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Sierra Leone peace process - new online resource

Dear Friends,

We have just published 'Paying the Price: The Sierra Leone Peace
Process', which is the ninth issue in our publication series 'Accord:
An International Review of Peace Processes'. It is available both on
the web (http://www.c-r.org/accord9/index.htm) and in print.

I append below a flyer with more information about 'Paying the Price:
The Sierra Leone Peace Process', including how to order a copy.

With good wishes,

Rebecca Abraham
Conciliation Resources

PS: Please forward this message to anybody who you think may be
interested. If you do not want to receive similar messages in the
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Thank you.


Accord 9 - August 2000
The Sierra Leone peace process
Issue Editor, David Lord

The signing of the Lomé Peace Agreement in July 1999 sought to bring
to a formal end one of the most brutal civil wars of recent times. A
year on and Sierra Leone continues to be in crisis, as rebel forces
challenge the authority of both the UN peacekeepers and government
forces. Clearly the structure of the Lomé accord had fallen far short
of the challenges inherent in peacebuilding after more than eight
years of civil war. Sierra Leone, its regional neighbours and the
international community are currently faced with the daunting task of
moving from a crisis of effectiveness and credibility to
re-establishing an environment for sustainable peace.

This issue of Accord explores earlier attempts at bringing the
conflict to an end and in so doing seeks to draw valuable lessons for
the task ahead. Writers from within Sierra Leone and abroad, focus on
issues of justice and reconciliation, while also highlighting the
role of civil society.

Contents include

Introduction: the struggle for power and peace in Sierra Leone by
David Lord  http://www.c-r.org/accord9/index.htm

First stages on the road to peace: the Abidjan process (1995-96) by
Lansana Gberie  http://www.c-r.org/accord9/first.htm

The Lomé peace negotiations by Ismail Rashid

Lomé agreement summary  http://www.c-r.org/accord9/summary.htm

Implementing the Lomé Accord by Dennis Bright

Early civil society peace initiatives
- The Mano River Bridge initiative
- The National Co-ordinating Committee for Peace
- Civil society 'contact group'
- Diaspora actors

Civil society and peacebuilding: the role of the Inter-Religious
Council of Sierra Leone by Thomas Mark Turay

Grassroots peacebuilding in Pujehun by John Massaquoi and Frances
Fortune http://www.c-r.org/accord9/grass.htm

Sierra Leonean women and the peace process by Yasmin Jusu-Sheriff

Dialogue on justice and reconciliation http://www.c-r.org/accord9/dialogue.htm

Chronology http://www.c-r.org/accord9/Chronol.htm

Profiles http://www.c-r.org/accord9/profiles.htm

Further reading http://www.c-r.org/accord9/further.htm

To order a print copy of 'Paying the Price: The Sierra Leone Peace
Process', please complete the order form below and return to:

Accord Distribution,
PO Box 21067,
London N1 1ZJ,
Telephone:  +44 (0) 207-359 7728
Fax:  +44 (0) 207-359 4081
E-mail:   accord@c-r.org
(For information about back issues and subscriptions contact Accord

Order Form -  The Sierra Leone peace process,
Cost £15.00 / $25.00  + postage and packing
(Post and packaging - for the UK add 10% of the total value of the
order; for outside the UK please add 25%)

Name ...........................................
Mailing Address ................................
Number of copies	..........
E-mail / Fax....................................

We accept payment by:
o Cheque/international money order in pounds sterling or US dollars
made payable to  'Accord'
o Bank transfers (reference 'Accord') to Conciliation Resources
account 10022088 sort code 16-00-58   	Royal Bank of Scotland,
London Islington Branch, 40 High Street, London N1 8XJ
o MasterCard/Visa
  Card number _______________________Expiry Date_____________


Available in December 2000,   Accord issue 10: Tajikistan

'Accord: An  International Review of Peace Initiatives', is published
in print and on the web  (http://www.c-r.org/accord) by Conciliation
Resources. Each issue provides accessible analysis and comparative
examples from a specific peace process. Past issues have focussed on
Liberia, Guatemala, Mozambique, Sri Lanka, Cambodia, Philippines -
Mindanao, Georgia - Abkhazia and Northern Ireland. The series forms a
valuable resource for anyone seeking to understand the transformation
of armed conflict into a just and lasting peace.

For more information about Accord and Conciliation Resources please
visit our web site http://www.c-r.org/