign <info@cleanclothes.org>
A: fsoli@magnet.at <fsoli@magnet.at>; decladeberne@club.ch
<decladeberne@club.ch>; campaign@evb.ch <campaign@evb.ch>;
reseau-solidarite@globenet.org <reseau-solidarite@globenet.org>;
ermont@tin.it <ermont@tin.it>; frieda.dekoninck@wsm.be
<frieda.dekoninck@wsm.be>; nead@gn.apc.org <nead@gn.apc.org>;
women-ww@mcr1.poptel.org.uk <women-ww@mcr1.poptel.org.uk>;
ropalimpia@pangea.org <ropalimpia@pangea.org>; carole.crabbe@mdmoxfam.be
<carole.crabbe@mdmoxfam.be>; Catella@mdmoxfam.be <Catella@mdmoxfam.be>;
erstling-u@vemission.org <erstling-u@vemission.org>;
CCC-D@dgb-bildungswerk.de <CCC-D@dgb-bildungswerk.de>; info@renaklader.org
<info@renaklader.org>; cidac@esoterica.pt <cidac@esoterica.pt>;
cleanclothes@xs4all.nl <cleanclothes@xs4all.nl>
Data: martedì 9 ottobre 2001 16.24
Oggetto: [cleanclothes] independent union & cba at kuk dong

>Dear Friends,
>Please find an important update (prepared by the Campaign for Labor Rights)
>on the case of Kuk Dong, the Mexican facility that produces for Nike and
>Reebok. Important because the independent union has officially been
>recognized and a collective bargaining agreement has been signed. (Note
>that the company is now called Mex Mode). Various organizations throughout
>the CCC network participated in this campaign. But we shouldn't close the
>book on this case yet. It is important that the companies sourcing at the
>factory at the time of the labor dispute continue to place their orders
>there now that an independent trade union has been established. Contact
>Nike and Reebok to request that they demonstrate their commitment to
>workers rights by continuing to do business with their contractor. See the
>sample letter in the CLR update below.
>For more extensive background information on this case, please see the CCC
>website <www.cleanclothes.org>
>Labor Alerts (11,500 subscribers), a free service of:
>Campaign for Labor Rights
>Phone: 202-544-9355, fax: 202-544-9359
>Trim Bissell, National Co-Coordinator
>Daisy Pitkin, Co-Coordinator, <clrdc@afgj.org>
>Web site: <www.summersault.com/~agj/clr>
>CLR is a member of the Alliance for Global Justice.
>To subscribe/unsubscribe, contact <clrmain@afgj.org>
>CLR Labor Alert posted September 26, 2001
>In this Alert:
>1. Breakthrough in Mexico: Kukdong Workers Win Independent Union
>2. Continued Support for Mex Mode Workers
>[Alert largely provided by the Maquiladora Solidarity Network]
>Workers at the Kuk Dong factory in Atlixco, Puebla, Mexico have finally won
>their independent union and a signed collective agreement. This is a
>precedent-setting victory that could open the door to worker organizing in
>Mexico's maquiladora sector where, to date, independent unions have not
>On September 21, a new collective agreement was signed by the company,
>has changed its name to Mex Mode, and the independent union, now known as
>That same day the contract was filed with the Puebla Conciliation and
>Arbitration Board, and the union was granted its legal registration. Of the
>450 workers currently employed at the factory, 399 signed the application
>for the independent union.
>The workers had formerly been "represented" by the FROC-CROC, an "official"
>labor federation linked to the Puebla State government and Mexico's
>historical ruling party, the PRI. On August 31, an agreement was reached
>between all parties involved in the dispute recognizing the independent
>union and terminating the "protection contract" between the company and the
>The victory is the product of a difficult nine-month struggle by the
>for their right to be represented by the union of their choice. It could
>have been possible without the coordinated support provided by the Workers
>Support Center (CAT) in Mexico, Students Against Sweatshops groups in the
>and Canada, labor organizations including the AFL-CIO and CLC, and
>solidarity groups including the US Labor Education in the Americas Project
>(US/LEAP), Campaign for Labor Rights (CLR), the Korean House for
>International Solidarity, and the Maquila Solidarity Network.
>You may remember CLR's July efforts to organize delegations to nearly 40 of
>the 45 Mexican Consulate offices in the US.  Many thanks to those of you
>organized or participated in those delegations in your communities!  The
>letters you delivered to Consuls about the situation at Kukdong (now Mex
>Mode) were delivered to President Fox in diplomatic pouches from the US.
>The delegations are recognized as an important piece of the international
>pressure campaign in support of the workers' union.
>Other organizations that played crucial roles in documenting worker rights
>violations at the factory and convincing major buyers such as Nike, Reebok
>and a number of US universities to intervene in support of the workers'
>right to freedom of association include the Worker Rights Consortium (WRC),
>the International Labor Rights Fund (ILRF), Verité, Mexican labor lawyer
>Arturo Alcalde, and Professor Huberto Juarez and students at the Autonomous
>University of Puebla.
>This important victory will be a hollow one if the major buyers -- Nike and
>Reebok -- walk away from the factory and fail to live up to their
>to resume and continue placing orders with Mex Mode. We urge you to help
>workers consolidate their victory by writing to Nike and Reebok thanking
>them for the positive role they have played and strongly urging them to
>demonstrate their ongoing commitment to the right of workers to freedom of
>association by placing orders with Mex Mode.
>Thanks to all the members and friends of MSN who responded to our many
>urgent action alerts with letters of support for the workers at Mex Mode,
>formerly Kuk Dong.
>Sample Letter
>(Please write your own, and send us a copy: CLRmain@afgj.org)
>Vada Manager, Director, Global Issues Management
>Nike Inc.
>One Bowerman Drive
>Beaverton, OR   97003-6433 USA
>Fax: (503) 671-6300
>E-mail: vada.manager@nike.com
>Dear Mr. Manager:
>I am writing to thank Nike for the positive role your company played in
>helping to ensure that workers' right to freedom of association at the Mex
>Mode factory, formerly known as Kuk Dong, in Atlixco, Mexico are respected.
>I am very pleased to learn that the company and the local Mexican labor
>board have recognized the union of the workers' choice, and that the new
>union, SITEMEX, and Mex Mode have successfully negotiated a collective
>I would strongly urge your company to demonstrate your ongoing commitment
>the right of workers to freedom of association by not walking away from Mex
>Mode now that a fair resolution to the dispute has been achieved. Please
>make good on your commitment to the workers at Mex Mode by resuming and
>continuing to place orders with the factory.
>I look forward to receiving word that your company is placing and will
>continue to place orders with Mex Mode as long as the workers' rights are
>(Your Name)
>Please adapt the above letter and send to:
>Doug Cahn, Vice President, Human Rights Programs
>1895 J. W. Foster Boulevard
>Canton, MA  02021 USA
>Fax: 781-401-4806
>Email: doug.cahn@reebok.com
>++++++++ This is the cleanclothes mailinglist. Messages posted to this list
>will be received by all the subscribers of the list. Messages can also be
>posted by all subscribers to the list. Therefore the messages posted on
>list are not necessarily reflecting the opinion of the Clean Clothes
>Campaign. To respond to one subscriber of the list you have to mail the
>message to the mailing adress of the subscriber, not to the mailinglist.
>Messages only directed to the clean clothes campaign in the Netherlands,
>example, should be mailed to ccc@xs4all.nl ++++++