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Please find here below the Communique issued at the End of the Plenary 
Meeting of the Catholic Bishops' Conference of Nigeria (CBCN) held in 
Abuja, from 5th  to 10th March  2001

anb-bia brussels, 13/03/2001


Issued at the End of the First Plenary Meeting of the Catholic Bishops'
Conference of Nigeria (CBCN) for the Year 2001, held at the Pope John Paul II
Catholic Centre, Abuja, from 5th  to 10th March  2001


We, the members of the Catholic Bishops' Conference of Nigeria, held our 
First Plenary Meeting for the year 2001 at the Pope John Paul II Catholic 
Centre, Abuja, from the 5th  to 10th March  2001.  The theme of our 
Conference was Building God's Kingdom of Justice and Peace.   After 
prayerful deliberation on matters affecting the Church and society in our 
nation, we issue the following communique.

"I have observed the misery of the people.  I have heard their cry.  Indeed 
I know their sufferings.  I have come down to deliver them" (Exodus 
3:7-8).  We, the Catholic Bishops of Nigeria see and  share in the misery 
of the people of Nigeria.  We know  their sufferings.  We sympathize with 
their cries that often go unheard.   In response to the cry of the 
people  and the call of the Lord,    we pledge our efforts and energy 
to  "bring good news to the poor, to proclaim liberty to captives,  and to 
the blind new sight,  to set the downtrodden free, to proclaim the Lord's 
year of favour" (Lk. 4: 18-19).

The building of the Kingdom of Justice and Peace is the commission and 
mandate Jesus  left for us his followers.   This mission   calls for 
conversion on the personal level, a spiritual  revolution in our behaviour 
and attitude to life.  It also calls for a response at the social level, 
challenging  us to play our part to ensure that truth and justice prevail 
so that our society can live in peace and tranquility.

We thank God for the opportunity to celebrate the Great Jubilee Year 2000 
at local and national levels.  It was a Year of Grace, rich with the Lord's 
blessings for the entire world, and for us in Nigeria.  We have 
experienced  signs of forgiveness, reconciliation and restoration.     We 
thank God that we are now in our second year of civil rule. The nation is 
witnessing a certain degree of civil liberties, freedom of assembly and 
freedom of expression.  Our relationship with the nations of the world has 
improved.  We are grateful to God that we have not been victims of  natural 
disasters, such as earthquakes and devastating floods. We have been 
spared  the armed conflicts ravaging  several  African nations.

While we thank God for his goodness,   we cannot  pretend that all is 
well.    What we witness every day in the lives of Nigerians is far from 
the kingdom of God. We see that government is failing to live up to its 
first duty to ensure the safety of life and property of its citizenry. 
Armed robbers continue to threaten our possessions and indeed our 
lives.  People are turning  to unacceptable violent  vigilante solutions 
because the official Security Agencies remain ineffective and unable to 
prevent or respond adequately to criminal activities.

Many Nigerians feel that their rights are being infringed upon where the 
Sharia law has been imposed as state law.  Because of Sharia 
law,   thousands have been forced to relocate from their places of abode 
and work  at great cost and loss to themselves. Many others, indigenes of 
these states, have nowhere to relocate to.  Others suffer in silence 
because they are too poor to relocate or powerless to seek legal 
redress.  We regard  this imposition of Sharia law as state law grossly 
irresponsible and unacceptable.

  We suffer from the  persistent and increasing fuel crisis and wonder why 
government cannot improve  this  situation. In the discussions 
concerning  the  de-regulation of the oil industry, we must consider the 
poor,  and ask  how this  will affect their lives, already impoverished and 
suffering from unending inflation.    In spite of promises and assurances, 
we experience longer and more frequent power outages,  and we are shocked 
that one  solution the government offers is to impose  a tax on the 
importation of generators.

We see the government at all levels dissipating scarce resources on 
expensive projects that do not directly improve the lives of the 
people.  At the same time,  so many salaries and pensions are months in 
arrears, with the excuse that there is no money.

