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Newsletter Anno 4, n. 16 - 11 ottobre 2006
- Subject: Newsletter Anno 4, n. 16 - 11 ottobre 2006
- From: "Circolo Culturale Africa" <segreteria at circoloafrica.org>
- Date: Wed, 11 Oct 2006 13:30:14 +0200
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NEWSLETTER DEL CENTRO DI DOCUMENTAZIONE E RICERCA PER LA CITTADINANZA ATTIVA Anno 4, n. 16 - 11 ottobre 2006 A cura di Gabriele Sospiro Con la collaborazione di: Isabel Davila (ID) Gulsah Biraderler (GB) Radost Peeva (RP) Paolo Sospiro (PS) ************************************************************* INDICE 1. INIZIATIVE AL CIRCOLO AFRICA 2. ATTIVITÀ DEL CENTRO 3. PRESENTAZIONE VOLONTARIA RADOST PEEVA 4. PRESENTAZIONE VOLONTARIA ISABEL DAVILA 5. FIERA ECO&EQUO 1 6. FIERA ECO&EQUO 2 7. PROCESSO A ELIF SAFAK E IDENTITÀ TURCA 8. CROAZIA NELLA UE? 9. JEUNES POUR LA NATURE D'EUROPE 2006 10. IL CAPITALISMO CINESE IN AFRICA ************************************************************* ********************************** 1. INIZIATIVE AL CIRCOLO AFRICA ********************************** Lentamente ma con il passo ormai sempre più rapido ha ripreso l'attività del nostro circolo. Venerdì scorso abbiamo ospitato il gruppo musicale touraeg IMARAN proveniente dall'oasi di Djanet in Algeria. Presto organizzeremo una serata turca e poi un'altra tutta dedicata all'unico Black President, l'indimenticabile Fela Anikulapo Kuti di cui l'anno prossimo ricorre il decennale della morte. Sempre in tema di black president, stiamo definendo la presentazione della biografia di Nelson Mandela pubblicata proprio recentissimamente. E poi ancora la riorganizzazione del nostro sito con alcune novità e maggiori possibilità di interagire con noi (sempre che lo desideriate..). E poi ancora.... viaggi in Etiopia per natale e Nairobi per il forum sociale mondiale a gennaio 2007. E poi ancora.... vi faremo sapere!!! *********************** 2. ATTIVITÀ DEL CENTRO *********************** Il Centro di Documentazione e Ricerca per la Cittadinanza Attiva è aperto il Martedì e Giovedì dalle 10 alle 13.00 e dalle 15.00 alle 18.00. Se avete libri da proporre così che noi possiamo acquistarli fatecelo sapere! Se state facendo una tesi di laurea o ricerche sull'immigrazione, sull'economia politica, o su temi riguardanti il terzo settore, etc. presso il nostro Centro potete ottenere informazioni ad hoc previa prenotazione telefonica. Per contatti ed eventuali prenotazioni 071/2072585 ---------------------------------------------------- The Center of Documentation and Research for Active Citizenship is opened Tuesday and Thursday from 10 to 13 and from 15 to 18.00. If you have any books to propose so that we can buy them please let us know. If you are working on your bachelor thesis or you are carrying out a research on migration, political economy, or issues inherent not profit, etc. in our Center you will able to get some information ad hoc. Telephone reservation is needed. For contacts: +39/071/2072585 ************************************************ 3. PRESENTAZIONE VOLONTARIA RADOST PEEVA ************************************************ I come from Bulgaria, which is a small country situated in Southern Europe. I live in Sofia, which is the capital of Bulgaria. When I finished my secondary school in Sofia at the age of 16 I decided to go to the United Kingdom to continue my education there. I entered a Business school in London for 3 years. Afterwards I was accepted at University to study Economics with International Relations. At the moment I am in my second year of my degree, I have one more year to graduate. The University is in a small town called Bradford, which is a very international place. There are many people from different places which creates a very friendly atmosphere to study. Last year, at the start of my second year at Bradford University I decided that I want to spend one year away from study for work experience. I wanted to become a volunteer for an organisation which offers opportunities for young people to deal with issues close to what I study. I wanted to experience something different, to interact with people from different countries and spend time abroad. That's when I found about EVS. I got in contact with the sending organisation "Everything is possible" which was situated very near to where I live. They explained to me what EVS was about and it was exactly what I was looking for. I started searching for projects close to my interest and to what I study. I was searching for projects in all countries in Europe, but I was hoping that I can get a project in Italy. I got in contact with Circolo Africa, which was looking for a volunteer and I applied for the project they offered me. It has been great experience until now to find out so much about EVS and different opportunities it offers to young people. I am very happy to have found Circolo Africa because my project is so closely related to what I study and I believe it will be a very interesting experience for me. Radost ************************************************ 4. PRESENTAZIONE VOLONTARIA ISABEL DAVILA ************************************************ My name is Isabel Davila, I arrive to Ancona the first of September of 2006 to begin an EVS Project called Making Future Together, which is developed by Circolo Culturale Africa and stands for the inclusion of the African Culture into the European society. Since the beginning of 2006 I've worked as an Associate Editor for an activist magazine based in Canada, called Adbusters. This magazine tries to become into a real source of information and a media channel without any profitable interest. Also intents to communicate to the world the real condition of many continents about their geopolitical, environmental, social, and artistic situation. I come from a Latin American country, Ecuador, where the inequality indexes are extremely high, for this reason I decided to dedicate my time in the research of the best alternatives to improve the terrible conditions of the population of these countries. In the past three years I've