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ANB-BIA - Av. Charles Woeste 184 - 1090 Bruxelles - Belg
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Here is a statement by Catholic and Muslims in USA

DATE: September 14, 2001
FROM: William Ryan
O -202-541-3200
H -202-686-1824


WASHINGTON--Catholic Bishops and Muslim leaders issued a joint statement 
today (September 14) in response to this week's terrorist attacks on the 
United States.

Noting that Catholics and Muslims meet together regularly and engage in 
many civic projects, the statement says: "We believe that the one God calls 
us to be peoples of peace.  Nothing in our Holy Scriptures, nothing in our 
understanding of God's revelation, nothing that is Christian or Islamic 
justifies terrorist acts and disruption of millions of lives which we have 
witnessed this week.  Together we condemn those actions as evil and 
diametrically opposed to true religion."

This is the full text of the statement:

Catholics and Muslims meet regularly as friends and religious partners in 
dialogue and engage together in many community projects. We are fully 
committed to one another as friends, believers, and citizens of this great 
land. We abhor all terrorist acts and hate crimes and implore all American 
citizens to refrain from sinking to the mentality and immorality of the 
perpetrators of Tuesday's (September 11, 2001) crimes.

The U. S. Conference of Catholic Bishops and American Muslim Council, 
Islamic Circle of North America, Islamic Society of North America, Muslim 
American Society and numerous Islamic centers and councils have 
co-sponsored dialogues on religious themes and we commit ourselves to the 
many noble goals of interreligious cooperation. We believe that the one God 
calls us to be peoples of peace. Nothing in our Holy Scriptures, nothing in 
our understanding of God's revelation, nothing that is Christian or Islamic 
justifies terrorist acts and disruption of millions of lives which we have 
witnessed this week. Together we condemn those actions as evil and 
diametrically opposed to true religion.

We urge all American citizens to unify during this national tragedy and 
encourage cooperation among all ethnic, cultural, racial, and religious 
groups constituting the mosaic of our society. We appeal to American 
citizens to come to the assistance of the countless victims of Tuesday's 
crimes and the victims of any crimes of hate in the aftermath of those 
awful events. We join in supporting our Government in the pursuit of those 
who were responsible for Tuesday's terrorist acts, always mindful of the 
moral imperative to act with restraint and respect for civilian lives. We 
appeal to law enforcement agencies and the general public to assist those 
who may be targets of hate crimes. We entreat Catholics and Muslims to join 
together and with all people of good will in services of prayer and 
community programs promoting peace.

Most Rev. Tod D. Brown
Bishop of Orange
Chairman, Bishops' Committee for
     Ecumenical and Interreligious Affairs
     U. S. Conference of Catholic Bishops

Dr. Muzammil H. Siddiqi
Director, Islamic Society of Orange County
Islamic Society of North America

Aly R. Abuzaakouk
Executive Director
American Muslim Council

Dr. Sayyid M. Syeed
Secretary General
Islamic Society of North America

Naeem Baig
Secretary General
Islamic Circle of North America

Imam W. D. Mohammed
Muslim American Society


Reminder: The National Conference of Catholic Bishops and United States 
Catholic Conference (NCCB/USCC) were renamed the United States Conference 
of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) as of July 1, 2001.  Please use this 
designation when reporting on the Conference.  Thank you.

Veuillez nous excuser si vous avez deja recu ces textes - We apologise for 
any cross-posting
x - Le materiel contenu dans ce document ne reflet pas forcement les points 
de vue de l'expediteur. Celui-ci n'accepte aucune responsabilite' sur la 
precision des sources originales.  -   The material contained in this 
document may not be taken always to reflect the views of the sender. He 
accepts no responsibility as to the accuracy of the original sources.
x - Un homme meurt chaque fois que l'un d'entre nous se tait devant la 
tyrannie (Wole Soyinka, Prix Nobel litterature) -  Everytime somebody keep 
silent when faced with tyranny, someone else dies (Wole Syinka, Nobel Prize 
for Literature)
* Greeting from:
ANB-BIA   - Av. Ch.Woeste 184 - 1090 Bruxelles - Belgique
Tel (32.2)420.34.36-Fax 420.05.49 - E-Mail anb-bia@village.uunet.be
