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Ngadinah esce di prigione - Clean Clothes Campaign

ADIDAS IN INDONESIA: Ngadinah, la sindacalista rinviata a giudizio con imputazioni vaghe e incarcerata alla vigilia del processo, e' fuori di prigione su cauzione dal 23 maggio (caso distribuito alla lista il 18 maggio 2001)

Chi ha partecipato alla campagna di solidarieta' ha ricevuto la buona notizia della scarcerazione di Ngadinah direttamene da Adidas (scusate, sono stata battuta sul tempo…).

Sollecitata da piu' parti, il 18 maggio scorso, la multinazionale tedesca ha scritto una lettera al ministro del lavoro indonesiano. Nel trasmettere le espressioni di viva preoccupazione per l'arresto di Ngadinah ricevute da organizzazioni sindacali e non governative da tutto il mondo, e persino da membri della Fair Labor Association, agenzia di certificazione della "Clinton Coalition" nella quale Adidas occupa un posto nel consiglio direttivo, Adidas invita il ministro a svolgere un'indagine per chiarire la natura delle accuse rivolte a Ngadinah e ad accertare se siano stati violati i diritti contemplati nelle convenzioni OIL n.87 e 98 (liberta' di associazione sindacale e di contrattazione collettiva).

Adidas ci informa anche (messaggio che avete ricevuto il 22 maggio) che ha incaricato un auditor indonesiano di intervistare gli iscritti ai due sindacati della PT Panarub. Dalle interviste, il cui contenuto non vuole rivelare mentre e' in corso il processo, risulterebbe che lo sciopero ha avuto il sostegno di una minoranza di lavoratori; gli altri si sarebbero gia' trovati in fabbrica o sarebbe stato loro impedito di entrarvi. Resterebbe percio' da chiarire la dinamica della protesta e la successiva reazione delle autorita'. Adidas conclude assicurando il suo impegno per migliorare le comunicazioni all'interno della fabbrica indonesiana e promuovere il dialogo sociale. Metodi idonei sarebbero gia' stati discussi con la direzione ed entrambi i sindacati.

All'uscita di prigione, il 23 maggio, Ngadinah ha indetto una conferenza stampa per ringraziare le tante persone che, da ogni parte del mondo, le sono state vicine, ma anche per esporre alcune riflessioni. Purtroppo, l'inglese che usa Ngadinah non e' di facile comprensione (il testo lo trovate in coda al messaggio), spero di farne una sintesi corretta: 1) il governo indonesiano protegge gli interessi degli imprenditori, non dei lavoratori, la sua condotta lo dimostra. Uno stato che non tutela i suoi lavoratori da abusi commette un crimine verso l'umanita'; 2) i governi cambiano ma non la repressione nei confronti dei lavoratori. Se all'epoca di Suharto l'atteggiamento era militaresco a tutto vantaggio delle imprese, ora si cerca di criminalizzare il sindacato cercando falsi appigli nella legge. Gli imprenditori, inoltre, pagano delle persone per tenere a bada il sindacato e opprimere i lavoratori. Ho deciso di diventare sindacalista quando mi sono resa conto di tutto questo.; 3) Da come si sono svolti i fatti, sono sicura che ci sia stata collusione fra la PT Panarub, il ministero del lavoro, la polizia e la magistratura (il perche' e' spiegato nel secondo capoverso di questo punto, ma purtroppo il senso non mi e' chiaro, n.d.t.). Ngadinah formula alcune richieste: 1) che non siano piu' usati gli articoli 160 e 335 del codice penale per reprimere le liberta' sindacali (quelli che si riferiscono, con estrema vaghezza, ad atti contrari all'ordine pubblico e agli "atti offensivi"); 2) che siano istitute, secondo la legge, delle commissioni di indagine per i casi in cui siano stati violati i diritti dei lavoratori (ne cita 5); 3) che il suo caso sia messo in agenda nella sessione annuale dell'OIL che si terra' a Ginevra dal 5 al 12 giugno per chiedere all'Indonesia maggior impegno nell'applicazione della convenzione n.87; 4) che le associazioni dei consumatori continuino a sollecitare il rispetto dei diritti sindacali previsti nel codice di condotta di Adidas.


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Ersilia Monti (Coordinamento lombardo nord/sud del mondo)

P.le Governo Provvvisorio 6

20127 Milano


email: ermont@tin.it


----Messaggio originale-----
Da: Clean Clothes Campaign <info@cleanclothes.org>
A: cleanclothes@xs4all.nl <cleanclothes@xs4all.nl>
Cc: Ngadinah.free.from.jail!!@xs4all.nl <Ngadinah.free.from.jail!!@xs4all.nl>
Data: giovedì 24 maggio 2001 14.01
Oggetto: [cleanclothes] Press Conference

subject: Ngadinah free from jail!!

Dear friends,

We are very happy to inform you that yesterday (the 23d) Ngadinah was released from jail, please find below her press statement!

