I Comitati per la resistenza nonviolenta palestinese tenteranno di rompere l'apartheid


From: luisa morgantini <luisamorgantini at gmail.com>
Sender: associazioneperlapace at yahoogroups.com
Date: Tue, 8 Nov 2011 09:32:24 +0100
To: associazione per la pace mailing list<associazioneperlapace at yahoogroups.com>; <assopace-palestina2011 at googlegroups.com>; Donne in Nero<donneinnero at listas.nodo50.org>; reteromanapalestina<reteromanapalestina at googlegroups.com>; <selforuminternazionale at googlegroups.com>; <zaatar at inventati.org>; <actionforpeace at yahoogroups.com>; <bellaciao at yahoogroups.com>; Tavola della Pace<tavola at perlapace.it>; Campagna italiana di boicottaggio dell'Agrexco<stop_agrexco at inventati.org>; bdsitalia<bdsitalia at libero.it>
ReplyTo: associazioneperlapace at yahoogroups.com
Subject: [associazione per la pace] Grandiosa iniziativa dei comitati popolari Palestinians to Challenge Segregation By Riding Settler Buses to Jerusalem

Grandiosa iniziativa dei Comitati per la resistenza popolare nonviolenta palestinese, tenteranno di rompere l'apartheid e salire sugli autobus dei coloni che illegamente entrano nella Cisgiordania e che collegano le colonie a Tel Aviv o a Gerusalemme. L'azione si rifà a quelle dei movimenti   per i diritti civili negli Stati Uniti. La prima azione si svolgerà il 15 Novembre. Sosteniamoli, diffondete l'informazione, organizzate inziative a sostegno.  Comunicatele. Preparemo un volnatino che potrà essere distrubito per dire della condizione di aparthei e spiegare le ragioni  dei palestinesi a voler salire sugli autobus dell'apartheid.

Dal 12 al 18 dicembre 2011, L' Associazione per la Pace e la rete internazionale per il sostegno alla resistenza popolare nonviolenta palestinese ha invitato in Italia due donne del  Comitato Popolare di Nabi Saleh, per fare conoscere la loro lotta e sostenere i Comitati popolari.
Chi fosse interessato - interessata ad organizzare incontri in Italia si metta in contatto con
Un abbraccio.
Luisa Morgantini
Associazione per la Pace
Media Advisory
Monday, 7 November 2011

Palestinian Freedom Riders to Challenge Segregation By Riding Settler Buses to Jerusalem
Palestinian activists will reenact the US Civil Rights Movement's Freedom Rides to the American South by boarding segregated Israeli public transportation in the West Bank to travel to occupied East Jerusalem.

When: Tuesday, November 15th, 2011
Meeting point:
the Ramallah Cultural Palace at 1:00 PM
Media contact:

Next Tuesday, Palestinian activists will attempt to board segregated Israeli public transportation headed from inside the West Bank to occupied East Jerusalem in an act of civil disobedience inspired by the Freedom Riders of the U.S. Civil Rights Movement in the 60’s.

Fifty years after the U.S. Freedom Riders staged mixed-race bus rides through the roads of the segregated American South, Palestinian Freedom Riders will be asserting their right for liberty and dignity by disrupting the military regime of the Occupation through peaceful civil disobedience.

The Freedom Riders seek to highlight Israel’s attempts to illegally sever occupied East Jerusalem from the rest of the West Bank, and the apartheid system that Israel has imposed on Palestinians in the occupied territories.

Several Israeli companies, among them Egged and Veolia, operate dozens of lines that run through the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem, many of them subsidized by the state. They run between different Israeli settlements, connecting them to each other and cities inside Israel. Some lines connecting Jerusalem to other cities inside Israel, such as Eilat and Beit She'an, are also routed to pass through the West Bank.

Israelis suffer almost no limitations on their freedom of movement in the occupied Palestinian territory, and are even allowed to settle in it, contrary to international law. Palestinians, in contrast, are not allowed to enter Israel without procuring a special permit from Israeli authorities. Even Palestinian movement inside the Occupied Territories is heavily restricted, with access to occupied East Jerusalem and some 8% of the West Bank in the border area also forbidden without a similar permit.

While it is not officially forbidden for Palestinians to use Israeli public transportation in the West Bank, these lines are effectively segregated, since many of them pass through Jewish-only settlements, to which Palestinian entry is prohibited by a military decree.



Popular Struggle Coordination Committee's Twitter account.

Popular Struggle Coordination Committee | 12 Raffaele Ciriello St | Ramallah | OPT


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