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"Tolerance and Hope"

Please find here below a Press Statement and the Catholic Bishops's 
Pastoral Letter "TOLERANCE AND HOPE"
addressed to the Church and the Nation.
Paolo Costantini.

Docuemnt N. 1


2 May 2001

Catholic Bishops Speak to the Church and the Nation in Pastoral Letter 
"Let our common enemy be poverty, disease and ignorance, not fellow citizens."

At their recent meeting (April 23-25) all nine Catholic Bishops of Zimbabwe 
agreed on a message entitled "Tolerance and Hope". They stress the 
God-given dignity of every human person. "In our country the holders of 
political power, including those claiming to be Christians, do tend to 
abuse their fellow human beings." Instead they underline that "it is an 
inherent right of the person to take part in the political activities of 
his or her society."

They deplore the political violence and resulting deaths and call instead 
for tolerance.

Those who hold public offices must work for the common good, not for 
personal self-enrichment. Those guilty of corruption must be brought to court.

Concerning the war veterans they say that the government must "ensure that 
the nation is not held to ransom by a few".

The land issue, the Bishops say, "should have been settled long ago". Land 
should be given to "people who are really in need of it. We should be 
careful not to create more injustices in the process of addressing 
legitimate concerns."

The Bishops call for national dialogue which the media, committed to the 
search for truth,  should faciliate. Media must "respect the dignity and 
integrity of every man, woman and child...and serve society as a whole, not 
just the narrow interests of the ruling party and government of the day or 
of the business sector alone."

They call on government to give more funding to the health sector and on 
people generally to fight AIDS by a behaviour change.

The Bishops ask Zimbabweans not to lose hope. "We should have hope in God 
and in the gifts and talents he has given us." They ask all for 
self-examination: what do you "contribute to the present situation of 
insecurity and fear?"

They plead for "unity of purpose and vision, in spite of different ideas of 
how best to achieve our goal". This needs tolerance. "There is no single 
Zimbabwean with the monopoly of truth."

They conclude, "Let our common enemy be poverty, disease and ignorance, not 
fellow citizens."

Released for publication by:

Fr Oskar Wermter SJ,


Document n. 2


Pastoral Letter
May 2001

Tolerance and Hope

The Lord God created the human person, male and female, in his own image. 
He gave them a dignity, which is above all creatures. Each person, whether 
old or young, poor or rich, has got the right to it and society with all 
its various organizations must recognize and uphold this dignity. No 
government or political party can appropriate it but must recognize, uphold 
and protect this human dignity which is God-given.

In our country the holders of political power, including those claiming to 
be Christians, do tend to abuse their fellow human beings. They just use 
them to achieve their own political ends and then dump them afterwards. A 
person is  only  useful as long as he is a means to their political 
ambitions. A human being is reduced to a thing that one uses and in fact 
abuses. A case in point is the way political figures and political parties 
have used our unemployed youth during election times. Violence, 
intimidation and threats are the tools of failed politicians. We 
must  point out to them that they are engaging in an unjust activity. As 
your pastors, dear brothers and sisters, we call upon you to uphold the 
dignity and sacredness of each person.

We would like to underline the fact that it is an inherent right of the 
person to take part in the political activities of his or her society. In 
dialogue with other members of society he or she will advance her political 
views or opinions. Society has the obligation to ensure that each member is 
free to express his or her political views without fear of being 
victimized. Political ideas or views are man made and therefore tend to 
vary with times, places, and situations. Frustration of this basic right of 
the person leads to turmoil in society. It impedes the harmonious 
development of the person and of society as a whole. In fact in a society 
such as ours, which is multi-cultural and multi-racial, we will always 
differ in opinions, and therefore we call upon every citizen to exercise a 
very high degree of tolerance.

The lack of this tolerance is clearly evidenced by the violence that 
continues to grip our country. It is a shame that we who claim to be modern 
resort to violence in order to advance our political ideas. We have 
witnessed with sadness the loss of human life and the destruction of 
property due to differences in political views or opinions. We Zimbabweans 
fought for justice, peace, democracy and economic well being of all our 
people. Each Zimbabwean has a right to security of life and property and no 
politician has a right to deprive any person of this right.

Public offices are supposed to serve the common good. We pay tribute to all 
those politicians and public officers who take seriously their role in 
working for the welfare of all. However we note with sadness that in many 
cases public officers come to be associated with self enrichment and 
corruption. There is need for transparency and accountability in public 
office. Allegations of corruption in such institutions as NOCZIM, GMB, War 
Victims Fund and so forth have undermined the government's moral ground 
from which it should operate. Those who have a case to answer should be 
brought to court.