travelled inside a few different Latin American countries, and I've had the opportunity to understand through a closer perspective the geopolitical and socioeconomic situation of Chile, Argentina, Bolivia and Peru. From this experience I realize that it was important to learn the design and development of social projects from a solid organization. For this reason I arrived to Ancona to learn from this organization and to provide with my help in order to built a better integration of the African immigrants society and Europe ID ********************** 5. FIERA ECO&EQUO 1 ********************** I spend three days at Fiera di Ancona, where there were many enthusiastic organisations, which cause is to raise awareness of different issues connected with the environment and the political world. It was a very interesting experience to see that so many people are involved in causes that benefit the entire humanity. Issues such as the protection of the environment for example; it is a major issue that is important for all of us, since we need to be aware of the changes that are occurring due to our - human activity. Many organizations work hard to find solutions to problems that are caused by developing industrial activities, such as pollution, food contamination, nature soil. In our daily activities we do not stop and think about the environment. This is why, it is vital to organize such events to raise awareness of what surrounds us. The importance of showing that there are people who greatly contribute towards finding new ways to protect the environment, in the name of better and healthier living for us and our generations. Another thing that impressed me was the high number of organizations that excessively promote peace and equality. They were there to declare themselves as open minded, bounded to their idea of promoting peace in the whole of the world. I was very interested to meet people like this, who are talking of equality and who are willing to show that they may move on from their past, political or cultural differences, and become open and willing to evolve into peaceful and prosperous nations for their people, enemies, neighbors and so on. Speaking for Europe, Latin America, Africa and Asia, organizations were promoting the goodness of their countries, which shows their solidarity and willingness to reveal the best from their history, present and initiatives for the future in the name of peace between nations. They were also many organizations that represented the Balkans, nations that have suffered from many terrible wars between neighbor countries that have taken the lives of many of their people. They were there to represent their countries and show that they are able to move on from their past and look into the future with more hope and belief of more peace and understanding. RP ********************** 6. FIERA ECO&EQUO 2 ********************** In the city of Ancona, in the region of Marche, this past 6, 7 and 8 of October, took place the conference and show room for The Eco and Equo 2006. Which stands for the principles of developing an Eco energetic plan for the region and the basis for a sustainable development within the country and the rest of the world. This meeting brought to the community of the city of Ancona, many perspective of the new procedures in order to participate in sustainable development for the region of la Marche. A dominant objective within the public policies of the European countries has been the achievement of economic growth. The issue of sustainability has serious implications for this policy objective. Pursuit of economic growth is concerned solely with the present, whilst sustainability is concerned with ensuring the current generation meets its present needs without threatening future generations ability to do likewise. National accounts, such as gross domestic product, can measure healthy economies, but they can not measure sustainability. This was the aim of all the participants and the organizations involved, and all the meeting presented several alternatives to encourage the community and the public sector into the planning and the commitment for a sustainable development inside Italy and within the commercial and social relation with other countries of the world. This organizations that are actually participating at a global basis, are encouraging the society to cooperate in the social and environmental field of commerce. The products offered for the community were compatible with the environmental responsibility and they are giving the consumers the possibility to access into a more natural and healthy consumption of goods and food that at the same time will benefit the economical growth of many developing countries involved. ID ********************************************** 7. PROCESSO A ELIF SAFAK E IDENTITÀ TURCA ********************************************** This week all world media talked about a trial in Turkey. A prize-winning Turkish author Elif Safak had been accused of insulting Turkish national identity due to her book about mass killing of Armenians in the final years of Ottoman Empire in 1915. Turkey rejects claims of Armenia that calls killings as genocide. Turkey expresses that 300,000 Armenians and at least as many Turks died in civil strife when Armenians took up arms for independence in eastern Anatolia and sided with invading Russian troops. The trial took part on 21st September in Turkey and was seen by EU as a test of freedom of speech and human rights in Turkey. Safak risked up to three years in jail for "denigrating Turkish national identity" in her book, "The Bastard of Istanbul". She judged under the scope of Article 301 of Turkey's penal code, but at first session the judges cleared Safak in Istanbul. This trial had vital importance for Turkish people. Since she became candidate of EU membership, she has entered in a reform process and the trial of Safak was watched by all world and EU Commission, on 8th November, the European Commission will issue a report on Turkey's progress, which is expected to be critical of the reform process. Trial was