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Weekly anb06218.txt #8

WEEKLY NEWS ISSUE of: 21-06-2001      PART #8/8

* Uganda. Freer market gives coffee farmers more cash  -  The 
liberalisation of the coffee industry in Uganda improved the farmer's share 
of the export price from below 20% in early 1990 to about 70% today, 
Uganda's Prime Minister Prof. Apollo Nsibambi has said. Nsibambi said this 
in a speech read for him by the former Chief Justice of Uganda Samuel Wako 
Wambuzi at the opening of the regional conference on coffee and other tree 
crops at the Sheraton Hotel, June 17. The one-week regional conference, 
organised by the Eastern African Fine Coffees Association (EAFCA) has drawn 
participants from Eastern, Central and Horn of Africa states, as well as 
global coffee organisations. "While the farmers would have had cause to 
celebrate however, the prices in the terminal markets have moved negatively 
against them," Nsibambi said. He however said the situation was not so 
desperate for the farmers to lose hope. "The answer lies in your coming 
together and exchanging views and agreeing on a common strategy that you 
will adopt and follow in order to improve the well being of the producer," 
he said. Nsibambi hailed EAFCA for their vision of enhancing quality and 
competitiveness of regional coffees in global markets.   (New Vision, 
Uganda, 19 June 2001)

* Zambia. Tribunal begins probe of ministers  -  An independent tribunal on 
18 June began probing allegations of corruption and abuse of office against 
three senior Zambian ministers who are close aides to President Frederick 
Chiluba. The tribunal is investigating the ministers for allegedly 
diverting more than $700,000 meant for road repairs to financing the April 
elections of the ruling Movement for Multiparty Democracy (MMD). Finance 
Minister Katele Kalumba, Home Affairs Minister Peter Machungwa, and Works 
and Supplies Minister Godden Mandandi have publicly denied any wrongdoing. 
The three ministers are among Chiluba's most trusted aides and are also 
members of MMD's powerful policy-making national executive committee. The 
tribunal, chaired by deputy chief justice David Lewanikawhich, will examine 
whether the ministers' conduct breached parliamentary ethics. If the 
tribunal finds them guilty, they could lose their parliamentary seats and 
cabinet jobs. The scandal emerged after a divisive congress of the MMD 
voted in April to allow Chiluba to seek office for an unconstitutional 
third term. Each term lasts for five years. Under intense pressure and a 
cabinet revolt, Chiluba chose to step aside. Western countries that provide 
millions of dollars in foreign aid to the poor southern African country are 
watching the hearings closely.   (CNN, USA, 18 June 2001)

* Zambia. "I was a stranger and you welcomed me"  -  Zambia's Catholic 
Bishops have issued a Pastoral Letter on the Situation of Refugees and 
Asylum Seekers in Zambia, on the occasion of World Refugee Day (20 June). 
It is also by way of preparation for the World Conference Against Racism, 
Racial Discrimination and Xenophobia, scheduled to be held in Durban, South 
Africa, later this year. In the Letter, the Bishops state that it is the 
human and religious duty of every Zambian to welcome refugees and to offer 
them the opportunity of taking part in their social setting. The Bishops 
insist that while the refugees arrive in Zambia destitute and looking for 
protection, at the same time they come with all their potential to 
contribute to humanity.   (ANB-BIA, Brussels, 20 June 2001)

