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From: "Albanese Giulio" <direttore@misna.org>
To: "ANB-BIA" <anb-bia@village.uunet.be>, <anb-weekly@ntlist.online.be>
Date: Thu, 27 Feb 2003 17:57:13 +0100


Worldwide Churches call for inclusiveness in Sudan Peace Talks

27 February, 2003, Pretoria, South Africa

"The war in Sudan must stop now - our people have suffered enough," said 
Sudanese Bishop Paride Taban in an address to Ambassador Jesse Duarte of 
the South African Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Bishop Taban went on to 
stress the urgent need to conclude nearly 20 years of civil war in Sudan 
with a just and sustainable peace agreement for the entire country.

Bishop Taban spoke at the Sudan Ecumenical Forum 24 - 26 February, near 
Pretoria in South Africa.  The meeting brought together more than 60 senior 
representatives of the churches in the Sudan and their international church 
partners. The participants affirmed their support to the ongoing peace 
process in Sudan and acknowledged the significant progress made in the 
talks between the Government of Sudan and the Sudan People's Liberation 

"We welcome the framework agreement and in particular the incorporation of 
the right of self-determination for the people of South Sudan.  We strongly 
commend the cessation of hostilities achieved in most parts of the South 
and urge that it be fully respected and continued while the parties strive 
to achieve a successful conclusion to the peace talks," states a communiqué 
adopted at the end of the meeting. The paper stresses the need for a peace 
agreement that covers the entire Sudan including the so-called contested 
areas of Nuba Mountains, Abyei and Funj (see attached for details).

The communiqué draws attention to some of the obstacles for a lasting 
settlement to the war. In particular, the delegates were troubled by recent 
violations of the cessation of hostilities otherwise in place since October 
2002. Drawing on information from parishes all over Sudan, the delegates 
warned of accelerated mobilisation and forced recruitment by the warring 

The church leaders committed themselves to continue actively supporting the 
peace process and recommended that wider sections of Sudanese society be 
given opportunities to influence the peace talks and take part in the 
formulation of an inclusive vision for a post-conflict Sudan.

The participants also expressed an urgent need for international guarantees 
and monitoring mechanisms for a future peace agreement and the existing 
agreements on the cessation of hostilities, unimpeded humanitarian access 
to all areas, the protection of civilians, and the Nuba Mountains Ceasefire 

The Sudan Ecumenical Forum was hosted by the South African churches and the 
participants were inspired by the tremendous efforts dedicated to 
reconciliation and to the building of a new South Africa in the 
post-conflict situation.  This experience highlighted the essential role of 
united ecumenical action and co-operation with other faith groups in 
transforming conflict-ridden societies.

x - Le materiel contenu dans ce document ne reflet pas forcement les points 
de vue de l'expediteur. Celui-ci n'accepte aucune responsabilite' sur la 
precision des sources originales.  -   The material contained in this 
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accepts no responsibility as to the accuracy of the original sources.
x - Veuillez nous excuser si vous avez deja recu ces textes - We apologise 
for any cross-posting
x - Un homme meurt chaque fois que l'un d'entre nous se tait devant la 
tyrannie (Wole Soyinka, Prix Nobel litterature) -  Everytime somebody keep 
silent when faced with tyranny, someone else dies (Wole Syinka, Nobel Prize 
for Literature)
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