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African Charter on Human & Peoples' Rights

Please Pass to all interested parties in African human rights.

Dear Sir.
I am currently working on a hyper-textual project concerning the African
Charter of Human and Peoples Rights, and the Arab Charter of Human Rights.
The main aim of this project is to analyses, compare & contrast, and explain
the basic tenants of both Charters from an international law, and human
rights perspective.
The uniqueness of this project lies within the new IT software that is being
used, which has been designed by our IT department at the Mediterranean
Academy of Diplomatic Studies ( Diplo Project). this software enables the
user to add links, make annotations, and create briefcases in an interactive
Furthermore, the initial research on the African Charter has been completed,
and we are ready to move into the next phase, which basically will rely on
the contribution of international lawyers, students of human rights, and all
those interested in the application of human rights from an African
Therefore, I am extending an open invitation to all interested in this
project to participate in this new research methodology. On my part i will
provide you with the software, and of course user names and passwords
enabling you to access the information, and contribute online to enriching
this innovative method of research.
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you are interested in this project
or seek further information.
Furthermore, please do visit the website we have created on
Hadeel Treiki
Hyper textual Researcher.
Human Dimension Program.
Mediterranean Academy of Diplomatic Studies.
University of Malta.