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Amnesty International urgent action eastern DRC

source: Amnesty International

PUBLIC      AI Index: 62/008/2002

UA 159/02         "Disappearance" / fear of torture   30 May 2002
                   or ill-treatment

REPUBLIC OF       KIKANDI SHANDWE (m), aged 27, cousin of above
CONGO/RWANDA      Bernard BAFULWA BARANGA (m), aged 25

In the early hours of 27 May, the three men named above "disappeared" after
being detained by soldiers of the Rwandese Patriotic Army (RPA) at a house
they shared in the city of Goma in the Rwandese-controlled zone of eastern
Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).

The men were tied up and blindfolded by the soldiers before being driven
off in a red 4x4 vehicle to an unknown destination. According to some
reports they may be held at a private house in the city, belonging to a
Rwandese commander. Detainees are particularly vulnerable to torture and
ill-treatment in such unofficial locations.

The reason for the men's detention is not known, although may relate to
suspicions that they were in contact with a Congolese armed political
group, the mayi mayi, which is opposed to the Rwandese presence in the DRC.
Zélote Farini Luendo Shandwe is a member of a local children's
organization, Centre de Réhabilitation et d'Encadrement des Enfants
Orphelins (CERAO), Centre for the Rehabilitation and Training of Orphan
Children. He also worked as a driver for an important development non-
governmental organisation (NGO) in the region, Groupe d'Etudes et d'Actions
pour un Développement bien défini (GEAD), Study and Action Group for a
well-defined Development.

On 28 May another GEAD worker, Delphine Itongwa, was detained for several
hours before being released.  Her house, and the offices of GEAD and an
associated NGO, Bureau d'Etudes pour le Développement (BED), Development
Study Bureau, have since been searched by RPA soldiers, and records and
computer equipment seized.

On the same day a prominent human rights lawyer in Goma, Maître Joseph
Dunia Ruyenzi, was detained after he made enquiries to Rwandese military
authorities about the three "disappeared".  He was released unharmed after
several hours.


Large areas of eastern DRC are controlled by Rwandese forces and an allied
Congolese armed political movement, the Rassemblement congolais pour la
démocratie (RCD-Goma), Congolese Rally for Democracy, which has its
headquarters in Goma.

Tension in the region is rising, largely as a result of internal divisions
within the RCD-Goma.  Earlier this month more than 100 people were
reportedly killed as a mutiny by RCD-Goma troops in the city of Kisangani
was suppressed.  Many were civilians who were unlawfully killed. A number
of people suspected of supporting the mutiny were extrajudicially executed.
Human rights activists throughout the region have been increasingly menaced
by the authorities in recent weeks, and some have been forced into hiding.
A number of people, including civil society activists, have been detained
in recent days in Goma and Bukavu.  Amnesty International is actively
pursuing their cases. On 25 May, Pierre Ruyange, president of the Congolese
Hutu community in Goma, and his son Lovis, were shot dead by unidentified
assailants on the road between Goma and Sake in what is believed to have
been a political killing.

Torture and ill-treatment are common in Rwandese and RCD-Goma military
detention. Those suspected of involvement in armed political groups opposed
to Rwandese and RCD-Goma rule are especially vulnerable. Amnesty
International has also documented cases of deaths in military detention.
The use of the private residences of military officers to hold suspects is
frequently reported. In other cases, Congolese detainees have been secretly
and illegally transferred to detention sites inside Rwanda, making the task
of tracing them all the more difficult.

RECOMMENDED ACTION: Please send appeals to arrive as quickly as possible,
in English, French or your own language:
- calling on the authorities to immediately make public the whereabouts of
Zélote Farini Luendo Shandwe, Kikandi Shandwe and Bernard Bafulwa Baranga
who "disappeared" on 27 May;
- calling for the men to be protected from torture or ill-treatment while
they are detained;
- calling for the men to be allowed immediate access to human rights and
humanitarian organizations, to visits by family members and legal
- calling for the men to be released if they are not to be charged with a
recognizably criminal offence;
- calling for them to be held in a publicly-recognized official detention
centre, if their detention is to continue;
- calling on the authorities to end the harassment and detention without
charge of human rights activists as they pursue their legitimate work.


President of Rwanda
President Paul KAGAME
Office of the President
PO Box 15, Kigali, Rwanda
Fax:        + 250 84390
e-mail:      GOTOBUTTON BM_1_ presirep@rwanda1.com
Salutation: Your Excellency

Army Chief of Staff Rwanda
Brigadier General James KABAREBE
Acting Chief of Staff
Rwandese Patriotic Army
RPA Headquarters
Kigali, Rwanda.
Fax:        + 250 72863/ 77992
Salutation: Dear Chief of Staff

(These fax numbers may be difficult to get through to, but please keep

RCD-Goma: Please send an e-mail to  GOTOBUTTON BM_2_ rcdcongo@hotmail.com
or  GOTOBUTTON BM_3_ rcd_congo@yahoo.co.uk and ask for your concerns to be
forwarded to:

RCD Head of Justice and Human Rights
Maître Moise NYARUGABO
Chef du Département de Justice, Droits Humains et Réglement de Conflits
Rassemblement congolais pour la démocratie - Goma
Salutation: Dear Chef du Département

RCD Head of Interior
Dr Bizima KARAHA
Chef du Département de l'Intérieur
Rassemblement congolais pour la démocratie - Goma
Fax:        + 250 54 06 96
Salutation: Dear Chef du Département

COPIES TO: Diplomatic representatives of Rwanda accredited to your country.

PLEASE SEND APPEALS IMMEDIATELY. Check with the International Secretariat,
or your section office, if sending appeals after 11 July 2002.

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