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Weekly anb1010_DX.txt #7

ANB-BIA - Av. Charles Woeste 184 - 1090 Bruxelles - Belg
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Contents of the Weekly News Files ANB1010.TXT
Contenu des différants fichiers Weekly News ANB1010.TXT

===>  FILE/FICHIER ANB10101.TXT - 16 KB
* Africa	Profiteers re-route Africa-bound AIDS drugs to Europe
* Africa	The diamond industry
* Afrique	Les déplacés dans le monde
* Africa	Action against the Media
* Africa	Human Rights
* Africa	Global AIDS fund looks to tackle corruption
* Afrique	Forum des parlementaires sur le NEPAD
* South. Afr. 	Mugabe shut out of senior regional role
* South. Afr.	Five countries bid for ivory
* West Africa	Coastal regions threatened by sewage

===>  FILE/FICHIER ANB10102.TXT - 15 KB
* Algérie	Islamistes tués
* Algeria	In Kabylie, violence resumes before municipal elections
* Algérie	Elections locales -affrontements
* Angola	Government wants dialogue over Cabinda
* Angola	UNITA camps to remain open
* Bénin		L'Italie annule ses créances
* Burundi	Army arrests over massacre
* Burundi	Sommet sous-régional
* Burundi	Another summit
* Burundi	Retour de réfugiés
* Burundi	Le "Centre Jeunes Kamenge" distingué
* Burundi	Centre Jeunes Kamenge receives award
* Burkina F.	New lakes support rural fisheries
* Camer/Nig.a	Court to rule on border dispute
* Central Afr	Rep. Ex-minister acquitted in coup trial
* Centrafr.	Verdict modéré

===>  FILE/FICHIER ANB10103.TXT - 16 KB
* Cngo RDC/Rw	Retrait des troupes
* Congo (RDC)	The RCD's preliminary agreement with the Govt. --
* Congo (RDC)	Concertations à Pretoria On-going fighting
* Congo (RDC)	Kisangani: heurts avec étudiants
* Congo (RDC)	UN tries to encourage foreign investment in mines
* Côte d'Iv.	Fighting pushes up cocoa prices
* Côte d'Iv. 	La trêve est rompue
* Côte d'Iv. 	Peace denied

===>  FILE/FICHIER ANB10104.TXT - 13 KB
* Côte d'Iv. 	Inside Bouake
* Egypte	Frères musulmans libérés
* Egypt  	USA accused of rewriting the rule book
* Erythrée	Menace de crise alimentaire
* Ethiopia	Coffee prices bitter for Ethiopia
* Ethiopie	Crise humanitaire
* Ghana   	L'or brille à nouveau
* Kenya  	Uhuru presents nomination papers
* Kenya  	Meeting to decide on constitution reforms
* Kenya  	La grève des enseignants
* Kenya  	Courts paralysed by strike
* Libya/Leban	Shi'ite group threatens Gadhafi
* Malawi	New party created

===>  FILE/FICHIER ANB10105.TXT - 14 KB
* Maroc   	Moralisation de la vie publique
* Maroc   	Nouveau Premier ministre
* Mozambique	A decade of peace
* Namibia	Major freight road to be upgraded
* Niger   	Rentrée scolaire
* Nigeria	Textile imports banned
* Nigeria/Ang	US military plans
* Nigeria	Projet pétrochimique
* Nigeria	No respite for couple sentenced to death by stoning
* Rwanda/Zimb.	Troop withdrawals
* S Tome e Pr.	USA builds links with Sao Tome
* Senegal	Overloading blamed for ferry disaster

===>  FILE/FICHIER ANB10106.TXT - 14 KB
* Somalie	Liberté de presse
* Somalia	Warlords threaten to boycott peace talks
* South Afr.	Government brushes off strike
* South Afr.	Alleged racist plot
* South Afr.	PAGAD man finds out he can run, but can't hide
* South Afr.	Mining assets charter amended
* Sudan   	UN resumes aid flights
* Sudan   	Continuous fighting -- peace talks in doubt
* Soudan 	Reprise des négociations
* Soudan/Ery	Combats à la frontière
* Tanzania	Air Tanzania attracts $20m bid

===>  FILE/FICHIER ANB10107.TXT - 14 KB
* Tchad   	Attaque de la rébellion
* Chad		Controversy over skull
* Uganda	100,000 ordered to move closer to camps
* Tunisie	Construction d'autoroute
* Ouganda	"Camps protégés"
* Uganda	Junk choppers to be returned to Belarus
* Ouganda	Résultats du recensement
* Zambia	Women slam GM policy
* Zambie	Soutien au kwacha
* Zambie	Il dénonce la famine: arrêté
* Zimbabwe	Elephant collision derails train
* Zimbabwe	Dissidents banned from church
* Zimbabwe	Gas stations run dry again

Bonne lecture - Enjoy the reading