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Weekly anb07068.txt #8

WEEKLY NEWS ISSUE of: 06-07-2000      PART #8/8

* Zambia. Prioritising poverty reduction  -  In a move to 
sharply focus on reducing the high rate of poverty in 
Zambia, the government announced on 29 June, that it has 
replaced the Enhanced Structural Adjustment Facility (ESAF) 
with the Poverty Reduction and Growth Facility (PRGF). 
Zambia's vice-president Christon Tembo announced the change 
saying it was in an effort to mainstream poverty reduction 
initiatives in the overall development framework of the 
country. Tembo explained that the replacement would now mean 
that concessional lending for low income countries from the 
multilateral lenders would be through the PRGF. Officials 
say the rate of poverty among Zambia's 10 million population 
is about 70 percent, with rural poverty continuing to be 
high at 83 percent compared to the 56 percent for the urban 
areas. Poverty levels in Lusaka are said to have doubled to 
52 percent since 1991. The new strategy envisages the 
effective integration of poverty reduction programmes in the 
macroeconomic framework. Tembo said government, together 
with its co-operating partners and the civil society intend 
to develop a national poverty reduction action plan whose 
target will be to reduce poverty to 50 percent in the medium 
term. Tembo was speaking in Lusaka when he launched a 
Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper (PRSP) under which the 
policies and targets in the PRGF programmes shall be based. 
"In the case of Zambia, indications are that we need more 
than Heavily Indebted Poor Country (HIPC) initiative, if 
poverty is to be reduced below levels of concerns," Tembo 
said. He said the country's current debt burden of over 6 
billion dollars was among the challenges to be tackled in 
order for the government to make poverty reduction a reality 
for posterity.   (PANA, Dakar, 29 June 2000)

* Zambia. Zambian and Angolan defence chiefs meet  -  2 
July: Zambian and Angolan defence chiefs create a special 
committee to investigate charges of border violations by 
each of their armies, a source of heated dispute between the 
neighbouring countries. The 10-member special committee was 
agreed in Lusaka after four days of talks by members of the 
Joint Permanent Commission that oversees relations between 
the two African states. In a statement, the Commission -- 
which includes defence and home affairs ministers, senior 
military, police and internal security officials -- said it 
had also agreed on increased Angolan and Zambian military 
patrols on the common border. The Joint Permanent Commission 
also called on the United Nations to hasten the deployment 
of UN observers and peacekeepers in Congo RDC, in line with 
the Lusaka Agreement, to ensure forward movement in the 
question.   (Reuters, 2 July 2000)

* Zimbabwe. L'archevêque de Bulawayo menacé de mort  -  Le 3 
juillet, la conférence épiscopale d'Afrique australe (SACBC) 
a exprimé sa vive préoccupation face aux menaces de mort 
contre l'archevêque de Bulawayo, Mgr Pius Ncube. Celui-ci a 
joué un rôle important en faveur de la paix avant les 
élections. Selon la SACBC, Mgr Ncube est menacé de mort pour 
avoir dénoncé les violations flagrantes des droits de 
l'homme et tous ceux qui exacerbent la violence dans le 
pays. Mais "à aucun moment, Mgr Ncube n'a donné une 
orientation politique quelconque à son discours, qui exhorte 
plutôt les autorités à faire de la paix une réalité", a 
indiqué la SACBC.   (PANA, 3 juillet 2000)