  Democratic rule was re-introduced two years ago.  It is  being tried, and 
we believe, sad to say,  it is not living up to our hopes and 
expectations.  We see many members of the political class, at federal, 
state, and local levels,  looking not to the needs, even the most basic 
needs of the people, but spending time and money looking only to how they 
can be re-elected two years from now.  It is  surely a sign of a democracy 
which is deficient.

We experience the evils of corruption, and we read about them.   Going by 
the admission of the  Head of State to us in his message that  "Corruption 
continues unabated in our country,"  government seems powerless to stem 
this tidal wave, a wave which we believe originates in the halls of 
government itself.

We continue to demand as a matter of justice  the return of Church schools 
to the Churches.  However, throughout this discussion  we have continued to 
witness the deterioration of these schools, with attendant decay of moral 
standards among our children.

We hear the cries of women, desperate to survive and in the process,  sold 
and entrapped in  sexual slavery here and abroad. We are appalled at 
learning that over 15,000 Nigerian women live in forced prostitution in 
Italy alone.    We see an increasing number of persons suffering and dying 
from HIV/AIDS, and the major solution offered is the use of condoms.  This 
solution is not only unsafe, it is also counterproductive.  It encourages 
sexual promiscuity and is  morally unacceptable.  We hear calls for the 
legalization of abortion, calls not to protect, safeguard and share human 
life, but to destroy it.

Several factors are responsible for the current situation. Some go back to 
the historical foundations of the nation, and others have arisen more 
recently.  Prominent among them are the following:

Power has been taken away from the people, and put into the hands of an 
elite. The voice of the people is no longer heard in the halls of 
government and the people have become numbed and passive.  One reason for 
this is that  people do not have a proper understanding of the 
personality  and responsibility of the officials they elect in 
supposedly  free and fair elections. As a result, many  elected officials 
are not accountable and have no sense of service to those who elected 
them.   Small blocks of persons, either in government  or connected  with 
government, selfishly seem to obstruct  what the people want.

The crushing poverty and ignorance  of the people have left them vulnerable 
to manipulation by unscrupulous and self-seeking politicians, and other 
persons or groups who exploit them.  The people themselves appear 
complacent and passive, unwilling  to face the challenges of nation building.

We perceive an imbalance in the power structure in the land.  Hence many 
agitate for  a review of the existing structure  of Nigeria and the return 
of power  to the people.

In his message to  our Conference,  President Obasanjo,  realizing the 
depth of the problems of corruption, violence  and disunity, stated:   "The 
nation is knocking at the door of the Church for peace and harmony at this 
midnight hour.  Rise up and meet our need."   In response to this plea we 
will continue to play an increasingly  active and important role  as a 
positive element within the Nigerian society.

We direct  every  parish to  begin a programme  of basic education in the 
civic  rights and responsibilities of its members, especially through the 
Justice, Development, and Peace Committees.     If one does not know his or 
her rights, it is all too easy for  government and others to take them 
away.  In addition,  we commit ourselves to a nation-wide programme of 
education on the Social Teaching of the Catholic Church

We ask Nigerians to scrutinize and publicly call to task  elected 
officials,   law enforcement  agents, civil servants,  and those in 
business,   whose public service does not live up to the demands of 
probity.   In a special way, we expect Catholic faithful in  public and 
private life, to live up to the standards of the Gospel and  the values of 
the Kingdom..  Similarly, we enjoin  our members to say a clear and 
definite "No" to any public official who refuses to behave 
responsibly.   This should  be done peacefully and non-violently, but firmly.

In the effort to bring about  a more democratic climate and   build 
national unity on the basis of a true federalism,  a  national conference 
may prove helpful. Such a conference will succeed  only if it  is 
representative of all the people, from all parts of Nigeria,  men and 
women, rich and poor,  and not another  assembly of leaders who have 
already tried and failed  to rebuild the nation.  We are convinced that 
true federalism would recognize  diversity in unity, the right of every 
Nigerian to reside and work in any and every part of Nigeria.  It would 
also guarantee the  genuine federal character in all organs and  institutions
of government, especially  the judiciary, the military, the police and the 
civil service.

