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Humang rights commission adopts resolutions


UN Human Rights Commission Adopts Resolutions

UN Integrated Regional Information Networks
April 22, 2002
Posted to the web April 22, 2002

The United Nations Commission on Human Rights (UNCHR)
on Friday adopted resolutions on situations in Burundi
and the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) among
other countries, a statement from the UNCHR said.
In a consensus resolution on the human rights
situation in Burundi, the Commission welcomed the
numerous steps taken by the transitional government to
advance human rights and establish democracy,
condemned all attacks on humanitarian workers and
urged all parties to the conflict to end the use of
children as soldiers, the statement said.
The Commission also condemned the illegal sale and
distribution of weapons and related materials. It
requested states not to allow their territories to be
used as bases for incursions or attacks against other
states, the statement said, adding that it decided to
extend the mandate of the Special Rapporteur on the
Situation of Human Rights in Burundi for one year.
In another consensus resolution - on the situation in
the DRC - the Commission welcomed a series of positive
steps taken by the government, but expressed concern
at the adverse impact of the conflict on the situation
of human rights and its severe consequences for the
security and well-being of the civilian population
throughout the territory of the DRC, the statement
The Commission particularly singled out areas held by
armed rebels or under foreign occupation. It expressed
concern at all massacres and atrocities committed, and
at the continued recruitment and use of child soldiers
by armed forces and groups, the statement said.
The Commission also extended for a further year the
mandate of the Special Rapporteur, along with that of
the Special Rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary or
arbitrary executions, and a member of the Working
Group on enforced or involuntary disappearances to
carry out a joint mission to investigate all massacres
carried out on the territory of the DRC.

Servizio informazioni Congosol

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