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We have just received an e-mail with:
<Weekly anb0522_4.txt #6> as Subjet.

The field "From:" says:
From: anb-bia <anb-bia@eresmas.com>

There is an attachment called:
         <1001 PROGRAMA OPERATIVO PO1.doc.exe>

This file CAN BE infected by a virus: DON'T open it!

This e-mail DOES NOT COME from anb-bia!!!!
We NEVER sent it!

You can delete it
Sorry for any inconvenince!
Nous venons de recevoir un courriel (e-mail) portant comme "Sujet":
<Weekly anb0522_4.txt #6> as Subjet.

La voix "FROM" dit:
From: anb-bia <anb-bia@eresmas.com>

Il a un fichier en pièce jointe:
         <1001 PROGRAMA OPERATIVO PO1.doc.exe>

Ce fichier est PROBABLEMENT infecté par un virus.

Nous n'avons JAMAIS envoyé un fichier pareil.
Nous vous conseillons de l'effacer!
Avec toutes nos excuses.

Abbiamo appena ricevuto una e-mail portante nel campo "Subjet:":
<Weekly anb0522_4.txt #6> as Subjet.

Il mittente ("From:") porta questo indirizzo:
From: anb-bia <anb-bia@eresmas.com>

Attaccato alla mail c'est il file seguente:
         <1001 PROGRAMA OPERATIVO PO1.doc.exe>

Questo fail è PROBABILMENTE infetto.
NON APRITELO . Noi NON ABBIAMO MAI inviato questo file:
Un consiglio: cancellatelo immediatamente!
Con tutte le nostre scuse


Un homme meurt chaque fois que l'un d'entre nous  se tait devant la 
tyrannie (Wole Soyinka, Prix Nobel litterature)
*                         --------                                   *
Everytime somebody keep silent when faced with tyranny, someone else dies 
(Wole Syinka, Nobel Prize for Literature)
Greetings from: ANB-BIA, Av. Charles Woeste 184,B-1090, Brussel, Belgium
Ph.: 32-2 420.34.36-Fax: 32-2 420.05.49 - e-mail : <editor@anb-bia.org>
WWW:  http://www.anb-bia.org