Inviting you to participate in PISTA 2006

Dear Abdoulaye Wade:

On behalf of the PISTA 2006 Organizing Committee, I would like to invite
you to participate in the 4rd International Conference on Politics and
Information Systems, Technologies and Applications: PISTA '06 In the
context of the 2nd International Conference on Social and Organizational
Informatics and Cybernetics: SOIC '06 ( ),
which will take place in Orlando, Florida, USA, from July 20-23, 2006.

The best 10%-20% of the papers will be published in Volume 4 of JSCI
Journal ( ). 12 issues of the
volumes 1 and 2 of the Journal have been sent to about 200 university and
research libraries, and 6 issues of Volume 3 (2005) will be sent to a
larger number of library. Promotional, free subscriptions, for 2 years, are
being considered for the organizations of the Journal's authors.

Also, we would like to invite you to organize an invited session related to
a topic of your research interest. If you are interested in organizing an
invited session, please, fill the respective form provided in the
conference web page, and we will send you a password, so you can include
and modify papers in your invited session.

Organizers of the invited sessions with the best performance will be
co-editors of the proceeding volume where their sessions' papers were
included and of the CD electronic proceedings. They will also be candidate
for invited editors, or co-editors of a possible JSCI Journal issue related
to their invited session papers.

You can find information about the suggested steps to organize an invited
session in the Call for Participation and in the conference web page.

If you need a detailed Call for Participation, don't hesitate in asking us
for it. You can also get it the conference's web site.

If the deadlines are tight and you need more time, let me know about a
suitable time for you and I will inform you if it is feasible for us.

Best regards,

Prof. José Vicente Carrasquero
PISTA 2006 General Chair

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