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Vi chiedo di mandare (facendo cut&paste) e firmare la seguente lettera a
kofi annan, segretario delle nazioni unite per chiedere la liberazione del
piu' giovane prigioniero politico detenuto nella repubblica popolare cinese:
il panchen lama, classe 1989, rapito dall'esercito cinese all'eta' di 6

l'indirizzo a cui scrivere e'
remote-printer.Kofi_Annan@12129634879.iddd.tpc.int e questo e' un
esempio di lettera:


   New York Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights
   United Nations
   One United Nations Plaza
   Room S-2914
   New York, NY 10017

Dear First Secretary Kofi Annan,

I am greatly concerned over the safety of Gedhun Choekyi Nyima, the world's
youngest political prisoner. In 1995, he and his family were kidnapped from
their home in Tibet by the government of China. They have now been under
house arrest in Beijing for almost 4 years and no foreign official or
journalist has been allowed to visit the boy and his family to ensure that
they are safe and healthy.

Gedhun Choekyi Nyima was recognized by the Dalai Lama as the reincarnation
of the Panchen Lama who is the second most highly revered religious leader
of Tibet. Shortly after this announcement, China chose their own Panchen
Lama and claimed that Gedhun, the boy whom the Dalai Lama and Tibetans
recognize as the real Panchen Lama, had not even disappeared. After one year
of denials by the Chinese government of any involvement, they finally
admitted to having taken the boy and his family to China.

I urge you Mr. First Secretary, to take a stand on human rights against
China and demand that this young boy and his family be released. I also urge
you to bring up the issue of human rights abuses committed by China in Tibet
during direct relations with Chinese officials. The citizens of Canada are
waiting for the leaders of today to take decisive action and help free the
world's youngest political prisoner.

Yours sincerely,
(da firmare)
