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Weekly anb10107.txt #7
WEEKLY NEWS ISSUE of: 10-10-2002 PART #7/7
* Tchad. Attaque de la rébellion - La rébellion armée du Tibesti (extrême
nord du Tchad) a repris les hostilités contre le régime de N'Djamena. Le 3
octobre, un commando du MDJT (Mouvement pour la justice et la démocratie au
Tchad) a attaqué l'aéroport stratégique de Faya (750 km au nord-est de
N'Djamena), détruisant deux hélicoptères militaires et un petit avion
d'attaque au sol. C'est la première opération des rebelles dans cette
région, dont les actions se situent au Tibesti. Il s'agirait d'un raid
audacieux mais limité: un seul véhicule aurait mené l'assaut. Il a eu lieu
un peu plus d'une semaine après le décès du président fondateur du MDJT,
Youssouf Togoïmi. Son successeur, Hassan Mardégué, pourrait avoir voulu
signer sa prise de fonction. Selon les rebelles, l'attaque aurait fait 20
morts dans les rangs des forces gouvernementales, qui parlaient elles-mêmes
de deux soldats tués. (ANB-BIA, de sources diverses, 5 octobre 2002)
* Chad. Controversy over skull - Controversy has arisen over the nature of
a skull and jaw fragments discovered in the Djurab Desret of northern Chad
by a team led by Professor Brunet og Poitiers University, France, who said
at the time of discovery that it had been the culmination of 25 years'
searching. Professor Brunet, backed by independent scientists, claimed that
the skull and jaw fragments provided enough evidence to show that they
belonged to the earliest hominid ever discovered. Today, another group of
scientists, two based in France, two in the USA, present a point-by-point
demolition of Professor Brunet's case, arguing that there is no evidence to
suggest that "Toumai" (the name given to the remains) was a hominid. "We
believe Toumai was an ape", they conclude. (ANB-BIA, Belgium, 10 October 2002)
* Uganda. 100,000 ordered to move closer to camps - 3 October: Civilians in
the north of the country have been ordered by the army to leave their homes
and move closer to camps protected by the military. Army spokesman Shaban
Bantariza said that up to 100,000 people in three districts were affected.
He said the move was being made to prevent civilians getting caught in the
crossfire between rebels of the Lord's Resistance Army (LRA) and the
military. The Ugandan army is trying to wipe out the LRA, which has been
fighting the government of President Yoweri Museveni for 15 years. Major
Bantariza said that rebels hid in villagers' huts when they were pursued by
the army, and civilians should therefore move closer to areas the rebels
could not reach. Civilians in the districts of Gulu, Pader and Kitgum have
been given 48 hours to move into towns under the army's control, or camps
set up for the hundreds of thousands of people already displaced by the
fighting, AP news agency reported. (ANB-BIA, Belgium, 3 October 2002)
* Tunisie. Construction d'autoroute - Le 7 octobre, la Banque européenne
d'investissement (BEI) a accordé à la Tunisie un prêt de 120 millions
d'euros pour le financement de l'extension d'une autoroute reliant Tunis à
Sfax, deuxième ville du pays, à 260 km de la capitale. Le prêt, dont la
durée de remboursement s'étale sur 20 ans avec 5 ans de grâce, est destiné
à la construction de deux tronçons longs de 98 km, le premier reliant
Msaken à El Jem, et le deuxième allant d'El Jem à Sfax. Le coût total du
projet, dont le démarrage est prévu en 2003 et l'achèvement en 2007, est
estimé à environ 315 millions d'euros. La BEI y contribue à hauteur de 39%.
(AP, 7 octobre 2002)
* Ouganda. "Camps protégés" - Des milliers de civils du nord de l'Ouganda
ont été sommés d'abandonner, dans un délai de 48 heures, leurs habitations
pour regagner des "camps protégés" par les forces armées ougandaises.