* Zambie. Appels des évêques pour les réfugiés  -  A l'occasion de la 
journée mondiale des réfugiés (20 juin) et en vue de la Conférence mondiale 
contre le racisme, la discrimination raciale et la xénophobie, les évêques 
zambiens ont publié une lettre pastorale ("J'étais étranger, et vous m'avez 
accueilli") à lire dimanche 24 juin dans toutes les églises du pays. Devant 
des accusations systématiques de plus en plus nombreuses contre des 
réfugiés qui cherchent asile, les évêques mettent en garde la société 
zambienne contre un accroissement de la xénophobie. La Zambie a toujours 
gardé une tradition d'accueil pour les réfugiés venus d'autres pays 
(Zimbabwe, Namibie, Afrique du Sud, Mozambique, Angola, Grands Lacs...). 
Mais, selon les évêques, cette tradition semble mise en danger par la loi 
zambienne qui ne garanti pas aux réfugiés la liberté de mouvement, le droit 
à l'emploi ou à posséder des biens, et la nationalité à leurs enfants nés 
en Zambie. Les évêques demandent aux autorités d'accorder tous leurs droits 
aux réfugiés obligés de rester en Zambie pour de longues périodes et de les 
protéger de tout abus ou geste arbitraire. A la population, ils demandent 
de leur donner la possibilité de participer à toute la vie sociale, afin 
qu'ils puissent s'intégrer dans le pays et refaire leur vie dans la 
sécurité. Après avoir invité les fidèles et leurs pasteurs à ouvrir leurs 
communautés et leurs services sociaux à tous ces réfugiés, quelles que 
soient leur origine ou leur religion, les évêques parlent de la nécessité 
de réfléchir sur ce qui a amené les réfugiés dans le pays et sur la manière 
dont ils sont traités. Forcés par la guerre et la persécution à quitter 
leurs maisons et leurs familles, ils arrivent souvent dépourvus de tout, 
mais, riches de leurs traditions et de leur culture, ils apportent un 
potentiel humain qui peut contribuer à faire avancer le développement et à 
enrichir la société.   (ANB-BIA, de sources diverses, 20 juin 2001)

* Zimbabwe. Restrictions pour la presse internationale  -  Dans une lettre 
adressée au ministre zimbabwéen de la Communication, Jonathan Moyo, 
Reporters sans frontières a protesté contre les nouvelles restrictions 
imposées aux journalistes étrangers. RSF a demandé au ministre d'annuler 
ces mesures et de laisser les correspondants étrangers travailler en toute 
liberté sur le territoire zimbabwéen. Le 13 juin, le gouvernement a annoncé 
que les journalistes étrangers devront dorénavant demander leur 
accréditation auprès du Département de l'information au moins un mois avant 
leur entrée dans le pays. Les formalités de voyages ne pourront être 
engagées qu'après l'accord exprès du Département. Les correspondants 
étrangers déjà présents au Zimbabwe se sont vus intimer l'ordre de quitter 
le territoire afin d'effectuer leur demande d'accréditation depuis leur 
pays d'origine.   (RSF, Paris, 15 juin 2001)

* Zimbabwe. Foreign reporters restricted  -  Zimbabwe has announced 
stricter conditions on foreign reporters requiring them to apply for 
official press accreditation at least a month before an intended visit. 
State media announced that applications now have to be submitted to the 
Information Ministry in Harare or through Zimbabwe's diplomatic missions 
abroad. And journalists have been warned not to make travel plans until 
approval is given. The government has been waging a campaign against the 
independent media in Zimbabwe, with one eye on presidential elections 
scheduled for 2002. The BBC's Joseph Winter and another foreign reporter 
had to leave in February after officials accusing them of biased reporting 
against the government. Earlier this year, the printing presses of the 
Daily News, the country's leading independent newspaper, were blown up. 
Information Minister Jonathan Moyo accuses opposition groups, independent 
and foreign journalists of working together to fuel violence. The 
government's new conditions came a day after it announced the price of fuel 
was increasing by 70%.   (BBC News, UK, 15 June 2001)

* Zimbabwe. Human rights group goes bankrupt  -  The Zimbabwe Human Rights 
Organisation (ZimRights), once the leading human rights watchdog in the 
country, is bankrupt. The human rights watchdog went broke following the 
withdrawal of funding by its major donors who are unhappy with the 
organisation's in-house squabbles and the alleged infiltration of the group 
by agents of the Central Intelligence Organisation (CIO), the Daily News 
reported. Munyaradzi Bidi, ZimRights' national director, said: "We have 
serious financial problems. We have failed to pay our workers their 
salaries for May. I have not been paid either. Some donors have pulled out. 
We simply do not have institutional funding to meet our administrative 
functions. We are now poorer than we were four years ago." Twelve 
organisations were ZimRights' major donors. They included Norwegian 
People's Aid, Friedrich Naumann Foundation, Hivos, Danida, USAid, the 
European Union, Oxfam GB and the Norwegian and Swedish embassies. ZimRights 
sources said all donors had since stopped funding the 
organisation.   (IRIN, Southern Africa, 15 June 2001

