Weekly ANB1009_DX.txt #9

ANB-BIA - Av. Charles Woeste 184 - 1090 Bruxelles - Belgique
TEL **.32.2/420 34 36 fax /420 05 49 E-Mail: editor at anb-bia.org
WEEKLY NEWS ISSUE of: 09-10-2003

Contents of the Weekly News Files ANB1009.TXT
Contenu des fichiers  Weekly News ANB1009.TXT

Vous pouvez retrouver nos Weekly News sur notre site:
     www.anb-bia.org à la voix "Weekly News"
You can find all our Weekly News at our web address :
     www.anb-bia.org on the "Weekly News" link

===>  FILE/FICHIER ANB1009_01.TXT  15 KB
* Africa	Africa can meet MDGs
* Africa	Symposium of Bishops' Conferences underway
* Afrique/UE	Négociations commerciales régionales
* Afrique	Missionnaires canonisés
* Africa	UN warns of big food shortfall
* Africa	Missionaries canonised
* Africa	Action against the Media
* Afrique	Les évêques demandent "pardon" pour la traite négrière
* Algeria	Election splits cabinet
* Algérie	Crise au sommet
* Algérie	Opérations antiterroristes
* Angola	Marchers demand elections
* Angola	British Petroleum

===>  FILE/FICHIER ANB1009_02.TXT  17 KB
* Burkina F.	Failed coup plot
* Burkina F.	Complot déjoué
* Burundi	Thousands of civilians in flight
* Burundi	Peace talks in Pretoria
* Burundi	Accord de cessez-le-feu
* Cameroon	USA supports Cameroon's Electoral Process
* Cameroun	L'indice de corruption
* Central Afr	Rep. Kolingba returns
* Centrafr.	Dialogue national prolongé
* Congo (RDC)	Cessez-le-feu entre RCD-Goma et Maï-Maï
* Congo (RDC)	Ministres belges en visite
* Congo (RDC)	Massacre near Bunia
* Congo (RDC)	Nouveau massacre en Ituri
* Congo (RDC)	UN troops to deploy deeper into Congo RDC

===>  FILE/FICHIER ANB1009_03.TXT  17 KB
* Côte d'Iv	Huge march against rebels
* Côte d'Iv	Sauver le processus de paix
* Egypte	Nouveau mufti
* Egypt 	Militants freed in amnesty
* Egypt 	Tourism turnaround
* Egypte/Libye	Chénouda III décoré
* Erythrée	Démineurs kényans
* Eritrea/Eth	No new Horn border commission
* Ethiopia	Vital medicines arrive to combat malaria
* Gabon 	Gisement de manganèse
* Guinea-B.	Transition regime sworn in
* Kenya 	Three charged over murder
* Kenya 	"Africa can attain food sufficiency"
* Kenya 	Calls to sack judges
* Liberia	Rebel offensive
* Liberia	Tentatives d'apaisement
* Liberia	UN starts peace patrols

===>  FILE/FICHIER ANB1009_04.TXT  15 KB
* Libya 	Gadaffi quits Juventus board
* Malawi	School children killed under a tree
* Malawi	High Court nullifies constitutional provision
* Maroc 	Visite de Jacques Chirac
* Nigeria	Journalists harassed
* Nigeria	The All-Africa Games
* Nigeria	Grève générale annoncée
* Nigeria	Fuel prices controversy
* Nigeria	Corruption rife
* Nigeria	Former English captain to coach Nigeria's team
* Rwanda 	Résultats des législatives
* SaoTome/Nga	Better terms offered in oil auction

===>  FILE/FICHIER ANB1009_05.TXT  16 KB
* Senegal	Separatist war is over
* Sénégal	Opposant agressé
* Sénégal	Assises du MFDC sous le signe de la paix
* Sierra L	Energising the youth
* Somalia	More twists in peace process
* Somalia	Aid worker shot in Somaliland
* Somalie	Missionnaire laïque assassinée
* South Afr	Coetzee wins Nobel literature prize
* Afr du Sud	Coetzee, prix Nobel de littérature
* Sudan 	Newspapers suspended
* Sudan 	Critical stage in peace talks
* Soudan	La réinstallation des réfugiés

===>  FILE/FICHIER ANB1009_06.TXT  16 KB
* Chad  	Hoping for oil wealth
* Tunisie	Emigration clandestine
* Ouganda/RDC	Troupes à la frontière
* Ouganda	Grave accident à Jinja
* Uganda	Call to "buy off" rebels rejected
* Uganda	Security forces executions reported
* Uganda	Baby flight sparks row
* Uganda	Karamojong anger over cattle seizures
* Zambie	PME pour le tourisme
* Zambia	Marching against child rape
* Zimbabwe	La faim s'aggrave
* Zimbabwe	Another newspaper threatened
* Zimbabwe	Fire rages in national Zimbabwe park
* Zimbabwe	Arrestations
* Zimbabwe	Union leaders arrested

Bonne lecture  Enjoy the reading