L'ultimatum concernerait quelque 100.000 personnes des districts de Gulu,
Pader et Kitgum, qui subissent depuis des années les attaques de la LRA
(Armée de résistance du Seigneur). Le porte-parole de l'armée a déclaré à
la BBC que la décision ne vise qu'à épargner la population civile piégée
dans les combats. L'armée mène une vaste offensive pour éradiquer la
guérilla. - Par ailleurs, au terme d'une rencontre entre le président
Museveni et une délégation des leaders des communautés religieuses des
districts acholi, le chef de l'Etat aurait donné son accord pour créer une
zone protégée afin de favoriser le dialogue. Dans cette zone, les religieux
pourront rencontrer les rebelles avec des garanties pour leur sécurité, du
moins de la part du gouvernement. La zone sera également accessible aux
convois humanitaires. Le président a invité les religieux à poursuivre leur
oeuvre de médiation pour trouver une solution pacifique à la guerre en
cours. (Misna, Italie, 3-4 octobre 2002)
* Uganda. Junk choppers to be returned to Belarus - 7 October: The
helicopter gunships whose acquisition five years ago continues to rock the
Government, have been dismantled, loaded into containers for re-shipment
back to Belarus, a former Soviet Union republic. The two Mi-24 helicopters,
whose controversial purchase in 1997 is reported to have caused government
a direct loss of US $6.5m, are being returned for overhaul. An informed
source says: "The Government made a decision recently to fly the
helicopters back to Belarus for refurbishment. This will involve fully
overhauling them. The Director of the Airforce, Brig. Joshua Masaba,
recently led a team to meet officials of the Belarussian government
corporation (BY) to discuss the terms of the overhaul". Masaba declined to
comment. But other sources said there was still disagreement over who
should foot the cost of flying the choppers back to Belarus and paying for
the overhaul. Some sources said the suppliers, Consolidated Sales
Corporation (CSC), had agreed to foot the costs of the overhaul. But it was
still unclear how much the exercise would cost. (New Vision, Uganda, 7
October 2002)
* Ouganda. Résultats du recensement - Le 5 octobre, l'institut national de
statistiques a diffusé les résultats définitifs du recensement 2002. Depuis
1991, date du dernier recensement, la population a augmenté de 7,9 millions
de personnes. La croissance annuelle a été de 3,3%. 27% de la population
habitent au centre du pays, 25% à l'est et 26% à l'ouest. Le district de
Kampala, la capitale, est le plus peuplé avec 1,2 million de personnes;
suivi de Mabarara avec 1,1 million. L'augmentation de la population est
très significative, tenant compte de la diffusion du sida et de la guerre
dans le nord du pays. (Misna, Italie, 7 octobre 2002)
* Zambia. Women slam GM policy - Zambia's government has come under fire
over the food crisis, the worst in 10 years, with some 2.5 million people
in urgent need of food aid. Opposition politicians and women's groups have
criticised its decision to reject offers of genetically modified grain, and
say that people are now starving to death. The government has reacted
angrily, saying their critics are merely making political capital out of
the situation. At the weekend, an opposition politician reported that three
people in his Moomba constituency, in the drought-stricken south of the
country, had died because they did not have enough to eat. On 3 October,
the women's movement joined the fray with a strongly-worded statement
condemning the government's reaction to Zambia's food crisis. An umbrella
organisation of women's groups, the NGOCC, appealed to the government to
stop its political squabbles and get on with the job of feeding people
before more lives are lost. "The government should quickly provide the
needed relief food rather than refuting reports of starving people and
threatening to arrest members of parliament who demand food for their
areas," the group said in a statement. (ANB-BIA, Belgium, 4 October 2002)
* Zambie. Soutien au kwacha - Les négociants zambiens sont aux abois. A
partir du 7 octobre, le dollar américain va cesser d'être la monnaie
utilisée dans les transactions quotidiennes. Le gouvernement vient de
déclarer que toute transaction effectuée localement en monnaie américaine
serait considérée comme illégale et sanctionnée par une amende et même
d'une peine de prison. Le gouvernement qui essaie de soutenir le kwacha, la
monnaie nationale, fait face à une forte inflation et à un déficit
budgétaire. Les économistes reconnaissent que le kwacha est aujourd'hui
insolvable et que sa dévaluation face au dollar ne tarderait pas. Pour le
ministre des Finances, la stabilisation du kwacha ne pourra s'effectuer que
par le contrôle du taux de change. (Al Ahram Hebdo, Egypte, 2-8 octobre 2002)
* Zambie. Il dénonce la famine: arrêté - La police zambienne a arrêté un
député d'opposition qui avait révélé que trois personnes étaient mortes de
faim dans sa circonscription, a annoncé le 9 octobre son avocat. Après de
longs interrogatoires, il a été remis en liberté mais maintient ses
déclarations sur la famine dans sa circonscription. (La Croix, France, 10
octobre 2002)
* Zimbabwe. Elephant collision derails train - 6 October: A passenger train
derailed in Zimbabwe after it hit an elephant near Hwange in the west of
the country. At least 22 people were injured and taken to hospital. The
train was on its way to Bulawayo from the resort town of Victoria Falls.