We commit ourselves to  be signs of God's Kingdom of justice and peace.  We 
will endeavour to   model what we wish for Nigeria, namely  communities of 
unity and  peace, where the gifts, voices, talents, hopes, and aspirations 
of the people are listened to.   In the Church and in civil society, there 
must be no first,  second, or third class members or 
citizens.   Discrimination based on gender, ethnic origin, religion,  or 
cultural prejudices is a violation of fundamental human rights.

We will collaborate with governments here and abroad, and with security 
officials in freeing women who are enslaved in sex exploitation overseas 
and returning them to their homes.    In pursuit of this, we encourage our 
faithful towards effective collaboration with existing national networks of 
Church societies, NGO's, and other established organizations.  We support 
the efforts of the Nigeria Conference of Women Religious  in spearheading 
this campaign.   We on our part will soon issue a Pastoral Letter on this 

Human life originates from God, is sacred and as such must be loved, 
respected and protected from conception to natural death.  God alone gives 
life and God alone can take it. Abortion is against the law of God.  Thus 
we  say "No"  and will continue to say "No" to abortion.  We will do so 
with our voices, our votes, and our feet.  We endorse the actions so far 
taken by the Catholic Women Organization of Nigeria, and other 
organizations in this regard.

  In the  light of the lack of progress and the ineffectiveness  of 
government initiatives  at national, state, and local levels,  we will 
intensify our efforts at providing  basic health and social services, and 
the building and improvement of schools.  At the same time, we continue to 
insist that government has the responsibility to provide basic education, 
health and other social services to the entire citizenry.  We also commend 
the gesture of those states that have already returned schools and 
hospitals  to their owners, and urge others to do likewise.

We will expand our programmes of HIV/AIDS awareness to stem this pandemic, 
and through sermons  and pastoral letters, instil in our people a 
compassionate response to those suffering from this condition.  In place of 
a condom mentality, we advocate a return to God's plan for human sexuality 
which demands pre-marital continence and fidelity in marriage.

The path to the Kingdom of Justice and Peace  will demand sacrifice. 
Self-interest must yield  to self-sacrifice and labour for the common 
good.  We must renounce   attitudes of greed and accumulation in favour of 
a  commitment to meet basic needs.  Nigerians  should be ready to take up 
this challenge.

In all of this we do not work alone.   We are willing to collaborate 
with  others who share our ideals and  our vision of the Kingdom.   In 
particular we stretch out a hand of cooperation to government at local, 
state,  and national levels.

We believe with the  prophet Ezechiel that the dry bones will live 
(Ezechiel 37)!   We also believe with the  prophet Jonah that even Nineveh, 
that great city,  changed its ways and turned to the Lord in repentance 
(Jonah 3).  We remain a people of hope especially as we continue to renew 
ourselves, heart and mind, during  this holy season of Lent.

Pope John Paul II urges us at the beginning of the New Millennium:
Let us go forward in hope.   A new millennium is opening  before the 
Church  like a vast ocean upon which we shall venture, relying on the help 
of Christ.  The Son of God who became incarnate  two thousand years ago out 
of love for humanity, is at work even today; we need discerning eyes to see 
this, and above all, a generous heart to become instruments of his work
(No. 58,   Novo Millennio Ineunte, January 6th, 2001).

Even "at this midnight hour"  it is not too late for Nigeria.  Nigeria 
has  the people, the resources, and the talents to do what needs to be 
done.  Through the intercession of Our Lady Queen of Peace and Queen of 
Nigeria,   we continue to pray that  Almighty God, whom most  Nigerians 
acknowledge as the Lord of history, will sustain our efforts in building 
God's Kingdom of Justice and Peace.

+ Most Revd John Onaiyekan                                      + Most Revd 
Joseph Ajomo
CBCN                                                  Secretary, CBCN
    Archbishop of Abuja                                              Bishop 
of Lokoja

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x - Un homme meurt chaque fois que l'un d'entre nous se tait devant la 
tyrannie (Wole Soyinka, Prix Nobel litterature)
x - Everytime somebody keep silent when faced with tyranny, someone else 
dies (Wole Syinka, Nobel Prize for Literature)
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