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Weekly anb0829_DX.txt #7

ANB-BIA - Av. Charles Woeste 184 - 1090 Bruxelles - Belg
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WEEKLY NEWS ISSUE of: 29-08-2002      CONTENTS

Contents of the Weekly News Files ANB0829.TXT
Contenu des différants fichiers Weekly News ANB0829.TXT

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* Africa	EU refuses to back GM food for Africa
* Africa	Children are the hardest hit by HIV and hunger
* Africa	The "McAfrika Burger" riles aid groups
* Afrique	Le rapport de Transparency International
* Africa	Tackling corruption
* Afrique	Sommet de la Terre
* Africa	World Summit on Sustainable Development
* Africa/USA	Bush to offer $4 billion in health and economic aid

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* Afrique aus.	Malnutrition et famine
* Algérie	Premier ministre chinois en visite
* Algérie	Intempéries: 30 morts
* Angola	Cabinda separatists call for an end to hostilities
* Angola	Angolan elite accused of squandering oil billions
* Angola	Annan pledges support for new Angola
* Benin	Shrine of Our Lady of Peace Is Consecrated
* Burundi	Government now understands repatriation regulations
* Burundi	Les négociations se poursuivent
* Burundi	Further fighting erupts
* Burundi	Accord avec le FMI
* Burundi	Attaque rebelle à Bujumbura
* Burundi	Réactions au protocole d'accord

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* Cameroun	Remaniement du gouvernement
* Centr	Afr. Rep. Plotters tried
* Centrafrique	Kolingba condamné à mort
* CAR-Chad	Tension remains high
* Congo-Brazza	Face à la corruption et la pauvreté
* Congo-Brazza	Amnistie pour les exilés?
* Congo-Brazza	Ninjas attack train
* Congo-Brazza	Déraillement d'un train
* Congo (RDC)	Immobilisme apparent?
* Congo (RDC)	L'accord de Pretoria menacé?
* Congo (RDC)	Décès de Victor Nendaka
* Congo (RDC)	Situation à Bunia (Ituri)
* Congo (RCD)	Follow-up to accords
* Congo (RDC)	Retrait des forces ougandaises
* Côte d'Iv	Cocoa tax increased
* Côte d'Iv	Pas d'amnistie pour anciens présidents

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* Egypt	Activist to appeal against his sentence
* Eritrea/Eth	All POWs to be freed
* Guinée éq/An	Exploitation pétrolière
* Kenya	Kenya herders accept UK pay-out
* Kenya	Elections en décembre
* Kenya	FBI theory of priest's suicide doesn't convince Nuncio
* Liberia	L'opposition boude la réunion de réconciliation
* Liberia	Opposition shuns peace talks
* Libya	Riled by human rights criticism
* Madagascar	Epidémie de grippe: 671 morts
* Madagascar	Restaurer l'autorité de l'Etat
* Malawi	Cholera ravages famished Malawi
* Malawi	Choléra

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* Mali		Vaccination contre le tétanos
* Maroc	Offensive intégriste
* Namibia	Nujome: "Namibia may soon decide to follow Zimbabwe's
* Namibia	Surprise reshuffle in Namibia example"
* Namibie	Menace d'expropriation
* Niger	IMF praises reforms
* Nigeria	Kaduna: accord chrétiens-musulmans
* Nigeria	Christians and Muslims reach an accord in Kaduna
* Nigeria	Probe into airline sell-off
* Nigeria	Fin de la crise institutionnelle?
* Nigeria	Impeachment -- Yes or no?
* Nigeria	Un homme condamné à la lapidation
* Nigeria	Debt payments suspended
* Nigeria	Suspension de paiement?

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* Rwanda	Meningitis kills 65
* Rwanda	Elections en 2003
* Rwanda	Délégation congolaise
* SaoTome e Pr	US naval base to protect Sao Tome oil
* Sénégal	Casamance: Wade exclut l'indépendance
* South Af/Zim	S. Africa to act over land seizures
* Sudan	Peace accord warning
* Sudan	Sudan rejects plea to halt 88 executions
* Soudan	Négociations de paix
* Sudan	Peace under threat
* Swaziland	Judgement in sedition trial
* Tanzania	Mosquito net manufacturers to supply re-treatment kits
* Tchad/Cam 	L'argent du pipeline
* Togo		Proposed media code draws heavy criticism
* Togo		Manifestations interdites

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* Tunisia	Journalist re-arrested
* Ouganda	Museveni propose un cessez-le-feu
* Uganda	Mixed reaction to rebel ceasefire
* UGANDA 	MISNA Director and two Combonians' accused
* UGANDA	Dernière minute - Le directeur de MISNA et
		deux confrères arrêtés par l'armée
* Zambia	Zambia warned over GM refusal
* Zambia	Archbishop Milingo returning to Rome
* Zambia	Schools feeding scheme for AIDS orphans
* Zimbabwe	Impending famine
* Zimbabwe	Les USA contre Mugabe
* Zimbabwe	Nouveau gouvernement
* Zimbabwe	Viols organisés?
* Zimbabwe	54 expulsions annulées?
* Zimbabwe	Confrontations continue

Bonne lecture - Enjoy the reading