* Zimbabwe. Archbishop receives death threats  -  On 3 July, 
The Southern African Catholic Bishops' Conference expressed 
deep concern over death threats to Archbishop Pius Ncube of 
Bulawayo in Zimbabwe. Archbishop Ncube played an important 
role in appealing for peace in the run-up to the 
parliamentary election held 24-25 June in Zimbabwe. 
According to the bishops' conference, he spoke out against 
those who fostered violence and deplored the abuse of human 
rights that was evident in various parts of the country. In 
their statement, issued by the SACBC General Secretary, 
Father Richard Menatsi, the bishops say Archbishop Ncube 
"did so out of an obligation as a leader in the Church to be 
true to God's message of peace and love for our fellow human 
beings, and out of a deep concern for the welfare of his 
people. At no point did Archbishop Ncube advocate a 
particular political orientation, but implored those with 
power to make peace a reality", the SACBC said. In his own 
statement, "A Concern on the Present Situation in Zimbabwe" 
that was issued at the end of April, Archbishop Ncube said: 
"We make this communication, calling for our leaders to 
engage in constructive behaviour and all citizens to avoid 
violence and to contribute positively to the welfare of this 
country and all its peoples. As Church, we stand for justice 
and wellbeing for everybody. We are neutral and do not take 
sides with any political party." For this, President Robert 
Mugabe recently castigated the Archbishop for the poor 
performance of the ruling ZANU-PF party in Matabeleland in 
the election. Also, for the same reason, members of the 
Central Intelligence Organisation which co-ordinates 
government intelligence activities visited him during the 
campaign period. The SACBC believes it is in connection with 
the results of the election that he has now received threats 
to his life. "Courage in the face of injustice must be 
welcomed, and the Archbishop has shown such courage", the 
SACBC says in its statement. (Editor's note: The Bishops' 
Conference says it will hold the government responsible for 
the Archbishop's safety. Members of the Central Intelligence 
Organisation had "visited" the Archbishop several times in 
the campaign period.)   (PANA, Dakar, 3 July 2000)

* Zimbabwe. After the elections  -  29 June: European Union 
(EU) monitors say that those responsible for pre-election 
violence in Zimbabwe, which they blame on the ruling ZANU-PF 
party, must be brought to justice. At the same time, the 
head of the EU observer mission praises the conduct of the 
election and says he is heartened by messages of 
reconciliation made by the President and the opposition 
party. One of the key questions which will now determine 
Zimbabwe's economic future, is the reaction of the war 
veterans occupying 1,000 white-owned farms. President Mugabe 
has always said they should stay put until they are given 
land of their own. However, this could be a lengthy process 
as many of the owners of the 804 farms on the list for 
compulsory purchase, are expected to lodge appeals. The 
deadline for this is 3 July. 30 June: ZANU-PF is due to meet 
today, with President Mugabe coming under pressure to step 
down as party leader. The independent Financial Gazette 
newspaper is reported as saying that a group of 12 ZANU-PF 
Members of Parliament are threatening to side with the 
opposition if Mr Mugabe stays on and runs for re-election as 
President in 2002. 1 July: At least 25 further farms have 
been occupied since the elections. 3 July: The authorities 
are due to begin considering appeals against the seizure of 
white-owned farms. White farmers plan to offer 200 farms for 
sale to the government, in an attempt to preempt compulsory 
land seizures. 4 July: President Mugabe's nominations to 
fill Zimbabwe's 20 vacant parliamentary seats and cabinet 
posts, expected in the next week, may serve to intensify 
growing tensions within ZANU-PF. The EU calls on the 
government to re-establish law and order across the country. 
  (ANB-BIA, Brussels, 5 July 2000)

* Zimbabwe. Pas de gouvernement de coalition  -  2 juillet. 
Le Mouvement pour le changement démocratique (MDC - 
opposition) a rejeté les propositions du président Mugabe 
pour un gouvernement de coalition en vue de sortir le pays 
du gouffre économique. "Nous avons décidé d'être 
l'opposition officielle de ce pays et nous estimons que la 
ZANU-PF a assez d'hommes et de femmes pour former un 
gouvernement sans inviter l'opposition", a indiqué leur 
leader Morgan Tsvangirai. La ZANU-PF a alors tenté de 
persuader des membres de l'opposition en leur offrant 
individuellement des postes ministériels. Selon les 
analystes, le gouvernement chercherait à embarquer 
l'opposition en vue de regagner le soutien financier des 
bailleurs de fonds. - Le 4 juillet, des responsables 
européens ont indiqué que l'UE est disposée à accroître son 
aide au Zimbabwe, mais tout dépendra de l'attitude du 
président Mugabe en faveur de la réconciliation. L'UE doit 
prochainement débloquer une aide de 33 millions d'euros, 
mais si des "progrès réels et tangibles dans le respect du 
droit et dans les réformes économiques" sont enregistrés, 
cela pourrait être augmenté pour aider le pays à sortir de 
l'ornière.   (ANB-BIA, de sources diverses, 5 juillet 2000)

Wekly anb0706.txt - End of part 8/8

*  Le soleil n'oublie pas un village parce qu'il est petit...         *
*               --------                                              *
*  The sun does not forget a village just because it is small...      *
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