The accident occurred on the edge of Hwange national park --one of
Zimbabwe's major tourist attractions, known for its abundance of wildlife.
There is no details on the condition of the elephant. (BBC News, UK, 7
October 2002)
* Zimbabwe. Dissidents banned from church - 6 October: A court has approved
a petition by the Anglican bishop of Harare to ban a group of Christians
from church after they protested his outspoken support of President Robert
Mugabe, the group's lawyer said on 5 October. Nineteen church wardens,
officials and choir members disrupted Bishop Nolbert Kunonga's sermons last
month to protest their political content and praise of Mugabe. The ban
takes effect tomorrow. Kunonga, head of the Anglican Church in Harare, has
divided Christians for his outspoken support of Mugabe's push to seize
white-owned farmland and distribute it to landless blacks. The interim
order banned them from worshipping at the main Anglican Cathedral in
downtown Harare and from visiting church-owned buildings and activities
until further notice. In court documents dated Sept. 25, Kunonga accused
the 19 church officials of disrupting services, with choir members refusing
to provide choral music and on one occasion leading the congregation into
"uncontrollably" singing hymns to stop the service. He also alleged some
church wardens failed to follow routine administrative and financial
procedures and were intent on subverting the authority of the bishop's
office. Mtetwa said the bishop's application and the court order were
unusual because under diocese rules, trustees needed to agree before any
legal action is taken. Disputes in the church are normally considered first
by the church chancellor and two registrars, all three of them lawyers.
Kunonga was elected bishop last year, amid accusations he used his
influence with the ruling party to secure the post. He was also accused of
firing priests who opposed his nomination. (CNN, USA, 6 October 2002)
* Zimbabwe. Gas stations run dry again - 6 October: The government said a
fuel shortage that has led worried drivers in Harare to endure long lines
to buy up gasoline could be blamed on fuel hoarding by private
distributors. Private oil industry executives said panic buying may have
been triggered by rumours that a new oil deal with Libya had run into
trouble. A report on new fuel shortages by a team of government
investigators is scheduled for release on 7 October, the state-owned Sunday
Mail newspaper reported. The government report said private distributors
were hoarding fuel, leading to panic buying that has caused gas stations to
run dry, the newspaper said. In the report, the Energy Ministry said the
main Harare depot of the state National Oil Company had sufficient reserves
to meet the capital's fuel needs. The National Oil Company of Zimbabwe, the
fuel procurement monopoly, said last month it was trying to raise US $9
million to pay outstanding freight and pumping charges for a consignment of
Libyan gas berthed at the Mozambique port of Beira, causing delays in
delivery. Its silence on whether delivery of regular supplies could be paid
for by the economically devastated southern African country has fanned
rumours of worsening shortages. Zimbabwe signed a new oil deal with Libya
on September 11 to supply US $30 million worth of gas a month for the next
year. (CNN, USA, 6 October 2002)
Weekly anb1010.txt - #7/7 - THE END
Un homme meurt chaque fois que l'un d'entre nous se tait devant la tyrannie
(W. Soyinka, Prix Nobel litterature)
Everytime somebody keep silent when faced with tyranny, someone else dies
(Wole Syinka, Nobel Prize for Literature) *
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