* Zimbabwe. Rapidly deteriorating political and economic situation  -  19 
June: The Financial Times says that President Mugabe has agreed to allow a 
top-level group of Commonwealth ministers to help resolve Zimbabwe's 
rapidly deteriorating economic and political crisis. The expected 
initiative is expected to focus on the explosive question of land 
redistribution to landless black farmers, as well as on Zimbabwe's wider 
economic plight. But, Reuters has quoted Mugabe's spokesman as saying he 
was not aware of any talks around letting a Commonwealth team come to 
Zimbabwe. Reuters reports that riot police in Zimbabwe cleared barricades 
erected in a Harare township yesterday after protests against the 70% rise 
in petrol prices. Witnesses in the capital say new barricades were erected 
elsewhere. However, a bright note for a sombre situation -- Zimbabwe hopes 
a solar eclipse this week will help revive an ailing tourism industry hit 
in the past year by the country's political crisis. Travel agents say 
hundreds of tourists, mostly from Europe, have flocked to the country in 
the past week ahead of the eclipse on June 21, the first of this 
millennium. Northeast Zimbabwe, home to the spectacular Mana Pools resort, 
will experience a total eclipse of the sun on June 21 while in most other 
parts of the country at least 85 percent of the sun will be in shadow. 
Leslie Gwindi, who heads a committee promoting the eclipse to tourists, 
says most of Zimbabwe's hotels, especially in the northeast, are already 
fully booked. This is good news for a tourism industry struggling to 
survive a decline in arrivals after the political violence that marked 
parliamentary elections last year and the government-sanctioned invasion of 
white farms by war veterans. Industry officials estimate that Zimbabwe's 
tourism receipts fell by one-third to US $100 million last year from $150 
million in 1999. "The eclipse gives us an opportunity to re-market Zimbabwe 
as a safe international tourism destination and everyone that comes here is 
going to be an ambassador for the country afterwards," Gwindi told 
Reuters.   (ANB-BIA, Brussels, 19 June 2001)

* Zimbabwe. Mugabe backs plan for overseas land mission  -  President 
Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe on Wednesday "welcomed" a Nigerian initiative for 
a ministerial mission of seven Commonwealth states "to look into ways of 
easing the difficulties in relations between Zimbabwe and Britain on the 
land issue". A statement issued after talks in Nairobi with Daniel arap 
Moi, Kenya's president, marks a softening of Harare's stance on foreign 
involvement in the dispute over land expropriation. But it is seen by 
opposition parties in Harare as an attempt to deflect attention from the 
broader issues of the breakdown in the rule of law and the conduct of free 
and fair elections. The joint statement refers also to "the recent failure 
of the British government to honour its obligation [to finance land reform] 
was noted to be the fundamental cause of the current misunderstanding 
between the two countries". This interpretation is also to be rejected by 
Britain, which argues that it is not the principle of land resettlement but 
the manner in which Harare has conducted it that accounts for the 
withdrawal of UK and other donor support. Donors are also likely to reject 
the Zimbabwe claim -- also in the joint statement -- that illegal 
occupation of land has been legalised by the government's recent rural Land 
Occupiers Act. Political analysts say the focus on land in the statement is 
part of Harare's strategy to split the mission by building a coalition with 
Kenya, Nigeria and South Africa against the "old" Commonwealth of Australia 
and the UK. The seventh member is Jamaica.   (Financial Times, UK, 21 June 

Weekly anb0621.txt - #8/8 -  THE END

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