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Weekly anb0221_NDX.txt #7

Contents of the Weekly News Files ANB0131.TXT
Contenu des différants fichiers Weekly News ANB0131.TXT

===>  FILE/FICHIER ANB02211.TXT - 15 KB
* Africa. Malaria drug offers new hope
* Africa. 	G8 cannot provide immediate backing for Africa fund
* Afrique. 	L'OUA vers l'Union africaine
* Africa. 	Action against the Media
* Africa. 	Human rights
* Afr. Ouest	Utilisation de l'eau du Niger
* South.Afr.	Famine situation
* Algérie. 	Emeutes
* Algérie/Lib	Zone de libre échange
* Algeria. 	New government study
* Angola. 	Un général de l'Unita abattu
* Angola. 	Unita commander killed
* Burundi. 	Prisonniers politiques
* Burundi. 	Discussions de cessez-le-feu
* Burundi. 	Universités: revendications sociales

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* Burundi. 	Police crack counterfeiting ring
* Cameroun/Bén	Téléphones
* Cameroun/Nig	La presqu'île de Bakassi
* Cameroon. 	Cameroonians follow "AIDS healer"
* Central Afr.	Rep. Coup attempt trial begins
* Centrafrique	Procès report
* Congo-Brazza	Campagne électorale
* Congo (RDC)	Larger role for UN in Congo
* CongoRDC/Bel	La justice belge déboutée
* CongoRDC/Bel	Belgian war crimes law on trial
* Congo (RDC).	Droits de l'homme
* Congo (RDC).	Massacres et mouvements de troupes

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* Congo (RDC).	Dozens killed in clashes
* Congo (RDC).	Leader des Banyamulenge attaqué
* Congo (RDC).	Dialogue en péril
* Congo (RDC).	Towards the Inter-congolese Dialogue
* Congo (RDC).	Goma: Volcano emergency over, rebuilding must start
* Djibouti. 	Menace d'une catastrophe écologique
* Egypt. 	Hundreds die in holiday train fire
* Egypte. 	Incendie d'un train: plus de 370 morts
* Eritrea/Eth	Religious leaders meet
* Ethiopia. 	The country is stronger after purge
* Ghana. 	$20 million rice scandal
* Liberia. 	Droits humains
* Liberia. 	UN plea for civilians
* Libya. 	Closing submissions

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* Libya. 	Court rejects HIV plot charges
* Libya. 	Meeting Gaddafi's son and heir
* Madagascar. 	Political uncertainties
* Madagascar. 	Coup de force?
* Madagascar. 	On craint le pire...
* Malawi. 	Famine situation
* Malawi. 	Famine: appel des religieux
* Maurice. 	Démission du président Cassam Uteem
* Mauritius. 	President resigns
* Morocco. 	Steep rise in poverty
* Rwanda. 	Le nombre de victimes du génocide

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* Rwanda/Ug 	Meeting again
* Rwanda/Oug 	Décrispation
* Rwanda. 	Ntezimana remis en liberté
* Sahara occ. 	Quatre options
* West. Sahara	UN may end W. Sahara mission
* Sierra L/Bel	Key African arms dealer arrested
* Somalia. 	New cabinet without key warlords

===>  FILE/FICHIER ANB02216.TXT - 13 KB
* South Africa	AIDS village opens
* Afr du Sud	Sida: la querelle s'envenime
* South Africa	Mandela attacks Mbeki's AIDS policy
* Sudan. 	Apologising for food aid bombing
* Sudan. 	Sudan Catholic Bishops' Conference
* Swaziland. 	King's brother to draft constitution
* Togo. 	La loi électorale modifiée
* Togo. 	Protests against amendments to electoral code
* Tunisie/Liby	Accords de coopération
* Uganda. 	Govt. forces accused of involvement in arms' trade
* Zambia. 	Budget deep in the red

===>  FILE/FICHIER ANB02217.TXT - 12 KB
* Zimbabwe. Christians rebuke State media
* Zimbabwe. Tensions pré-électorales
* Zimbabwe. Lead-up to elections
* Zimbabwe. Sanctions européennes
* Zimbabwe. Independent media under pressure

Bonne lecture - Enjoy the reading