The activities of war veterans, in both urban and rural areas, are not 
solving  problems in the proper manner. The closure of local government 
offices have denied essential social services to the people. It is the duty 
of government to ensure that the nation is not held to ransom by a few. We 
urge the government to allow the law enforcement agents to perform their 
duties without  interference so that there is a sense of security in the 
country. Let us remind each other of the fact that no one person or group 
of persons liberated this country alone. The great majority of Zimbabweans 
because of their love of freedom and sense of justice liberated it through 
their sacrifices. We believe that what was true in the hard sixties and 
seventies, that people loved freedom and justice, is still true today.

The one pressing issue which must be settled urgently, in fact it should 
have been settled long ago, is the question of land. We acknowledge that 
there is an urgent need of economic reform to redress the imbalances that 
exist in our society today where we have 75% of our population living under 
the poverty-datum-line. Unfortunately, the distribution of land has been 
marred by violence, deaths and intimidation. The programme of land 
distribution should target the people who are really in need of it. We 
should be careful not to create more injustices in the process of 
addressing  legitimate concerns. It is also important that the farm 
labourers are catered for in the exercise. Priority should also be given to 
the setting up of infrastructure and providing resources. Small scale 
farmers have proved that they can contribute meaningfully to the economy of 
the country.

The problems of a developing society are immense. No one person or party 
has all the answers. We need national dialogue. We need to listen to what 
all groups in society have to say. All citizens must be allowed to speak 
freely what their concerns are, fathers and mothers, farmers and industrial 
workers, the young starting out in life and the old who have seen life and 
its troubles.

This national dialogue, the media - both print and electronic - should help 
facilitate. To do this the media and media workers must be allowed to work 
in an atmosphere of freedom. There must not be any threats of physical 
violence against them.

Communicators must be committed to searching for the truth and the truth 
alone while respecting the dignity and integrity of every man, woman and 
child, and no one must hinder them in their task. Media must serve society 
as a whole, not just the narrow interests of the ruling party and 
government of the day or of the business sector alone. We need genuinely 
public broadcasting, complemented by competing broadcasters speaking for 
different groups in society. We therefore call upon all the media to help 
in the nation building process and not to fan violence in their coverage of 

The poor health delivery system is seriously affecting the majority of our 
people who are already suffering from the harsh economic environment. Our 
health institutions cannot even procure some essential drugs. We therefore 
urge our government to make  enough financial resources available to the 
health sector.

The reality of HIV/Aids pandemic is adding to the misery of our families 
and society as a whole. This really calls for behaviour change in our 
attitude towards morality and for Christian principles of abstinence before 
marriage and faithfulness in marriage to be observed.

In the present situation of social strife, political stalemate and economic 
decline, we should not lose hope. We should have Hope in God and in the 
gifts and talents he has given us. During this Easter season we celebrate 
that Jesus Christ conquered sin and death. This is our source of hope 
that  we too, through his power, will overcome the problems and challenges 
that face the nation now. The first thing is that each Zimbabwean should 
seriously examine himself or herself and honestly admit to themselves what 
they contribute to the present  situation of insecurity and fear.

The will to build Zimbabwe for all of us is still there, and God who gave 
us victory in the past is still present and with us. It is through 
dialogue, tolerance and confidence in the power of God that we will  come 
to build this nation as a family.

In unity we freed ourselves and today once more we need that unity: unity 
of purpose and vision, in spite of  different ideas of  how best to achieve 
our goal. This means we should be ready and willing to accommodate 
different views and really tolerate different viewpoints. There is no 
single Zimbabwean with the monopoly of truth. We need each person's 
contribution in order to really build up a true Zimbabwe. No person should 
be excluded from positively making a meaningful contribution to nation 
building. Let our common enemy be poverty, disease and ignorance, not 
fellow citizens. Let us unite our efforts  to defeat those enemies and we 
shall earn our rightful place in the family of nations.

We, the Catholic Bishops of Zimbabwe, urge the government, the private 
sector and indeed all the people of Zimbabwe to make every effort to foster 
this culture of tolerance and to work for unity to rebuild our nation. 
St.  Paul tells us that Christ's church is a single body with many parts 
(1.Cor.12:12f). Similarly as a nation we are one body with many parts, 
therefore whatever one part does affects the whole.

+	Patrick F. Chakaipa, Archbishop of Harare
+	Pius A. V. Ncube, Archbishop of Bulawayo
+	Alexio C. Muchabaiwa, Bishop of Mutare (ZCBC President)
+	Francis Mugadzi, Bishop of Gweru
+	Helmut Reckter SJ, Bishop of Chinhoyi
+	Michael D.Bhasera,Bishop of Masvingo(ZCBC Vice President)
+	Robert C. Ndlovu, Bishop of Hwange
+	Angel Floro SMI, Bishop of Gokwe
+	Patrick M. Mutume, Auxiliary Bishop of Mutare

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