Press Conference
I am Victim of New Era Labor Politic

First of all we thank to almighty God because today I can free from the jail. I also thank to mass media for of all their helps toward me either print or electronic. In addition toward my law advisor from SISBIKUM, NGO’s participants, national and international trade unions for their support especially for them who active to visit my case plenary. In particular way I want to say thank to my all family members, old and young sister especially to my mother (Biyung) that came from Kebumen to give moral support to me. Then I want to say thank to Federation of Trade Union Independent (GSBI) from the factory and sector level. Next to Mr. State minister and life environment (Dr. Sonny Keraf, brother Munir, S.H. YLBHI chairman and also to brother Munarwan, S.H. chairman of KONTRAS who gives the guarantee to the judge to check my case. For all your support I expect God will bless you all. I hope we still unity as form of solidarity forever in fighting the exploitation.

Dear all of you,
I have done reflection while I was in woman jail Tangerang, so there are three thing I need to say relates to labor struggle in Indonesia in standing their rights.

Firstly, Government position in protecting the labor is not clear. In this case I see that their function is no use. The government just protects the employers. In could be proved by the laws, regulation, and government decree are tend to see the employer needs. Between the policy of the government and employer attitude to think that labor is robot becomes to complete one each other and the result is the labor situation worse. This type of character is new era habit that still maintained till at present. Based on my experience I can say that when a state is not able to guarantee its labor rights they had violated the labor rights it is the same as criminal toward the humanity.

The second, there is labor criminal process.
At the new era the approach done toward labor was military. This way was very efficient for the government and advantaged for the employer in getting the lucky without thing about the labor condition. Even to the reformation government the violation toward the labor still exists. There are two forms of the violation, they are as follows: first by way of making the activity done by labor or trade union as criminal acts. It is done by the employer with finding the false article in the criminal code just like they accused toward me, that was article 160 about agitation to run against the general who has authority and criminal code of 335 about disturbed act. In addition the employer also does the hardness act toward the labor and trade union in doing their activities. The hardness done by the employer is paying the other people to oppress the labor and trade union. I become remember when we were doing strike at PT. Panarub my friends were oppressed by freeman (paid people) it almost the same as the military act developed by new era the different only the doers.

The third, collusion between PT. Panabur, manpower department, police, and public prosecutor.
The law doers, in this case police, judge did not do their job professionally until I became accusation in the court. It could I see that there was unusual things described false act in the frame of sending me to prison. In addition manpower department of Tangerang does not do their job well as institution that takes care about labor. It makes question in my mind what happens in inside of this? A glance can be seen that conspiracy is happening among several people to make me as criminal victim as the board of PERBUPAS in struggle the labor rights. They thought that by made me as victim the other labors will be afraid of them later. It is really very strange the labor who want to struggle their rights said as criminal doer (criminal code of 160) disturbed act (criminal code of 335). It is very easy for the police and judge to bring me into the jail as a small people that wants to struggle its rights. Is my act more than the corrupter’s acts that took the society money?

The strange things about this case and related to PT. Panarub they never report me to the police is not right. Because there was in police document No. pol.371/B/IX/2000/Res of Tangerang, 11th September 2000 stated clearly that there was report from Slamet Supriadi which gave authority by the direction of the business Drs. Bernard, MBA because the nation and international about my case they want to be free from their act. So it was clear the happening the collusion among PT. Panarub, manpower department, police and the judge.

Based on all things above I can make conclusion that:
1. What happening to me is money politic of PT. Panarub, manpower department, police, and general prosecutor in frame of stopping the right to associate.
2. What happening to me is describing the labor politic of new era.
3. The struggle I have done not only for me and PT. Panarub’d labor but as moral responsibility toward labor as a whole in running against the exploitation.
4. I realize that all forms of exploitation toward the labor should be fight by solidarity.
5. Struggle is sacrifice with long time to get result.

For this thing I demand to:
1. Republic Indonesia head police and attorney general to inform for all people either at center and area level not to interfere the labor case such as using article 160 and 335 of criminal code.
2. Ask to manpower department and transmigration to make special team in investigating the employers who did oppression towards the labors and trade unions’ establishment in the factory. Such as PT. Panarub, PT. Sandrafine in Tangerang, PT. Citra Abadi Sejati in Cileungsih, and PT. Sinarub Jaya Utama at Gunung Putri – Bogor and others factories according to the law no. 21 of 2000 about trade union.
3. Ask to all trade unions and NGOS either in national and international to take care about the labor. And to make my case as agenda (labor criminal victim) on the annual ILO session 5-12 June 2001 in Geneva in order to ratify the ILO convention no. 87 about the freedom to associate and protection toward the right to make organization be really done by Indonesia.
4. Ask the national and international consumer institution to insist the ADIDAS to do the code of conduct especially about the guarantee for associating in the factory that produces ADIDAS.

It is the press conference I deliver for your attention I would to say thank you ever so much.

Jakarta, May 23rd 2001
Yours truly

Ngadinah Binti Abu Mawardi.

Clean Clothes Campaign
PO Box 11584
1001 GN Amsterdam
The Netherlands
tel: + 31 20 4122785
fax: + 31 20 4122786

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