not just important because of EU, but also it had vital importance for all Turkish nation who support EU membership or not, but want to have reforms in Turkey. And as a young Turkish person living in abroad, I watched this trial excitedly. For me, this trial was important not just for EU membership but for future of my country. This trial was opened because of the claim that the writer Elif Safak denigrated Turkish National Identity. But in my opinion opening of this trial denigrated Turkish National Identity in reality more than Safak. Turkey had coups in history and after coup data on 12 September 1980, we have had reform processes to be more democratic. In the region of Middle East, Turkey is seen as a good example to be Muslim and democratic at the same time. And membership of European Union is seen as an opportunity to have reforms, to be more democratic, to be respected to human rights and to have freedom of speech by people. Last days, this trial was on the top agenda of world media and it was written that Turkish nationalists made protestations against Safak and wanted her to judge. I think it is easy to put people in anger and provoked them. I hope all Turkish nation who loves that country, leftist, nationalist, rightist or who have different ideologies understand that these reactions damage Turkey, this shows Turkey as country of prohibitions. After trial, Prime Minister Erdogan who sent supporting messages to Safak said that he was happy due to result, but I think this is not enough and he should send parliament the scheme of amendment of article 301. I believe that if we are able to discuss about issues in a respective way without rejection of history, culture and religion, we can live together in happy societies. GB ************************ 8. CROAZIA NELLA UE? ************************ The EU's fundamental aim for the Western Balkans region (Serbia, Montenegro, Croatia, Albania, Macedonia and Bosnia & Herzegovina) is to create a situation where military conflict is unthinkable - expanding to the region: peace, solidarity, stability, prosperity and freedom, established over the last 50 years by the EU. For the countries in that region that have made sufficient progress in terms of political and economic reform and administrative capacity, the next step is a formal contractual relationship with the EU. This takes the form of a tailor-made Stabilization and Association Agreement. To date, Croatia, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and Albania have signed such agreements, while Serbia, Montenegro and Bosnia and Herzegovina have launched SAA talks. EU leaders granted Croatia official candidate status in June 2004, and accession negotiations were originally scheduled to start on 17 March 2005. However, the launch of talks was put off on 16 March pending Zagreb's "full co-operation" with the UN war crimes tribunal. Finally, on 3 October 2005, Zagreb received a green light for accession talks to begin. Croatia, a country formally part of Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, is now granted an official candidate status. Croatia is a country of about 4.5 million inhabitants (2006), has a stable market economy and better statistical indicators than some of the countries that joined the EU in 2004. However its political situation is difficult, due to its recent historical background, which is their main obstacle for hopeful EU membership. As a result of the dissolution of Yugoslavia, Croatia aimed to create an independent state for Croats. However this was not an easy task following TITO's 40 years of integration of the population of all the republics part of former Yugoslavia. He managed to sustain peace in the region this way throughout all his time as Head of Government. After his death this proved to be devastating. Croats fought against the Serbs who were excessively seeking new boundaries in parts of Croatia, where they were a majority. This created big political crisis and a war erupted as a result. It was a bitter conflict from 1991 to 1995. This war was shocking because of its brutality and because it was between people, who were once living together as one. Croatia's negotiation talks for EU membership have been postponed many times, the reason for this being their inadequate co-operation with the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) to co-operate in giving in the names of persons responsible for war crimes. However they have now started vast negotiations and Croatia is expected to be a EU member in 2009 if everything goes as planned. The EU mission is to maintain peace in the Western Balkans, following their violent and bitter conflicts. EU is continuing comprehensive negotiations with the countries of the West Balkans in order to keep its presence there and ensure that peace can be sustained. Croatia is their main 'window' from which they can keep an eye on the developments taking place. The EU is promoting vast reforms that Croatia must take into consideration in order for a successful EU accession and ensuring that Zagreb is fully cooperating with the international war crimes tribunal in The Hague. RP ******************************************** 9. JEUNES POUR LA NATURE D'EUROPE 2006 ******************************************** This project was based on the beautiful landscape of the Mediterranean coast in France. Only ten minutes from San Rafael ( France) was placed the camping La Velee du Paradis. We were 18 volunteers from Italy, France, Georgia and Russia, and since the beginning we knew this was going to be an unforgettable experience. Every morning we started our activities. At first we needed to get to know each other, so we practiced some activities in order to introduce ourselves and our nationalities; later on we started working every morning and every evening in the development of alternatives to improve the lifestyle of the European citizens towards a better understanding of the natural environment inside the cities and also multiple ways to generate environmental consciousness within the urban society. This activities included the