From: Gharaba <gharaba at>
Subject: Fw: i bambini con le armi
To: "federico scuot callegaro" <federico.callegaro at>
Cc: "Giorgio Peretti" <perettigiorgio at>, "Gian Luca Colombo" <gianlu.colombo at>, "franco scuot guizza rosin" <sneoro at>
Date: Wednesday, October 22, 2008, 2:16 PM
provati a pensara per un attimo, se fossero i bambini Palestinesi o musulmai in generale al posto dei bambini israeliani come sarebbe stata la reazione dei politici, o dei giornalisti ,e quanti dibattiti avrebbero fatto le televisioni con tanto di ospiti illustri.questi immagini parlano da soli ,
Look how Nazi Zionist Israelis train their children to love the other peoples
Imagine what the main stream media would have said if these were Muslim children. It will be shown all over the world to depict barbarian Muslims training innocent kids to become terrorist or born terrorist kids training to kill innocent & peaceful Israeli kids and so on
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@@@ منتدى أنوار فلسطينية @@@@
Look how Nazi Zionist Israel soldiers deal with the Palestinian children
@@@ منتدى أنوار فلسطينية @@@@
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