development of basic and simple tasks which were design to facilitate an everyday living that will respect the natural resources inside the cities. In a few word we promoted the Eco-citizen behavior in our modern society. Besides the importance and the results obtained by this work on the environmental awareness, we also had the opportunity to exchange very valuable information about each of the countries involved. In this way we planned special evenings of each nationality that included traditional food, music, dances and even some interesting ritual from this particular cultures. This unforgettable experience put as all together into an incredible opportunity to learn more from this places in Europe in a very profound and friendly way. We all explored into our similarities and also entered into a whole new learning of the social, political, economical and environmental circumstances of each of the countries involved. During this two weeks we also had the chance to visit the city of Nice, also in the Mediterranean coast, where we had an incredible experience inside the lifestyle of a big city in France. We walked over 7 hours inside downtown and discover many interesting and beautiful scenarios with this ancient buildings that hold many years of tradition and culture of a typical beach town. The next day we went to Monaco where we were in fact overwhelmed by the beauty and singularity of this fascinating place. After two weeks of spending time together and sharing our common interest in protecting the environment, we became very close friends, this particular experience brought different nationalities together into an unforgettable friendship and gave us the opportunity to learn from each other and respect the background and traditions of this spectacular places. ID ************************************** 10. IL CAPITALISMO CINESE IN AFRICA ************************************** "We have turned east, where the sun rises, and given our back to the west, where the sun sets." President Robert Mugabe Zimbabwe, May 2005 The rapidly growing influence of China in the African continent has become an important issue to aboard. Even before the ending of the civil war in Sierra Leone, many activities of economical development were taking place in Africa from Chinese investors and companies. This activities are still growing everyday, and they are doubling each year. So why Africa and particularly Sierra Leona has become a new ground for the Chinese development? Sierra Leona is one of the poorest countries in the world, with sixty percent of young men unemployment, the brutal results of the civil war, the lack of access to running water and the absence of electricity resources. It is particularly hard to find the benefits from the British aid considering the real situation in this country. Long ago, most European countries abandoned Sierra Leona due to the difficulties of improving the conditions of the habitants in this country, but since the first China-African forum in the year 2000 a new alternative of development was reborn for this continent. The British say future aid will depend on Sierra Leone's progress towards democracy, meanwhile China follows a policy of 'non-interference' in African politics, and is not trying to tell any other country to be democratic, and started to provide real benefits with no further "conditions". On the site of an abandoned centre for disabled refugees, privately owned Chinese companies, have created Industrial Entry Zone, workshops and factories; In the city centre, a new multi-storey government office-block, military headquarters, and refurbished stadium are all the work of the Chinese. Second only to the United States in its oil consumption, China needs Africa's resources to fuel its own phenomenal growth. In oil-rich countries like Angola, Chad, Nigeria and Sudan, the influence of former colonial powers is waning. The Chinese government imposes no political conditions on African governments before signing contracts for exploration or production. No Chinese pressure groups lobby Chinese oil companies about 'transparency' or environmental damage. Not surprisingly, African governments welcome these undemanding new investors. These new actions that are considerably helping the social and economical situation of this and other countries in Africa, have also to be determined by the capacity of this continent to be prepared for this new growth considering also the side effect of it. This means that there are still some points that need to be covered, as the environmental future situation and the social development. Maybe some guidelines on these matters will provide also benefits for both sides and is necessary to stop treating the African continent as the provider of wealth for other countries with no intentions to return all the benefits that were took in the first place. Sustainability is the only tool left for the developing countries. ID ********************************************************** Il numero 16 di questa newsletter è stato spedito a 11285 indirizzi, per segnalazioni e suggerimenti scrivete a segreteria at circoloafrica.org. Il prossimo numero uscirà: il 24 ottobre 2006. --------------------------------------------------------------------- The number 16 of this newsletter has been sent to 11285 addresses. For suggestions please contact: Circolo Culturale Africa via San Spiridione, 5/a 60100 Ancona Italia Tel. +39/071/2072585 Web site: www.circoloafrica.org **************************************************************************** Nel rispetto della Legge 675/96 sulla privacy, a tutela di persone e altri soggetti rispetto al trattamento di dati personali, questo indirizzo e-mail proviene da richieste di informazioni o da elenchi (newsgroup). Per cancellarsi è sufficiente inviare un'e-mail a: segreteria at circoloafrica.org con la richiesta CANCELLAMI. If you do not want to receive any more our newsletter please send an email requesting DELETE ME. *************************************************************************
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